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Anybody remember Usenet? ( )

So I've finally been doing my little reddit/twitter migration against my better judgement (my better judgement would say to take the opportunity to get off the internet but who listens to that loser). I'm finding all these platforms interesting, I particularly like how kbin combines both formats and links up to Mastodon, that's...

PSA, you can add subreddits as an RSS to view without supporting Reddit

There’s still some subreddits I’d like to view as their communities haven’t swapped over yet. Like you guys, I obviously don’t want to support Reddit in any way shape or form. Surprisingly, they have not gutted RSS feeds yet. Simply add .rss at the end of the domain. Example...

finding deleted info from Reddit.

If you Google something and the results you need is on a reddit page but you’re unable to view for any reason, such as the user deleting the post or the sub going dark, there is a work around to get the info you need. Copy the link from Google and In your web browsers search bar/ URL bar type Cache: followed by the URL you...

How come there is very little Kbin SEO for individual posts? Also, what are tags/badges? ( )

Maybe someone smarter than me can explain things, but It's been about a month since I've started the process of creating a magazine to support the reddit/discord community I've helped mod for the past 4 years... but I've noticed that zero posts show up in google search....

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea. ( )

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....

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