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GeenVliegtuig , (edited ) in Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?

I didn't delete anything, because there's quite a bit of programming & tech advice. I always knew reddit was profiting off my contribution, everybody should have known that from the beginning.

I'll stop contributing, but I don't like how much useful information has gone dark or otherwise suddenly just been lost. I wouldn't burn a library down because they started charging exorbitant late fees, I would just stop going there.

Ashtear , avatar

Why I left mine intact. The Reddit "library," as it were, remains one of the largest and most significant public goods online. I think that's more important than burning my contributions in the hopes that Reddit management will do a 180. I also pinned a post advertising kbin/lemmy and Squabbles on my profile.

I'm certainly no longer participating, however, and I don't think Reddit's built to survive only on visitors from Google.

blkwolf ,

I didn't delete my account, but I did wipe out my post history.

I keep my account active because I've already found a couple of instances where reddit restored my posts in particular sub reddits ands I had to delete them again.

ArtieShaw , avatar

I wish I had gone with this route, but I honestly didn't foresee the possibility that admin might restore what's been deleted or edited.

I had no intention of ever using the account to add content in the future, but in retrospect it would have been better to keep it in a dormant state.

quirzle , avatar

Tech/programming stuff is exactly why I did nuke mine. Going isn't as meaningful if you leave a bunch of value behind when you do. While I'm here for entertainment now, I'm often spending my reddit time during work hours on vendor-hosted support forums, stackexchange, etc. now.

Gradually, that library will be relocated to other places. Instead of just not going, I think it's better to take away others' reasons for going too, give them reason to seek out better libraries.

masterX244 , avatar

Good thing is that the content is not lost for those that know to surf the web. But those locations don't help reddit at all (main one is the wayback machine from and then there is a raw datadump of anyhting up to march 2023 as JSON)

density , avatar

If I deleted my account I would never again get that special feeling of conducting a websearch to solve some problem and finding a hit from a person who looks like they are having exactly the same issue as me, only to find it was me posting 2 years ago and there are no useful responses.

Makes me wonder how identifiable I am by my "accent" online... I must phrase things in unusual ways. And I spend a lot of time trying to solve problems that are either unsolvable or over my head..

I always find this situation crushing, demoralizing and very funny and until lemmy has better search indexing I don't want to give it up.

Also I wrote things I think were useful too. But I don't stumble no them.

HipPriest ,

Same here, I just stopped using it. I never had the urge to burn the place down.

Not that erasing my paltry contributions over the years will probably have made that much difference but who knows if it helps someone in a future Google search that's a good thing.

Openminded-skeptic ,

Yeah- there is so much information that is more detailed and accurate to specific situations in almost every area that would be lost to the future.

And you literally never know what weird take on a current situation, or what seemingly small detail of information about a field of knowledge might be important to people, historians, etc., in the future. So much of our knowledge is in our inherent understanding of how the world is right now, that we tend to assume that that knowledge will always be there and available, but that's not necessarily the case.

Anyway. I get deleting, or even removing maybe some of the more frivolous content if possible, ("This" "So much this" somes to mind lol) but I think it's ok to preserve that history.

WaltJRimmer , in It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse. avatar

I think it’s more like saying, “I saw this on my phone,” or, “I was on the computer and read,” which are both entirely reasonable.

It’s just stating what format you were using when you saw it. Like, “I was scrolling through Google News and read…” What you actually read was an article hosted on a different website, but you were using the platform of Google News to read it. It’s the same kind of thing as saying, “I read on Lemmy,” because you were browsing Lemmy when you read something.

It’s not wrong to say that these things are on this site. I often specify Lemmy.World because that’s the instance that I use and other Fediverse sites function slightly differently. That’s one of the both great and annoying things about the Fediverse is how every instance is slightly different. I’ll say, “I was on Lemmy.World and…” I don’t know, saw a post, made a post, had trouble because mod controls are minimal over here, whatever. Saying, “On the Fediverse,” is more generic. It’s usually considered best convention to go with more SPECIFIC terms than generic. I consider using my Mastadon account and using my Lemmy account to be different, but they’re both on the Fediverse. I would feel really weird talking about my Mastadon account in the same terms as my Lemmy.World one since I use the two platforms completely differently.

Silverseren ,

But you are posting on a Kbin thread right now, not a Lemmy thread. So you're not "on Lemmy World" when you're viewing this thread.

PupBiru , avatar

it’s more correct to say they’re on lemmy than kbin though… they are interacting through lemmy: kbin is literally irrelevant to them

… and that’s kinda the point of the fediverse isn’t it? you shouldn’t care where something is stored, and if you don’t care where it’s stored then you have only 1 way to refer to the space: the client by which you’re viewing it

people referring to it as “lemmy” or “kbin” or “mastodon” is the fediverse working as intended, and that’s good news!

(it’s also much better marketing for us! people search fediverse and they get a bunch of random descriptions about what it is… people search lemmy/kbin and at least they have a join button)

Silverseren ,

Mastodon is at least something of a more generalized term at least, because that's referring to hundreds of instances. And it has a specific (Twitter-esque) format that unites them. But Lemmy and Kbin has the same formatting structure (Reddit-esque). Makes me wonder if we need a specific, but generalized term that unites everything in this format.

oskoo , avatar

Well, the Twitter-esque format also extends to Misskey and Pleroma, and there are tons of those accounts interacting seamlessly with Mastodon instances. So in a way those microblogging instances face the same issue you're describing between Lemmy and Kbin. In any case, I'm a fan of 'threadiverse' as a term for the Reddit-like instances.

WaltJRimmer , avatar

Threadiverse. I like that. It’s dumb in the best kind of way.

bvanevery ,

In Usenet days we called them newsreaders.

oskoo , avatar

You're absolutely right, presenting an awesome website first and allowing the true nature of the fediverse to sneak up on people is a great way to handle it. Even if someone learns about the fediverse as a whole first somehow, they'll need to figure out what 'portal' into it makes the most sense anyway.

WaltJRimmer , avatar

No. I am on Lemmy.World right now viewing a KBin thread. My entire interaction here is through Lemmy.World and not KBin. So for me to say, “I was on KBin arguing with someone,” would be factually incorrect because I am not on KBin. It would be factually correct to say, “I was on the Fediverse arguing with someone,” but since the Fediverse has different forms, that interaction itself could take several forms and context does sometimes matter. There’s nothing wrong with the more generic The Fediverse, but there’s also nothing wrong with stating which instance you’re using to be more specific.

Silverseren ,

But the person you were arguing with wasn't arguing with you on, so that's misleading on where the argument was taking place.

If someone took you at your word and looked on in specific, they would not be able to find the argument in question, because it was taking place in a thread.

WaltJRimmer , avatar

They absolutely would be able to find it on Here’s a link to this very argument:

Note that is on Lemmy.World. That’s part of why the Fediverse is great. You can find this argument which you’re engaging on KBin and I’m engaging on Lemmy.World on any similarly connected Fediverse site.

bvanevery ,

The battlecruisers were out arguing in neutral space, in the verse.

The cruisers' home ports were planet Lemmy and planet Kbin.

Unfortunately half the galaxy was destroyed in the ensuing exchange.

fishos ,

You're missing the point. If I email you, are we talking ON Gmail? ON Hotmail? Not really. We're using our different clients to interact with the same original message. Sure, the message gets converted to your emails specific formatting, but it's just a copy of the original info. The message itself is the conversation, the clients are just access to it.

You wouldn't say "I drove my Honda to the store". You'd say "I drove my car".

Nobody said "I'm browsing Apollo/Sync/RIF". You'd say "I'm browsing Reddit" or "fuck spez".

You're one step from being the mom that calls every video game system a "Nintendo".

WaltJRimmer , avatar

You wouldn’t say “I drove my Honda to the store”.

I have absolutely heard people talk like that, especially if they have multiple cars.

Nobody said “I’m browsing Apollo/Sync/RIF”

I used to say, “When I was on RIF.”

bvanevery ,

are we talking ON Gmail?

Sometimes. People meeting in real life, exchanging email addresses, and noticing they're both on GMail, is common enough for some people, they really are on GMail. Implying they could chat trivially. But that's not applicable to the scenario under discussion.

Actually you'd just say you drove to the store. We don't really care if you own a car, a truck, and a SUV in your driveway. We don't expect you to have a horse and buggy.

bvanevery ,

You had an argument on the 'verse.

The apostrophe is gonna get dropped eventually. Same as it did for 'net meaning internet.

I doubt fedi~ will be remembered after awhile. It'll be seen as pedantic, technical, or old school.

I don't know if people are generally sci-fi enough to think of you as on "planet Lemmy" but it would have a bit of snark like saying you're on planet Mars. Could be a good subculture lingo.

"I am Clark Kent from the planet Kbin!"

"Yeah and I'm Flash Gordon STFU."

volodymyr ,

Maybe it's even more like "I got an outlook message" instead of "I got an email". Since email is an analog of ActivityPub. Just that people are not used yet to the fact that social media can be interoperable like email, so "saw on lemmy" carries different connotations. It should not, however.

Anecdotically, I have an old frendlica account too, from times of diaspora, and it's now very lively, so I saw this post on frendlica too.

EnderWi99in , in Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

The difference was Reddit had already built up a reasonably comparable audience when Digg imploded so the migration was easy. If you look at a similar graph of Reddit today and Lemmy/Kbin, you probably wouldn't even see these tools register with the active user base of Reddit so high. I think "rhyme" of history is that another service will eventually win, and it might be ours, but it's more akin to the fall of the British Empire than an overnight event.

Paesan , avatar

Digg had bled users to reddit over the course of a few years before the big one. Many users had accounts on both for that period as well.

"This was on reddit yesterday" was a top comment on Digg often enough.

rafoix ,

Yeah, Reddit seems like a place where TikTok videos live on forever.

RheingoldRiver , in Maybe it's fine to leave some people behind...

just wait, reddit is 100% going to sunset old.reddit within the next year

PaulDevonUK , avatar

I just tried it and got “unable to connect”.

Android, Firefox.

abff08f4813c ,

It's loading for me. YMMV

RheingoldRiver ,

Seems entirety of reddit had a brief downtime earlier according to some other thread that I can't find anymore

spider ,

Spez said they wouldn’t, so they probably will.

bbplay13 ,

I had déjà vu during spez's AMA stating that old Reddit will always exist. He stated the same thing a few years back with third party apps. I don't trust anything that slimy fuck says.

Ulu-Mulu-no-die , in U/SPEZ not popular on place avatar

The only thing those people are signalling, in my opinion, is that it doesn't take much to bait people into engaging with reddit to give them traffic, can't wait for an article about how metrics are going up so investors have nothing to worry about.

IHeartBadCode , avatar

Investors aren’t idiots. Advertising is a major draw for investors if the subscription model isn’t great. A site that serves millions of views of fuckspez isn’t attractive to advertisers.

You might of had a point of investors being able to look the other way during tech bro funding time, but a lot of the free cash has dried up. Reddit has to convince Betty Crocker that their platform is a great place for cake recipes. If everything goes “ ¼ sick of butter, 2 eggs, 1 pound of fuckspez.” They’re going to have a really hard time driving that point.

This is why it seems all the social media platforms are flying apart at the seams here. Pretty much all of them were flying high on the free to low interest cash. Now that a lot of them have to justify things for every penny and nickel they want, they’re realizing they didn’t have a great model to begin with and are hoping users will snap in place with the new “paradigm”.

But that’s the thing. Employees snap because their check relies on it. A lot of users don’t snap the same for the reason that lot of them just use social media as an outlet. Which for the users that are using these platforms for a source of income/word of mouth, they’re just watching this conflagration in tears.

Cylusthevirus , avatar

Eeeeeehhhh... some of them aren't idiots. Finance guys aren't orders of magnitude smarter than the Average Joe even if they think they are.

LazaroFilm , avatar

I have the sinking feeling that they don’t care if anything is sustainable. They just want the IPO to happen with the highest inflated numbers then run away as soon as possible, leaving the whole thing burning behind them. It’s not about marking Reddit successful again, it’s about getting rich fast.

h3x , avatar


TheRazorX ,

If everything goes “ ¼ sick of butter, 2 eggs, 1 pound of fuckspez.” They’re going to have a really hard time driving that point.

I died. lmao.

Bozicus ,

I knew there was something else I should be adding to my box of cake mix! Turns out it was “fuckspez”!

Madison_rogue , in Inside Reddit's path to an IPO, where employees see 'thrash' from constant pivots and say more managers may leave amid a flattening avatar

I wonder when buying these 3rd party apps as acquisitions, if Reddit brought along their dev(s) in the process. It sounds like they didn't, which would be so shortsighted. Because what it seems is that once Reddit had these programs in their possession, they didn't know what to do with them, or how to integrate them into their own source least with Spell this seems to be the case. I have no idea about Alien Blue, which I had used at one point prior to using Reddit's own mobile app. All they had to do with Alien Blue is rebrand...why didn't they?

How do you employ nearly 2,000 people. an army of unpaid moderators, and not come up with proper tools to navigate your own program, or find profitability off its user data? I think that Huffman has had no plan, leads a top-heavy organization, has been coasting along the company putting out day-to-day fires, and now he's scrambling to quickly find something profitable to show his investors.

There are a lot of things that don't make sense at the core of Reddit, because Google, Chat AI, and ad revenue are the places to make a profit...not API usage from 3rd party apps. I watched a really great video of the history of D&D last night on Nebula, and wow talk about lessons that Reddit could learn about 3rd party contributors.

(I'm going to link the video, but you need a subscription to Nebula and/or Curiosity Stream to view it). TL;DW summary: D&D works best as a business when it collaborates with 3rd party contributors and its fans.

Shocked Pikachu face there...

AtomicPurple , avatar

That video was just posted to YouTube this morning. No paywall link:

Arotrios , in Be wary of spiteful Reddit users avatar

We should reject Reddit toxicity in general, tell them they don't have a place here or anywhere.

Wait, so you're saying we should kick out all ex-Redditors?

First they came for the Redditors, and I said nothing
Then they came for the Facebookers, and still I said nothing
Then they came for the Instagramians, and still I said nothing
Then they came for the Twits, and I laughed and laughed and laughed until I vomited
Then they came for the OnlyFans, and I think they're still coming

ubermeisters , avatar

some say they may never stop coming…

ubermeisters , in Be wary of spiteful Reddit users avatar

Idk boss, i think that’s a problem with humans / modern society, not specific to

Not sure why you would think only “the good ones” would migrate to Lemmy, but with any group of people online, with size comes trolls.

harmonea , avatar

OP goes

I left Reddit because the toxicity levels have gotten unbearable.

And then seriously goes around disagreevoting replies like this one. Can we say "part of the problem"? Can we not foster a community where every counterpoint is met with that small but constant hostility? Be the change you want to see, OP, and reserve that shit for straight-up unproductive comments.

ubermeisters , avatar

SURE wish i could just block OP and make my Lemmy experience better, ya know??

harmonea , avatar

I can block people on kbin, does lemmy not have that?

Of course, it's more an "I don't want to see this user" than "I don't want this user to see me," but it keeps you from ever engaging with people who prove themselves little bitches more than once at least.

ubermeisters , avatar

From the feedback I’ve been getting, It seems that its either buried awkwardly in settings somewhere, or the Lemmy instance I’m using ( doesn’t currently support it.

nicetriangle , avatar

This. The internet is just fucking toxic now. And wherever you go, we’ll… there you are.

ArtieShaw , avatar

Honestly? It has been for ages and ages.

In 1989 a grown-ass grad student at our flagship state university tried to get my 14 year old friend to visit him downstate. (She told me all of this via a handwritten letter, mind you, but she was communicating with this creep - who wouldn't admit his actual age - via an early text only messaging system.)

I remember the 1990s as a weird free for all, but also very gate-keepery. Oh, and those chat rooms/IMs out of nowhere were just... not even a thin veneer of "normal people doing normal things." (I'm OK with that, but let's not pretend).

The 2005-2010 era was all about collaboration (wikis) and forums and LORD ALMIGHTY, that almost always ended as a shitshow. Highlights from my memories of one wiki mashup:

  • One kid from Slovakia faked his own online death, came back a month later and held a memorial for himself under the guise of a real-life friend of the kid. No one was buying it, and he lost his shit over the lack of mourning. It was cringe, but people were pretty mean about it.
  • Another kid from Louisiana (if you believed his bio he was 11 and lived in a trailer park) was attacked by two adult men for "trying to score contribution points" on the wiki... by adding valid information to the wiki.
    -An unhinged person in the Philippines threatened me with death, violence, and the destruction of generations worth of my family. That threat was delivered with the added terror-inducing information that her husband was a "lecturer at the university."
    -One of the site admin's/owners (a Russian dude who was the equivalent of Reddit's Spez), banned a guy.... this is so stupid and complex... mainly stupid.... I feel stupid just typing this out. It was Russian Spez's birthday and a few people on the forum wished him a happy birthday. (Myself included. I mean, have a nice b-day dude. Typing costs me nothing and maybe it'll dislodge whatever's up your butt.) Another guy on the forum (let's call him Derf) called us birthday-wishers "suck asses." Whatever. Anyway, Russian Spez freaked right the fuck out, banned Derf, and started whining in broken English about why it's unfair that we "think it's OK that people call him suck ass." And although I'm generally a nice person, I took this opportunity to call Russian Spez a thin skinned moron. (Seriously - I'm a 30 something woman and I'm not pitching fits over a childish taunt, but you are? And it wasn't even directed at you? To his credit, Russian Spez didn't ban me.)
    -Was creeped on like it's 1989 once people on that forum realized I wasn't a dude.
    -There were internecine disputes over formatting, where people in the US banded together to create a local standard that made no sense globally, people in the EU banded together to make standards that made a little more sense globally but pissed everyone in the US off because they preferred to say "Kentucky" vs. "KY", people in Finland created their own insular state of affairs and refused to enter a debate over site-wide standards, and everyone else around the world just glowered and waited it out.
    -Then there were the geo-political warriors. There were people in Iran and Iraq who fought an online proxy war over whether the Persian Gulf should be called the Persian or the Arabian Gulf. There was some drama over the South China Sea that I never really delved into. A single man in the middle east made 200 sockpuppets to defend 20 meters worth of sand in the Sinai peninsula that defined the border between Egypt and I-forget-the-hell-who-but-it-wasn't-even-Israel.

That got into HobbyDrama territory, but the point is: Shitshow. Always has been.

People just sort of suck. And when their natural impulses towards suckiness run up against site rules? Shit gets lost. When someone calls them out it becomes a personal grievance. The lawbreaker becomes the victim.

In the end, no one can have nice things.

Doll_Tow_Jet-ski ,

Wow thanks for the history lesson. That was genuinely interesting. You should write a book about your internet memoirs:-P

strawberrysocial ,

The thing about Russian Spez made me laugh. I’m glad you decided to keep typing it out even tho it felt stupid writing it haha

ezmack , in Reddit Refugee here venting

I say this with all sincerity; log off. Just for a bit to reset your relationship with sites like reddit. If you do you won’t care what happens on reddit

MonkeyScryer OP ,

Thanks. You’re right. I don’t have much of an option since I got the 7 day ban for calling the mods “pigs” and “cowards” for permabanning me from a subreddit. I need to touch grass, delete that account so Spez has less numbers, and then build up stuff on here.

ijustdoeyes , avatar

I think we're missing a bit of context here.


Mods may “work for free”, but they sure get a kick with powertripping. Fuck them, just like admins and Spez.

Bizarroland , avatar

I left the site when they announced the API changes and honestly it's kind of like coming down off of a drug. I was so used to filling my free time by just Doom scrolling through Reddit and without rif to make it easy for me it just isn't worth the effort. I'm not going to use their shitty app, I'm not going to browse their mobile site, and I'm not going to support a company that doesn't listen to its users.

I don't use Facebook or any meta products for that reason.

I don't shop at Walmart for similar reasons. I don't shop at Amazon for similar reasons. I don't shop at home Depot for similar reasons. Vote with your wallet, vote with your time, and that's not just at the polls but in your daily life.

You may be a drop in the bucket but don't be a drop in a bucket of gasoline when the world is already on fire.

abff08f4813c , in /r/PICS moderators receive /u/ModCodeofConduct message accusing them of breaking site rules by switching to NSFW; mods can't reply, so post public response instead
Amanduh ,

Neat thanks

James_Ryan , in Boost for Lemmy is coming! Same author as Boost for reddit, I double checked just to be sure, it's the same author! avatar

That title was a wild ride

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , in Yet another article about Reddit vs. Lemmy vs. others: "Discussing Three Reddit Alternatives After Reddit's API Decisions" avatar

Daily reminder that /kbin apparently doesn't exist and that the in my username is just a hallucination.

OpenStars OP , avatar

Mine as well, as we echo these thoughts back to one another... on a kbin magazine no less. :-)

waterbogan ,

Kbin is federated with Lemmy though, so it is sort of indirectly included…ish. I can see and interact with communities on kbin instances from Lemmy, like this one

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , avatar

It's federated with Lemmy, yea, but it has a completely different layout with different features. I can straight up browse and interact with Mastodon from /kbin thanks to its microblog support, but you obviously wouldn't say /kbin is included in Mastodon. I think that the same goes for Lemmy.

Also, /kbin doesn't get a mention but beehaw (a Lemmy instance) does?

OpenStars OP , avatar

Right - that's the weird part, if beehaw is being mentioned, then kbin should have as well, alongside Lemmy. Maybe someone will write to the author and complain about the imprecision:-). In the meantime, at least this gives us a glance at how people far away from the situation see it - those of us on kbin are on "Lemmy", or something. :-P

waterbogan ,

It is strange that they mention beehaw which is now largely defederated but not kbin which isnt. I suspect whoever wrote that article is less knowledgeable than I am on the subject, which is to say they know nothing at all about it - I’ve only been using Lemmy less than a month

OpenStars OP , avatar

I suspect you are very correct:-P.

Articles that mention kbin though are extremely few and far between. I think I've only seen it twice actually - I just posted one of them separately, and there the author does mention it while explaining basically that Lemmy is better.

Kbin is like this best non-Lemmy fediverse instance that you've never heard of, for the average person:-).

ChamrsDeluxe ,

Usually I can’t reply to People with kbin usernames for some reason. But I can reply to you.

OpenStars OP , avatar

There are server issues where like if more than a minute (iirc) goes by from you loading up a page - while you read the whole thing, plus comments too - then you try to reply, it will not go through. Or if you reply to one person and then try to reply to another, same thing. Most often, refreshing the page seems to solve it for me. So like you can write in an external editor, refresh the page, THEN submit the reply. Kbin/Lemmy lacks "polish", that is for sure - it is undeniable that Reddit's UX is better, even if everything else about that company can go to hell.

Or if you are using an app, that would be a whole other matter that I do not know about, but I hope this suggestion helped!:-)

ChamrsDeluxe ,

Thanks! Yeah I am using Liftoff on android. I’ll be able to reply to anyone else in the same moment, but if they have a kbin name it just fails instantly. Idk it’s weird it worked for you tho. Oh well. Things will smooth out over time.

OpenStars OP , avatar

I iz spethial (apparently:-)

Edit: oh, I wonder if there actually might a thing about the person who originally submitted a thread, vs. others who did not? That bug might treat the OP differently.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Don’t let folks know about Kbin or it’ll start having load issues.

OpenStars OP , avatar

Big brain move time. Is there a way to get only high-quality content providers while keeping out low-effort stuff? Ofc that would knock me out too - who would ever want to be a member of a club that would actually accept us? :-P

e_t_ Admin , in Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma

Why do I suspect that, even if one were to spend 8 hours a day on Reddit, making comments that all were gilded, you'd still earn less than minimum wage?

metalingus ,

I’d be surprised if it was any better than that.

Ashtear , avatar

Zero chance this would pay better than even something like Mturk.

And yet, content quality on Reddit will tank even further because people will shitpost for pennies.

mrbubblesort , avatar

because bots will shitpost for pennies

The site will literally be run over with chatgpt bots farming for pennies overnight.

yunggwailo , avatar

it could be worth it for people in poorer countries

PabloDiscobar , avatar

It is reserved to people living in the USA.

bradorsomething ,

What if we build an automated click ring?

Black_Gulaman , in Reddit is a dead site running avatar

Yeah, what was unthinkable a few months ago is now an ever growing reality.

If ever reddit had a crisis management division, the people there didn’t understand what reddit really was.

Even spez forgot what made reddit special. Or a very big possibility is he never knew it from the beginning at all. It can be argued that reddit was the vision of aaron.

esty , avatar

Nevermind crisis management do they not have one sane capable PR person on call??

CasualPenguin ,

They did, but then Spez said they tried to blackmail him so the PR person was fired

ininewcrow , avatar

My theory is a bit more of an Illuminati conspiracy. I really don’t care what people think of my thoughts or of me.

I think the powers that be want anything like Reddit to either die or degenerate. They (as in our wealthy owners) don’t want a happy healthy stable platform of free thinking, free talking individuals sharing ideas and openly and freely discussing the world’s problems so easily.

They want Reddit to die or at least degrade.

They’ll put up with the fediverse for the time being because it isn’t that big … but once it hits critical mass, there will be a slow corporate takeover and eventually another slow death and the process will repeat itself

abff08f4813c , in Reddit seems to be scrambling behind the scenes to try and limit the effects of the migration. Damage control: ChatGPT bots are spamming pro-admin, astroturfed comments
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