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rikaxnipah , in My little sub of 13, no rules and like 5 posts has been threatened. avatar

Sad. Have you thought of making it on Kbin or Lemmy?

Pookie1804 OP , avatar

Already did. In fact I made a few and am working on getting the mod teams on Reddit to make the jump. I will then hand over the Kbin that is for them. I figured it would be easier if I have a place for them to land ready to go.

experbia , in Reddit Admins Deny Subreddit Users the Right to Vote for Further Blackouts avatar

Wow, I should think it should be some kind of regulatory concern that Reddit is artifically inflating traffic counts as they're approaching an IPO, no? For a company whose revenue comes from advertising and user impressions, lying about user traffic is lying about profitability.

grue ,

Reddit is also arguably invalidating their Section 230 protections by exercising too much editorial control over content.

demvoter , in Tracking Lemmy/Kbin Mobile Clients avatar

Saw this too. Doesn’t appear to have a name yet.

Mr_Jabroni , in Reddit usage metrics fall thanks to CEO's plan to boost revenue avatar

I'll stand by the idea that people were not mad about the API going paid, they were just disgusted by the way spez managed the whole situation. This was a PR nightmare from the beginning and his competence as a CEO should be questioned after all this is done.

phoenixdigita1 , in I'd like to encourage people on the fediverse to comment/upvote/post more than when reddit

I'd like to point out that the upvote/downvote buttons here on kbin don't behave like you are used to on reddit they are a little different.

  • Up arrow = Upvote on Reddit and Favourite on Kbin - This is very different to reddit
  • Down Arrow = Downvote on Reddit and Reduce on Kbin
  • Boost (at bottom) = On kbin this is the equivalent to a reddit upvote.

It kinda confused me when I looked at my profile the other day and my reputation was -2

I'd only made one single post and it had 17 "upvotes" and 2 "downvotes" so the -2 confused me a bit. That's when I realised the uparrow was not an upvote and didn't contribute to reputation. I suspect many others don't understand this either based on the interractions with my other post.

Edit: To be clear while "fake internet points" are not overly important to me. "Reputation" or similar do give me an indication if I am contributing to a community in a positive and productive manner.

Seeing -2 made me think "Who have I pissed off?" Till I realised that "Favourites" don't contribute to reputation.

2d , in Awkwardtheturtle banned - Rare Reddit Admin W avatar

ok why do we care about some other site's drama :3

silicon_reverie , avatar

Because you're literally browsing a magazine about that other site?

I agree that this particular mod getting banned isn't directly related to the migration efforts, but the overarching drama it's connected to is the main reason people are leaving Reddit for Lemmy. IE: admins becoming hostile towards moderators, developers, and redditors, resulting in an environment that the whole userbase is trying to flee. So even though I don't care about this "power-tripping asshole mod" (as another Lemming described him), I get how some people here might find the post useful and relevant.

BlueForestDev OP , avatar

Apparently awkward was responsible for a lot of the John Oliver spam in the subs he modded. Might be why he's finally gone now. He even contacted John Oliver on Twitter to cry about his suspension and ask for help lol See pic related

onepinksheep , avatar

Of course they're claiming responsibility for the John Oliver thing. Considering their history, I doubt it. But even if they were involved, it's the community at large that was responsible for the John Oliverification of Reddit.

KoboldCoterie , in Will I be banned? Looking to migrate from Reddit, but only if free speech is paramount. avatar

Let me preface this by saying that I disagree with your viewpoint in its entirety, and that I am not an admin nor an instance moderator on Kbin.

Here’s the thing. If your intention is to come into Kbin, or Lemmy, or any other space here, and start spouting your viewpoint anywhere and everywhere - for example, in Pro-Trans spaces, or in spaces that have nothing to do with gender, you can expect some heavy pushback, including (likely) removal from those spaces. If your intention is to come in here and find or create a community that is conducive to posting about your viewpoint, you probably won’t really have much trouble.

You sound like someone who is looking to make trouble, though, which is the only reason I can see for you to have posted this in this particular manner. If that’s your intention, I think I can safely say, on behalf of the Lemmy / Kbin community, fuck right off. There’s plenty of Lemmy instances that you can join that won’t kick you out for this viewpoint, so probably go find one of those.

NotAPenguin , in r/pics calls out spez' history as jailbait moderator, a former sub dedicated to actual CP. the post hit the front page with 15k karma in 4h, then got removed earlier today

Don't think he actually was a mod for it, you used to be able to just add people as mods without them having to accept.

Fuck spez anyways of course.

Kill_joy , avatar

Eh... If I logged on to my Workplace account (Facebook for corporations) and saw that I was made moderator of a Jailbait community would I:

A) Do nothing for years


B) Immediately remove myself and investigate that community to see if additional action needs to be taken


zero_iq , in Six verified Reddit employees discussing the current atmosphere at the company. Featuring "First the company needs to get rid of Steve", "It's garbage", and actively hoping to be laid off. : r/ModCoord

You know the phrase “business genius”?

Spez is a business idiot.

He’s had money thrown at him from VCs, thousands of people generating content, and administering content for free, sitting on a goldmine of data and goodwill and Community spirit, and he’s managed to lose money, burn bridges, and fuck up the whole deal all for thppe sake of chasing a few dollars of API revenue and a bruised ego. All while others make millions and gain significant community support using the exact same data with business models he could have just copied or shared in.

He’s had every opportunity. He’s fucked it up at every step.

Business idiot.

Fire spez.

hightrix ,

he's managed to lose money, burn bridges, and fuck up the whole deal all for thppe sake of chasing a few dollars of API revenue

Let's call this what it actually was though, there was no attempt at making money from the API. This was entirely to shut down 3rd party apps. Smart AI companies will just scrape reddit. The only people affected by this are 3rd party app developers and users.

This is even more amazingly incompetent. There are a near infinite other ways they could have handled 3rd party apps not showing ads, but they instead chose the brute force method that makes no one happy.

Reddit is incompetence. That is their lifeblood.

zero_iq ,

Fair point. And yes, there’s just so many ways he could have made money from third party apps and their users without trashing them. The AI explanation just didn’t make any sense to me at all.

A business brain would have followed the money. He’s just following half-witted ideas/ego. I don’t think he really realises or understands what he had.

ArugulaZ , avatar

Business idiot, social idiot, regular idiot... he's got all the bases covered.

yarr , avatar

Spez personally will do just fine. He’ll exit with a golden parachute.

DRx , in Unofficial Subreddit Migration List (Lemmy, Kbin) avatar

Interesting list, saving for later

Kuujaku , (edited ) in Reddit Data Retrieval Request timeline thread avatar

Submitted: 2023-06-21
Received: 2023-07-06

8 year old account.

EDIT: (for Firefox) If you can't remember the date and want to know, you can get it by opening your firefoxes profile directory -> find places.sqlite -> open it with sqlite3 command line or with some gui software and execute this:

SELECT datetime(visit_date/1000000,'unixepoch') AS visit_date, url, title
FROM moz_places, moz_historyvisits
WHERE = moz_historyvisits.place_id AND url LIKE '%';

EDIT: Added received date

Gamers_Mate ,

For firefox on windows which sqlite manager extension should I use? The SQLite Manager I found says "This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing."

abff08f4813c OP ,

I've only tried using sqlite from the command line, but binaries in a zipfile are available for windoze.

Kuujaku , avatar

I had this picture in my head that sqlite-manager by lazierthanthou was still available, but now looking into it seems like it has been abandoned for quite some time. My bad! But about this "new" add-on i do not know.
For command line use you can use the binaries like @abff08f4813c said, which can be found here or some gui program like for example DB Browser

Gamers_Mate , (edited )

Awesome thankyou.
Submitted 2023-06-22
Received 2023-07-09

(It feels weird putting the year and month before day.)

Edit: I finally got to delete my account.

Wyrdletini , in Unofficial Subreddit Migration List (Lemmy, Kbin) avatar

if you are looking for the r/catsubs of the Fediverse, here it is![email protected] or Kbin search: @catsubs Or Lemmy Search: !catsubs

I can’t speak to whether or not those subs are “official”

CarlsIII , in New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July)

@Friend. Do you have any tips for being able identify which instance a post is from? The “@**.” part of an instance name is usually cut off, and often the post title will say “” next to it even if it’s not a kbin post. The only way I know for sure to tell is to click on a post and scroll past all the comments.

Edit: for example, this post:[email protected]/t/100869/YSK-If-you-make-popcorn-in-a-pot-on-the

The post title clearly says next to it. By he community label just says “youshouldknow.” It looks the same way from my home page: The only reason I know it’s actually on is because I scrolled past all the comments, and also it’s in the url (which i am only looking at here because I copied and pasted the direct url for the post.)

Edit 2: I should probably also clarify that I am on mobile, so mouse-over’s are a no-go.

cendawanita , avatar

@CarlsIII try click on More at the original post and select Copy to Fediverse. That'll get you the originating url. This works for every type of post and comment.


CarlsIII ,



Again, this is all way more work than it would be if the post just showed the instance in the first place. I already know I can find out what instance if I do some scrolling and clicking. I would prefer to just have the “” added to the community name in the post (and to not display “” on posts that aren’t even from kbin. I still haven’t heard an explanation for that.)

cyberian_khatru , in New kbin user guide (preparation for impending wave of reddit migrants in July) avatar

A few points:

-I feel like even this short guide is overcomplicating it for 90% of potential users. Just add a tl;dr at the start about checking out the relevant settings (top bar, notifications), subscribing to magazines, and navigating to the "subscribed" feed. Like, if I want a hot shower I don't need to know where the water comes from or how pressure is determined by the bermoulli formula, just say what do I press to get the water to come out hot.

-Explain that collapsible comments are coming and there's a userscript for people who are into that.

-I don't think that this separation of tiers is efficient for anyone. Like, if I want to know how to see the local feed is that lurker or addict.

-I think it's overcomplicating threads and microblogs. Yeah, I didn't know there was a difference between replies and comments but it's never been relevant for me this past month. One is like reddit and is compatible with lemmy, the other is like twitter and lets you talk to mastodon users (and misskey, and calckey,...).

-On that note, some people get overly confused with the concept of federation (in part because people usually overcomplicate it when explaining), and this problem is compounded on a platform that also interacts with instances from other platforms. You can just keep it simple and say "you have an account on a website which has its own content. There are others that look exactly the same with different users and content, but you have access* to all of that too".
*unless admins decide to defederate specifically from your website, like what beehaw did.

Ironic that I said to keep things short and then wrote a huge comment.

dismalnow , in Random Account Suspension avatar

Might be your usage of the API, but there's really no information you've provided that we could use to do anything other than guess.

Starting to wonder if they've decided to scrape user IDs from here and lemmy and compare to their own DB to try and scorch the earth.

abff08f4813c ,

I don't think the scraping is the full reason. I was not on lemmy/kbin or any other part of the fediverse and I still got this random permaban, in fact it happened before the pricing changes were announced on May 31st.

Also, my username there is different to what I'm using on the fediverse.

Prior to being permabanned I also never used the API for anything. Only used it for the scripts to wipe my account clean (so being permabanned doesn't typically prevent one from creating the API tokens or actually using the API, it seems).

dismalnow , avatar

Well that rules out (most) of the malicious possibilities. What we're left with is probably either Hanlon's razer, or something you commented about spez.

If it's the latter, the four accounts I nuked are still alive.

abff08f4813c ,

Sadly, it wasn't the later. I never mentioned spez and didn't even know what the CEO's name or username was until the blackouts (i.e. after i got permabanned).

dismalnow , avatar

VPN? They have this half-baked user "reliability" rating system that they claim "identifies known alts".

Which is marketingspeak for "we log ips," I think. If they did that as poorly as everything else, it's possible they think you're the last guy to use that vpn before you.

Also.. sorry for grilling you. Just curious.

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