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nevernevermore , in The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning. And I personally feel like I won. I showed my support for Christian and 3rd party apps, I abondoned ship quickly and I've found a new home on the fediverse.

I also stopped using facebook and instagram 18 months ago. They both still exist, but I won. I'm happier now without it. Job done.

Poggervania , avatar

This is the mindset people should be having. Reddit is gonna be fine regardless of all this, and time will only tell if the Fediverse becomes big enough to be a competitor as a social media platform.

Truthfully, I was on the fence of leaving Reddit because of how much I didn’t like the hivemind there on the majority of subs. I still go on there for my niche and specific communities that aren’t on the Fediverse, but I pretty much just lurk there once every so often instead of actively participate - I instead actively participate on the Fediverse because the community is genuinely waaaaaay better than Reddit’s community ever was, even with the FOSS app gatekeepers here.

LinusWorks4Mo , avatar


raze2012 ,

the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it's about the users winning.

if only. Lotta people really thought they could make reddit worried and that if they rebelled enough they could fix reddit. If it wasn't going to work after that 2-3 day blackout, it wasn't going to work. The mod in that article said it best:

“More than a month has passed, and as things on the internet go, the passion for the protest has waned and people’s attention has shifted to other things,” an r/aww moderator wrote in a post about the rule change.

And yeah, attention span on the internet is low. If you can't fix, it's best to start rebuilding what you want elsewhere. The best time for a backup community was 5 years ago; the second best time is now, so we don't have this problem of "where do we go from Reddit?" in another 5 years. If more people had the courage to leave, it may have ended in a better protest than these attempts to ruin the IPO or whatever.

Better to play the long game for now. This won't be the last drama, and it's simply better to make sure any jank is fixed for the next time people get frustrated and seek greener pastures. That slow burn is how we create a proper platform.

freebread , avatar

Well put

ivanafterall , in Russia fines Reddit for first time over 'banned content,' RIA says

"We'd like to make it $4 million." -Spez, probably

nicktron , in Ukrainian Soldiers Unleash Fury: Liberating 3 Square Kilometers on Bakhmut! avatar

Why is this posted to RedditMigration…?

BoobiesUnite , in It is good to see that the spirit of reddit still lives

Welcome to the fediverse! things are still kinda janky here but I find people are more helpful and it feels good to be a part of something new!

Also its not filled with shitty monetization schemes LOL

habanhero , in It is good to see that the spirit of reddit still lives

Welcome to the Fediverse and all, but some things (like that thread train) are okay to stay with Reddit, just my personal opinion.

zazaserty , in Submerged Berlin: The Aftermath of a Violent Storm - Don't Miss This Shocking Footage! avatar


Gordon_Freeman , avatar

I'd say it's a "karma" farming bot

ihab OP ,

Greetings to you

ihab OP ,

Greetings to you

ModernRisk , in Reddit’s menswear hub is the latest casualty of its battle with moderators | TechCrunch

Reddit May have won?

I’m willing to debate that. I still think majority of the people who provide actual information, memes and helps are gone to other platforms (such as Lemmy).

Most of Reddit’s stuff are quite much just reposts of old stuff. Only ones that have newer content are the niche* subreddits or the very specific subreddits to one thing.

Uranium3006 , in Reddit’s menswear hub is the latest casualty of its battle with moderators | TechCrunch avatar

Reddit is doing the mod swapping in a creepy way. First the community is banned, then it comes back under new management by corpo drones

CIWS-30 ,

I don't see how this works in the long run, if they have to put paid corporate drones in charge of moderation. Wasn't the entire point of Reddit that they don't have to pay moderators?

This kind of strategy is lose / lose. If spez want an IPO, well this kind of crap is tanking that IPO.

NotTheOnlyGamer , avatar

The "corpo drones" in this case are people willing to follow the directions from Reddit/Advance Media, but not get paid.

Uranium3006 , avatar

This is a terrible plan and it's failing as expected

ModernRisk , in Maybe it's fine to leave some people behind...

Let these people be miserable on Reddit. I’m worried if they come here, it’ll become more toxic.

LambLeeg ,

Well, Reddit is known to have a toxic community. I mean, when someone tells about Reddit irl then they get the “you’re an idiot” look from strangers. Like, we all know how deeply censored Reddit is. Now it’s dead for a slew of people in favor of Lemmy, ain’t it nice?

xc2215x , in Maybe it's fine to leave some people behind...

Well I'm not communist yet I am here. Not everyone on Lemmy is one.

bbplay13 ,

Lemmy/Kbin user here. Hardcore Capitalist and absolutely hate Communism.

LambLeeg ,

Yeah, here it totally works. Couldn’t say that on Mastodon. Almost everything is left oriented there.

CIWS-30 ,

It's true. It's why I feel that Mastodon will never replace Twitter. It's too much of a left wing circlejerk / bubble, and they're actively hostile to even moderate viewpoints. much less actually conservative ones.

I'm probably in the minority in this, but I believe that even people I don't agree with should have a platform and be tolerated as long as they're reasonable and willing to compromise and show respect, as long as they're not racist nazi nutjobs.

The world isn't exclusively made up of one set of ideas, and you shouldn't shut out 75% of all viewpoints just because they don't agree with yours, imo.

Madison_rogue , in Reddit’s menswear hub is the latest casualty of its battle with moderators | TechCrunch avatar

Reddit may have won...

Now let's outline how they really lost in the rest of the article.

ForestOrca , in They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub - r/Blind avatar

This is part of the reason I left reddit, deleted my 12 year account, and moved in here. Yay KBIN!! Onward to the Fediverse!

Blaze , avatar


ForestOrca , avatar

By way of helping to build-out the Fediverse I created @SantaFe and @photobiomodulation

It ain't much, but it's hones work. LoL.

Blaze , avatar


For SantaFe, you might want to look for other New Mexico communities to get them to reference your community to bring additional visibility.

For photobiomodulation, maybe contact the people at !physics / ?

ForestOrca , avatar

TY! I should def. do that for m/SantaFe.

I'm not so sure for PBM, as it's not really a physics thing so much as a therapeutic modality. Do you think it would appeal to physics nerds? I mean, it's amazingly cool that different colors of light applied to the body can have so many varied beneficial effects. And of course a wide range of people would be super interested in that, right?

Emperor , in Reddit’s menswear hub is the latest casualty of its battle with moderators | TechCrunch avatar

Could have just boiled that down to:


Terevos , in 11 year old account deleted today. Final straw. avatar

Yeah but it’s not like that can’t happen on Lemmy.

Pratai OP ,

It can’t. I can create another account and post freely In that community if necessary. This mod blocked me from ever posting there under ANY account under threat of perma-ban Reddit-wide. And without any recourse. I cannot appeal-

All for proving a mod wrong.

limelight79 ,

Mods on reddit do not have that ability.

Pratai OP ,

Yeah…. they absolutely do. I had an account banned from Reddit for posting in a sun that an alt account was banned in.

KalChoedan ,

Yeah, no. Subreddit mods can't do that, only the sitewide admins.

It's easy to prove this as anyone can create a new subreddit and see exactly what functions mods get. They don't get the ability to issue sitewide bans, only bans from their own subreddit.

Pratai OP ,

The point is, they can make it happen. It even says so in the ban notification.

“Any attempt to circumvent this ban by using alt accounts will result in a sitewide ban.”

Wether they do it themselves, or report you to admins, the end result is the same.

KalChoedan ,

Mods don't have any more ability to do it than any other user. They literally just have to use the "report user" function, same as anyone else on reddit. There's no secret special back door access to the admins that mods get. This is literally one of the things that mods complain about - they don't have any way to deal with ban avoidance and alt accounts except to hit "report" and cross their fingers.

Pratai OP ,

Bullshit. Mods ban from subreddits, and report circumvention to admins. Regular users don’t have any way of knowing if your using an alt. The point is-

That shit can’t happen here.

KalChoedan ,

Mods don't have any extra way to report users to admins that all users don't have access to. It's literally just the "report user" button.

Mods certainly don't have any way to detect alts beyond just knowing their community and manually spotting posts with a similar style to known troll accounts.

Seriously dude, you can see exactly what tools mods have access to just by creating your own sub and just fucking looking for yourself. The mod tools are shit, they get virtually nothing, certainly nothing like you seem to imagine they have. The fact that the mod tools are shit and have been shit since forever and that the admins have made promises to sort them out but never done anything about it are some of the major contributing factors in the protest and the move here. The API change were really just the last straw.

You're obviously butthurt over getting banned but based on your attitude here you probably deserved it.

Pratai OP ,

I’m telling you- I had an entire account banned for posting in a sub after an different account was banned from that sub. This is NOT something any normal user would be able to do, so….

You’re clearly full of shit and come off like a butrhurt Reddit mod defending the chest puffing.


KalChoedan ,

I don't doubt for a minute that you managed to earn a sitewide ban - you certainly seem like the sort.

All I'm saying is that mods don't have any way to give a sitewide ban and (beside educated guesswork), they don't have any way to detect alt accounts either. They don't have any backdoor access to the admins beyond the "report user" button that every person on reddit has access to. These aren't even things that are in any way in question, because a) literally anyone can create a new subreddit and see exactly what tools mods get and b) exactly these issues were infamously central to all the recent protests.

You're the one whining about your sitewide ban my friend. The only person showing signs of any butthurt in this thread is you.

Pratai OP ,

You’re the one not understanding what’s being explained to you. So again, you’re clearly either a complete dumbass, or you’re a Reddit apologist here to stir pots.

We’re done here as I’m not about wasting my time with trolls.

KalChoedan ,

I'm 100% understanding what you're saying. I'm telling you:


You're welcome to go create a subreddit and see for yourself exactly what tools mods get. They don't have the shit you think they do.

GenghisKhan ,

See my message above. It happened to me. This large sub's mods tracked my alt accounts and got the admins to perma ban me on all my alt accounts. I had 3 different accounts for 3 different sets of interests. I don't know how they did it but they did.

Gargleblaster , avatar

I'm pretty sure the sitewide admins have a bot that detects ban evasion. The mods share the message with you, it's the same message on every sub.

KalChoedan ,

The admins might well have some sort of automation, but mods certainly don't have any visibility of it and the admins never talk about it. Outside of the customisable "ban reason" one liner in the ban message, the entire message is automated (and defined by the admins) - the mods don't write it.

Gargleblaster , avatar

What sub were you moderating?

Something big like r/videos or something small like r/Iputdoritoesinmyshoes?

KalChoedan ,

A couple of smallish warhammer related subs - /r/battlescribe and r/Eldar/ - not tiny subs, but only a few tens of thousands of users - nowhere near the size of something like /r/videos.

GenghisKhan ,

I got perma-banned from reddit for participating in a sub under a different account after I got banned. The sub in question banned me because I called out a player as a criminal for assault and bullying. The reddit ban message said mods reported my participation under alt account to the admins. There was no recourse to appeal any bans. Fuck reddit and its toxic mods. That's why I am here,

limelight79 ,

Reddit admins have the ability. Mods do not.

Pratai OP ,

Mods can request to have you banned, so it’s the same thing. I know as it’s happened to me.

It even says so on the ban notification. That if you try and circumvent the bad with an alt, it will result in a sitewide ban.

It’s irrelevant who has the power if a buthurt mod can appeal to have to banned, it means the same thing.

Gargleblaster , avatar

A year ago, I was banned from r/politics after accruing about 450k karma from that sub alone.

I had a temporary ban of 3 days for some choice words I shared with a Trumpist.

A couple of days after the ban ended, I got perma-banned for violating the previous ban, which I didn't think I did. When I asked the mod team, they responded that reddit AI or a bot had detected it. They gave me a link that said the bot does detections but is not 100% perfect. I asked for evidence. They refused because they didn't want to reveal how the bot worked. They told me I could contact reddit admin instead. Reddit admin responded that I could contact the mod team for that sub... That was some Kafka-esque shit.

In any event, the perma-ban came with the threat that I would face a sitewide ban if I tried to evade the ban. The mods can't do that, but reddit admin can.

I assume they are looking for other accounts with the same IP address to detect ban evasions.

limelight79 ,

Reddit admin has been pretty consistent about letting mods run the subs the way they want, except in cases where the mods are encouraging brigading or breaking laws. For the former, they’ll let that go a few years before they do anything about it, though.

Putting aside your specific situation: Threatening a site-wide ban for circumventing a sub’s ban comes from dealing with users that are complete pieces of shit and refuse to follow the sub rules and keep coming back with new accounts to troll. The site has to raise the stakes to get them to stop; what other options are there? I’ve been active on online forums for years; one had to ban a whole city for a while because users there kept logging in and starting shit (they were coordinating with each other).

On the other hand, if the user started another account and followed the sub’s rules, who would even think to check? It’s unlikely that person would get a sitewide ban.

Mr_Buscemi , avatar

There’s really no way a reddit mod can know if you are ban evading on an alt. Only way is if you admit to it which they can then report to the admins.

Basically just don’t admit to evading a ban and you would have been 100% fine from the mods.

This is all coming from somebody that’s modded subreddits with millions of subscribers.

Pratai OP ,

I never admitted to it. Was banned on one account on politics for calling a trumper a little bitch for whining about anti-racism laws- then logged into that sub with an alt a day later and had my account banned.

They clearly have the authority to know when you’re circumventing. I never said a word about it, and didn’t even comment in the same post as my banned account.…/ban-evasion#:~:text=So how does R….

GenghisKhan ,

Dude, I believe you. Same shit happened to me. That's why I'm on kbin and lemmy. These people have no idea.

BlondieBuff , in They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub - r/Blind

Funny how r/blind saw this coming from a mile away

Sp00ky94 ,

They really did. I could have swore I saw r/blind officially migrate to Lemmy or Kbin a week or two weeks ago as well.

1Fuji2Taka3Nasubi ,

They run their own customized Lemmy instance at .

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