Ask Science

Why do trees stems grow new "parts" inside and not outside i.e. why is the oldest part of the stem the innermost "ring" and not the outermost?

Wouldn’t grow something from the inside require a very strong force to “move” the already present one? Instead growing from the last “layer” towards the outside would require a lot less force, but perhaps a lot more matter....

What is the current state of research on regional anthropological phenotypes?

I know it can be a hot topic. I have long wondered what the real isolation timelines were for East Asia, India, Africa, and Europe. I’m most curious about the first two as they seem so divergent. Like a group had to be mobile enough to relocate, but then stay within a region for a (?) long time with little influx....

If it were possible for some event to destroy the fabric of spacetime at the speed of light, could we still observe and be safe bc expansion?

Just a thought, if an event happened well beyond the observable universe that caused entire galaxies to be destroyed radiating from a point source event, what would it look like from our perspective and how close could it get on our observable horizon while still being unable to reach us due to expansion of the universe?...

What's the difference between Force, Impulse and Force of Impact?

I was dealing with a problem which stated that two objects were moving with same velocity v and one was a car with mass m and another a truck with mass M, such that M > m. They collided and came to a halt. Their collision lasted for 1 second. Which experienced a greater force of impact?...

what is the mass of a cloud?

As the title asks, what is the average mass of each kind of cloud? Ignoring things like overcast days, and only considering clouds large enough to identify. Or maybe rather than “average” it’d be better to say “what is the mass of an archiypical cloud of each type?” Eg an archiypical cumulus, cirrus, cumulonimbus, etc.

In terms of kWh per kWh, by how much does greenhouse CO2 from running an air-conditioner heat up the rest of the Earth?

It is said that ACs are counterproductive in fight against global warming, in that while they may make the local environment temporarily livable, the greenhouse gases produced while making the electricity needed to operate them heat up the rest of the Earth by much more than the relief from the AC itself. By how much exactly is...

Is it possible that monozygotic twins are quantum entangled at conception?

Feels like a shower thought, but I seriously want to know if there are any implications, because it seems like identical twins are able to sense, understand, and almost be extensions of each other - finish each other’s sentences/thoughts. Some even claim to be able to sense their twin when they’re separate. Hard to believe,...

What if the quantum uncertainty suddenly became significantly larger on macroscopic scales?

Let’s say the quantum uncertainty which is currently quite small and doesn’t affect our life on macroscopic scale suddenly increased. Magically we are still living in this weird rule of physics. How would we see daily stuff? like how would I see a ball rolling in my sight?

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