Gradually_Adjusting , to Men's Liberation in Patriarchy harms boys and men, too. Helping them realize this is key to erasing toxic masculinity avatar

Is this sub about actual mens liberation and not just a reactionary movement?

homoludens ,

The former :)

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar


jeffw OP ,

Men’s liberation is a far cry from MRAs, which is probably what you’re thinking of

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

It's mainly what you see these days, isn't it. Lemmy is a different energy though, I like it.

TurtleJoe , avatar

The men's lib subreddit used to be very good as well. (It probably still is, I just haven't checked it in a while.)

Jarix ,

MRA is kind of the inverse i think because it typically is just about mens rights not egalitarianism. At least in my experience with it online.

I can accept im wrong if put to the test but i dont think im wrong enough that ill wait for a convincing argument before i burden myself with slogging through that much slop to find if theres good stuff underneath

jeffw OP ,

MRAs are mostly driven by their hatred of women

makeasnek , to Texas in Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" avatar

Another great reason why we need good, anonymous currency and more privacy in society. Everything’s all fine and dandy till your bank or google maps rats you out.

Telorand , to Texas in Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"

Oof, I hope all the "Texan for life" types are paying attention, because letting the GOP inject blatant propaganda into the veins of Texas is what has given us people like this.

Bonevac is proof that being a professor of philosophy doesn't mean your philosophy is good or that you have any skill in self-reflection or skepticism.

Edit: and according to his university bio, one of his professional interests is "Christian Philosophy." What. A. Fucking. Surprise.

retrospectology , to Texas in Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse" avatar

Additionally, Bonevac asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals."

This guy didn't get the memo that you can't go directly after the women themselves, only the doctors and people who assist them getting an abortion to create a chilling effect and harmful physical outcomes for the women.

If you try to go directly after the women legally and treat them as if they actually committed murder (putting them on trial, sending them to jail, executing them) it opens a whole political and legal can of worms that the right doesn't want to actually deal with.

The whole game starts the fall apart and forced-birth positions become exposed for what they are; religiously driven and misogynistic, and this results in those positions becoming impossible to argue in light of the clear intent in the constitution to separate church and state.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

This has Handmaid's Tale written all over it. Man I live in a fucking horrible state.

homesweethomeMrL , to Texas in Texas professors want to use abortion ban to punish students for "consensual sexual intercourse"

Texas freedum

refurbishedrefurbisher , to Texas in Texas Supreme Court rules against women who say their lives were endangered by state abortion ban

The Texas Supreme Court is incorrect

henfredemars ,

Maximum cruelty to women by any means

Crashumbc ,

The scary thing is the number of conservative women that support this torture

Telorand ,

It's the classic Boomer (which is mostly a Conservative demographic) trope of "fuck you, got mine." Their child-bearing years are long over, so time to be gigantic busybodies and force their subjective morals onto their children and grandchildren.

There's an elderly care crisis for the looming, and it's fueled by actions like these.

fsxylo ,

Miserable bitches trying to make more miserable bitches.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

'never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence'

most of those women don't know the difference between terminating a pregnancy and abortion. If that sounds stupid, you're right, it is, but it is also true.

Jafoo , to Texas in Texas GOP and UT-Austin leaders shift from championing free speech to policing protester intentions

Not surprising.... We humans are hardwired to silence anyone who dares to utter words challenging our own thoughts and beliefs out loud. It's not simply an accident that free speech only started to become viable in the last couple of centuries, and even then, only in a very few corners of Earth

Most nations still place draconian restrictions on what their citizens can say in public

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to Texas in Texas GOP and UT-Austin leaders shift from championing free speech to policing protester intentions

Shift? They never championed free speech, just conservative speech.

TheCynicalSaint , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

Disrespectful, NatC trash. People like that deserve to be hexed into oblivion and get stuck in purgatory.

lemmytellyousomething , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

As it says in the bible: It’s totally fine to insult minorities!!!11

newtraditionalists , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

What must it be like? To be so immensely mediocre, and think you are ordained by a deity? I imagine it’s actually a lot scarier than they lead on. And that’s why they freak out about literally nothing. They have no idea what the fuck is going on around them, but they are just aware enough to know those around them expect them to lead. They are dumb animals acting out of pure flight instincts, but they’re privileged enough that the systems around them won’t let them fail. It’s hilarious and maddening.

ULS , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

Gays are filthy though… Filthy FRESH!

cabron_offsets , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

Guarantee you he smokes fat dicks.

TakiMinase ,

People should open source surveil these creeps, you just know they go to secret motel hookups.

slacktoid , avatar

I mean someone constantly trailing these clowns… I’m willing to throw some money for that.

die444die ,

No but he probably is a pedophile.

taladar , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

the moral and Christian fortitude he aims to represent

I mean to be fair he is a good representative for the disgusting “values” that kind of religion instils in people.

alquicksilver , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict avatar

Yeah, well, I don’t want your inhumane filth in my species, senator asshat, but we don’t always get what we want.

Here’s to hoping his vengeful god strikes him down with something atrocious.

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