silent_water , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight avatar
420blazeit69 , to Politics in Why the Proud Boys' sentences matter: They're scaring the rest of MAGA straight

After being sentenced, Biggs called into a vigil held by pro-insurrectionists outside the jail and declared that his 17-year sentence was “insanity,” even though it was half what prosecutors had asked for. “They can kiss my ass. We’re still fighting all the way to the end,” he told the crowd, imploring them to “never give up.” He also called into “Infowars” to insist, “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

No one has been scared straight here. The ones who got got are martyrs to the cause and the ones who flip are traitors or plants.

They’ll either be more careful next time or they’ll be just as sloppy but convince themselves it’ll work out, because this time is different.

PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

No doubt. It hasn’t hit home…yet: the American public is unhappy with THEM.

So, for now, they are deluding themselves with magical thinking that a pardon is in their future. When it’s 2030 & their ass is still stuck in jail, and nobody gives a shit about whatever petty grievances they thought they had … then, and only then, will it sink in: it wasn’t worth it, and they wasted whatever platform they thought they built on a cause that used them like the tools they are.

420blazeit69 ,

The American public isn’t unhappy with them, though. Republicans are at worst annoyed and the large segment of non-voting/non-political people aren’t invested either way. It’s Democrats who are unhappy with them, but they already knew that.

then, and only then, will it sink in: it wasn’t worth it, and they wasted whatever platform they thought they built

If this comes to pass it still has nothing to do with “scaring the rest of MAGA straight.” At best you’ll have these assholes crying into their pillow in prison, forgotten by any significant movement outside.

Then there’s the possibility that they never get pardoned but become martyrs/celebrities on the right (already happening), or the possibility that Trump wins in 2024 and they do get pardoned. Again, nothing here to dissuade the broader MAGA movement.

PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

MAGA will go the way of 2004 George Bush voters; sure, he was elected, but try and find someone who admitted they helped him to his second term. "Oh no, I didn’t vote, I voted independent, I … " sure buddy.

“Republicans are at worst annoyed” – read what Pence has to say about that, alongside GOP senators + congresspeople who were cowering next to Democrats, wondering if that day was going to be their last. The killing of cops, the destruction and storming of the federal government, the strong arm of a private policy over foundations of democracy … that did not set well with the voting electorate. NeoNazis? Sure, they ate it up.

The guy who owns his own plumbing outfit and has three other plumbers working for him? That did and does not sit well, not at all.

Honestly, what Trump showed is that there is a thirst for politicians to reach out to issues that the majority cares about, and this majority doesn’t see identity politics as helping them. They/them, black lives matter, even MeToo, none of that shit is on the agenda of most Americans. People want to hear- we are helping protect your way of life, the life of your mother and father that you are trying to pass onto your son and daughter. That’s all Trump did, plus the worst overtones imaginable, despite having zero ability to deliver, which didn’t matter as he had zero intention of trying.

Adkml ,

“Republicans are at worst annoyed” – read what Pence has to say about that, alongside GOP senators + congresspeople who were cowering next to Democrats, wondering if that day was going to be their last.

And then when asked he said he’d still vote for hum if he was the candidate.

Im not sure how you haven’t figured out to recognize performative outrage from republicans at this point.

PuppyOSAndCoffee , avatar

good point. I still think when 10 MAGA 4 LIFE types go into the voting booth come the general election, Trump is not going to get 10 votes. He may not get 10 votes in the primary.

Sphere , avatar

MAGA is the 2004 Bush voters, my friend. Did you forget that Karl Rove engineered a win in Ohio by getting gay marriage on the ballot? Now those same hogs are squealing about “groomers” and attacking drag events. They didn’t go away before, and they’re not going to go away now.

refurbishedrefurbisher , to Texas in Texas Supreme Court rules against women who say their lives were endangered by state abortion ban

The Texas Supreme Court is incorrect

henfredemars ,

Maximum cruelty to women by any means

Crashumbc ,

The scary thing is the number of conservative women that support this torture

Telorand ,

It's the classic Boomer (which is mostly a Conservative demographic) trope of "fuck you, got mine." Their child-bearing years are long over, so time to be gigantic busybodies and force their subjective morals onto their children and grandchildren.

There's an elderly care crisis for the looming, and it's fueled by actions like these.

fsxylo ,

Miserable bitches trying to make more miserable bitches.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

'never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence'

most of those women don't know the difference between terminating a pregnancy and abortion. If that sounds stupid, you're right, it is, but it is also true.

dingus , to Politics in How did we get here? The dumbing of America, from Reagan to Trump and beyond avatar

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ -Isaac Asimov

I kind of agree with Asimov here, I think the cult of ignorance has been with us a long time, I think it springs from the puritans who emigrated here to escape the “persecution” of living in Europe during the Enlightenment. I mean, we’re talking about dumbing things down for a country that historically had witch burnings and more recently a Satanic Panic? The cult of ignorance has always been here, it’s just grown cancerous due to proliferation of misinformation and disinformation.

JoMiran , to Politics in Most recent ex-president arrested for fourth time: What the hell country is this? avatar

…nothing has ever been normal in American politics…

American politics have been pretty boring most of my life (I’m 50). Shit got weird with the “hanging chads” but we moved on fairly well. Newt Gingrich and crew were pretty nasty but nothing crazy. Then shit went off the rails with the Tea Party and MAGA.

spaceghoti OP ,

You…didn’t see how Gingrich and company led to Bush and the 2008 financial crash that then led to the Tea Party which is currently rebranded as MAGA?

squiblet , avatar

The way the republicans devoted the entire 90s to trying to crucify Clinton was notable. Then insane BS like Rush Limbaugh and the various angry sneerers on Fox. But also, Reagan…. and then back to Watergate, and JFK, and so on. So it’s been nutty for a while.

JoMiran , avatar

I didn’t say we weren’t in a slow moving train wreck, but it was all very boring. You know, a definitive lack of insurrection and treason.

spaceghoti OP ,

Ah, in the context of the lack of insurrection, yes. I’m not sure about the lack of treason, given the way Bush & Company blatantly lied to send us to war in Iraq. But I guess one man’s treason is another man’s free speech, right?

Unaware7013 ,

But I guess one man’s treason is another man’s free speech, right?

And we're going to see that same argument in court within the year...

spaceghoti OP ,

Oh, they’ve already made it. And it’s not going to fly.

motorheadkusanagi , avatar

The supreme court decided the outcome of a Presidential election and no one batted an eye lash.

That was pretty weird, IMO, and a hint of what was to come.

JoMiran , avatar

Yeah, that’s what I meant by the “hanging chads”, but we recovered without going crazy.

motorheadkusanagi , avatar

Oh, I think it encouraged the Republicans a lot more than you’re giving credit for.

So it may feel like things didnt go crazy, but I’d argue everything about 9/11 would have been different if Democrats were in office. Probably would not have invaded Afghanistan, for example. Probably wouldve had better handling of the economy leading up to the 2008 crisis.

But with that said, I do understand that for many, it didnt feel like it had a big impact.

grue ,

Shit got weird with the “hanging chads” but we moved on fairly well.

That’s an understatement! People think that Jan 6 was the only coup attempt in the United States since the Business Plot in 1933, but nope: not only should the Brooks Brothers riot count as a coup attempt, it was a successful one!

can ,

not only should the Brooks Brothers riot count as a coup attempt, it was a successful one! °

Not really an “attempt” then is it?

Franzia ,

Thank you! I thought I knew the whole 2000 election story, but here’s a detail I didn’t know.

taladar , to Politics in Oklahoma senator calls LGBTQ+ people "filth" while commenting on death of Nex Benedict

the moral and Christian fortitude he aims to represent

I mean to be fair he is a good representative for the disgusting “values” that kind of religion instils in people.

ram , to U.S. News in Trump melts down on Truth Social after judge says his denial "rings hollow and untrue" avatar

Very happy with how Engoron’s been handling the case. He’s not done anything unceremoniously harsh, but has been very firm in how his court will be conducted. I’m glad to see it after 3 years of judges treating Trump with tender care.

athos77 , to Politics in "I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor

I am not even allowed a Jury!

You were supposed to submit paperwork to request a jury. You did not submit that paperwork, so you do not get a jury. You have no one to blame for any of this except yourself.

AlecSadler ,

Hahaha, is this for real? That’s fucking hilarious.

Floon ,

Yes. His lawyer Alina Habba missed the filing deadline, so he didn’t get a jury.

protist ,

The people he’s talking to don’t know that and wouldn’t care about it either way. Trump’s word is gospel to a terrifyingly large portion of society

Piecemakers3Dprints , avatar

It’s funny how this “large portion of society” exists on the elder end of a bloated global population and the opposite demographic isn’t filling the ranks behind them… Who knows? Maybe humanity in general will get smarter simply with the exodus of the hur-dur horde. 🤞🏽

silent_water , to Politics in Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends avatar

“Dungan referred to a first grade student whose parent claimed they were so upset by a poster showing hands of people of different races, that they transferred classrooms.”

can’t wait until the Supreme Court reverses Brown

zauri27 , avatar

the way this country has been working... I don't even doubt it... fuck...

Swedneck , avatar

You mean it hasn’t already happened? God maybe there is some hope still

silent_water , avatar

not unless the Ds suddenly decide they want to fight back and pack the court or something. barring that, the right has a majority on the court for the next generation.

ElHexo ,

In practice there’s still extreme racial segregation across a lot of US schools. I recall a good article on the NY school system but can’t find it.

silent_water , avatar

oh I know. but they’ll dial that ratchet straight to 11 once Brown is gone.

Zombiepirate , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization" avatar

They’ll get over it.

david ,

Nah, Rump is a looser who hates admitting he lost even to himself. This will bug him for the rest of his life.

It’s so annoying when you can’t just pay people to shut up and agree with you or sack them if they don’t!

Zombiepirate , avatar

Oh, I’m counting on them all croaking being the event that makes 'em stop caring.

Works for me.

IHeartBadCode , to Politics in “I was just following orders”: Ex-prosecutor calls out Trump co-defendants for using “Nazi defense” avatar

Yeah this ain’t the defense they think it is and it’s crazy their attorneys are attempting it.

Believe it or not, people holding appointed office must follow the law first and not orders. Sometimes cited as a duty to disobey. It’s not always clear cut and if you go with this defense, boy you better hope it sticks with the judge.

Because if not, you’ve basically admitted guilt. And all it takes is one email with you CCed saying “I don’t think this is a good idea.” For a Judge to go, “So why didn’t you research that concern?”

Matches. They’re in a lake of gasoline and they using a defense of matches. Let’s see how that plays out.

Pratai , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization"

“Trump and sons rage……”

Music to my ears.

Vaggumon , to Politics in Trump and sons rage after judge delivers "the corporate death penalty for the Trump Organization" avatar

Too bad the death penalty is only for his New York business.

gregorum , to Politics in New Roger Stone video exposes how Trump and his lawyers faked distance from the Capitol riots avatar

In recent days, there’s been rising discussion of how the Constitution should, in theory, block Trump from being eligible to run for president again. Multiple legal scholars have pointed out that the 14th Amendment bars people from running who have violated an oath of office previously, “either through overt insurrection or by giving aid or comfort to the Constitution’s enemies.” Notably, the Constitution does not require a formal court conviction on insurrection charges.

By any reasonable measure, of course, this applies to Trump. Even if he insulated himself from direct communication with people convicted of sedition, it’s indisputable that he gave aid and comfort, and continues to do so by championing them and promising them pardons. But, of course, the law is not a button you push that automatically turns the clear language on paper into enforcement in real life. Without a mechanism to enforce the law or the political will to enact it, Trump is coasting straight towards a spot on a ballot he should, by law, be barred from having.


pingveno ,

One problem that I see. Who is the source of truth on whether he was part of a rebellion or insurrection? The 14th amendment is skinny on details as to what qualifies and process for making that determination.

_Sc00ter ,

rebellion or insurrection

Thats decided by who won. And since trump didn’t win, it’s an insurrection. Had he taken office, it’d be a rebellion.

History is written by the victor

someguy3 , to Politics in An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them

I’ve already seen the backflips when they try to ban books. Something something perverse therefore not protected under free speech.

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