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If you ever worked shifts and transitioned to a 9 to 5 job, how difficult was the change?

I’m a nurse working shifts and sometimes 5 days without a pause and I still don’t know if I’m gonna take one of the 2 9 to 5 jobs my hospital system has offered. I’d earn less money, but I’m already 45 years old and I don’t know if I should call it quits and settle for a regular job 5 days a week and free weekends...

j4k3 , avatar

A daily exercise routine is my key to controlling my own circadian rhythm and working a 9-5.

j4k3 , avatar

Envestron - as Texas as razor wire deathtraps in a Saw franchise film

Atapuerca – human cannibalism 1 million years ago: what is known about the evolution of human morality over time into the near current era?

I just watched the recent video from Stephen Milo on human life 1 million years ago. He mentions cannibalism evidence across multiple events. That has me thinking about morality in isolated groups and how it might have evolved or could evolve differently....

j4k3 OP , avatar

I’m hanging cannibalism on the end of extreme, but intending on the broader scope of most extreme behaviors. It is easier to approach than the sexual and predatory counterparts.

Like if there is no potential “greater” social authority likely to interfere, is there a population density that determines overall accountability? Is it the randomness of personalities and spectrums? Is there any evidence of a change over time and social evolution?

They are hard questions. I wonder if any observational evidence exists around the various dwindling native groups that exist(ed) in various degrees of isolation. It is also a question of how fixation, paranoia, and anxiety may have evolved in the human species over time. It would be really interesting to be able to contrast this kind of behavior potential now versus the deep past.

j4k3 OP , avatar

But it is a changing 1.23% on the same plane. Both respective planets have no significant satellites. Venus spins wonky. I’m not saying any of it is related, but it is curious.

Venus is loosely around solar lap 20M, Earth 12M, Mars 6.5M in the last 4.5 billion years. How many 1% differences stack in patterns before there is a problem?

j4k3 , avatar

You are seeing the exhaust plume while it is still dense enough to reflect enough light from the sun.

There are several massive thermal layers in the atmosphere that effectively make isolation barriers at various heights. That is why the exhaust on the left appears unique in structure within a certain boundary. The upper layers of the atmosphere get really hot before getting really cold again. Like commercial jets fly in the cold part, but it gets hot, then cold above that. The rocket plume on the right is in that upper cold region; the outer most puffy/sparse/low Earth orbit region. You can tell because of how enormous the exhaust plume is expanding when there is very little atmospheric pressure to contain it.

There is very little atmosphere way up there and certainly not enough to produce Rayleigh scattering. If there was enough to produce Rayleigh scattering the exhaust plume would be hard to see with very little contrast against the background, but without, it makes a much higher contrast view against the mostly empty void of LEO space.

j4k3 , avatar

Exhaust products and a small amount of either O^2^ or unburnt. IIRC SpaceX is a fuel rich cycle, so mostly +unburned fuel.

Think of it kinda like you’re seeing an isolated atmosphere made by the rocket suspended in a place nearly without atmosphere. It is like a cloud of atmosphere in space where there is no atmosphere.

It’s mostly in the sun which is super hot without the filter of an atmosphere and how it buffers temperature. As soon is the particles are below the shadow of the Earth, they get super cold and likely freeze.

The rocket is clearly not at orbital velocity yet and that stuff is going backwards fast, so it will all deorbit fairly quickly.

You’re not seeing turbulent flow quite like what happens on the ground or what is seen in other parts of the exhaust plume because there is not very much pressure in the surrounding region to create the Eddy currents that make the mixing/chaotic flow patterns seen within another medium. I don’t think it is entirely linear flow, but it is much closer to linear flow than what happens in a thick atmosphere.

j4k3 , (edited ) avatar

Late but… The USA failed to regulate 5G well enough. It would have forced telecoms to use steeper frequently filters that are more accurate like what is used in the rest of the responsible world. The 5G frequency band butts up against the hydrogen band used by weather satellites. (IIRC) The study that the FCC commissioned said something like a failure to isolate and protect the hydrogen line would set back US weather forecasting accuracy to around the level it was in 1970. As usual, the red jihadist party had absolutely no qualms about such a technological setback, took their political bribes, and failed to regulate to protect the hydrogen line. In their defense, radio is magic, and sky wizard didn’t have any objections via thoughts and prayers.

What mechanism is the source for Earth's Nitrogen?

I recall an explanation of the formation of Jovian moons on the Harvard Smithsonian “CfA Colloquium” YT channel that casually mentioned how various elements freeze out of the solar wind forming ices, and this is the mechanism that allows formation of moons with large amounts of water and elements that are not found in larger...

What is known about Persistence of Vision in various animals?

I’m curious about building cat toys that are impractically over complicated with Arduino/Maker stuff. Thus the casual curiosity about persistence of vision. I wonder if other animals have something like a different internal clock frequency where the image only forms at higher (or lower) frequencies than most humans.

Hard Science Futurism: What types of theoretical prefabricated materials would the first stellar generation ship carry to construct an O'Neil cylinder upon arrival?

Assuming we are talking about an era when Sol has a thriving space industry and the Solar system is broadly colonized. Current materials science supports structures up to 8 kilometers in diameter, and if large scale graphene production is possible, up to 100km in diameter, at least according to Isaac Arthor....

j4k3 OP , avatar

The materials have been shown and proven in theory. It is simply a matter of building the space based manufacturing and infrastructure required. This is like Romans talking about what it will take to build nuclear power plants if they could somehow imagine them. I laid out the economy scale that I am talking about at the outset. This is an order of magnitude, or more, larger total human economic output. An era when this construction scale is not very novel.

Assuming we are talking about an era when Sol has a thriving space industry and the Solar system is broadly colonized.

If we are colonizing the rest of the Solar system, we figured out large scale and pressure vessels already. Once we are building in space with materials sourced from space, most of the problems go away.

Worst case, a ship can use nuclear detonations to both accelerate and decelerate easily within the limits of known materials. This has been thoroughly researched in a US program that was only canned as part of anti nuclear proliferation act. This system can easily handle both ends and traveling faster than any current method. It is a worst case. If we can master fusion, there are other ways as well.

I said generation ships too. I don’t care if it is slow and I think humans could cope just fine on a large enough ship, assuming we don’t find ways to put humans on ice.

I highly recommend checking out Isaac Arthur’s content on YT as he goes though all of this kind of stuff in detail but even further into possibility and future tech. I’m getting much more specific into a time and constraints than what IA does in general.

j4k3 OP , avatar

I think it would likely be similar to engineering materials today. The highest performing materials are very difficult to manufacture and we are talking about pushing them near their limits. I think a lot of the substructure will be made in-situ, but I think the most stressed parts of the main structure will require the largest scales of manufacturing. Like Sam Zeloof made a chip fab in a garage, so why doesn’t he start producing the next Nvidia GPU. It is that kind of difference here. A lot can be done there, but nothing like what can be done on the cutting edge of what humans are capable of making at out largest and most advanced facilities.

Can humans reach near neutral buoyancy in a gas that is safe to breathe and contains adequate oxygen?

People talk of potential human flight on planets. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I still wear my inner 5 year old’s caped Superman pajamas, stressing over how many stairs one must jump from to take flight. So is it possible to flappy bird a flying monkey?

j4k3 OP , avatar

temperature/pressure/planetary gravity?

j4k3 OP , avatar

What is the difference of a gas and a liquid here? I am neutrally buoyant in a liquid and can normalize to pressure at depths, why not gas?

j4k3 OP , avatar

Red rover, red rover, send a human eye over.

j4k3 OP , avatar

This is more in line with what I was asking. The sun seems to have a psychological impact on humans. I wonder what that impact would be under both relentless cold conditions, but also when the sun never quite feels the same.

I mean, it is obviously subjective and not critical to the functioning of life or anything like that, but it just seems like one of those very subtle “death by a thousand cuts” kinds of elements that might become noticeable over time.

I don’t think anyone would directly perceive the effects in a binary logic kind of way. It would be like times when our local region is covered in thin high atmospheric clouds for weeks on end. It becomes more noticeable over time that this amount of light is not normal. I wonder about that awareness of “this is not normal” having more long term impact on psychology, not profound impacts, just some impact. I thought maybe someone had already posted images somewhere on the interwebs exploring this, but haven’t found any.

Volcanic Pyroclastic flows: What are some good analogies to understand the full spectrum of causes?

I’m trying to wrap my head around something that appears far more complex than I first thought. I don’t understand the explosive elements and chemistry that drives ash production and the heat to create the eruption column. I’m aware of how molten metal behaves in a foundry crucible with flux and degassing required. So I...

j4k3 OP , avatar

Thanks. I watched both of them. That cleared up the missing pieces.

j4k3 , avatar

The malignant Dak-ancer has spread to your Cancerlina. The illness stems from exposure to fascist gerrymandering. It’s a fatal prognosis.

j4k3 , avatar

Is anyone surprised. Broadcom’s entire business is based on NDA locked proprietary hardware. Exploiters are going to exploit.

What is the current state of research on regional anthropological phenotypes?

I know it can be a hot topic. I have long wondered what the real isolation timelines were for East Asia, India, Africa, and Europe. I’m most curious about the first two as they seem so divergent. Like a group had to be mobile enough to relocate, but then stay within a region for a (?) long time with little influx....

j4k3 , avatar

The only difference between a citizen and a serf is the right of ownership. This is the “freedom” people fought and died for. Welcome to Neo Feudal America where you will own nothing and you will be happy about it because complainers go to the gas chambers. Remember to go get your “Real ID” and passports because you are in the process of being tied to the land too.

Growing up, learning history, I always wondered how average people went from the freedoms of the citizens of Rome to feudal serfs barely more than slaves. I never thought I would get to learn first hand.

j4k3 , avatar

It is more complicated than it first seems. The inflation rate is controlled within the way debt is handled and it is a way to tie together the politics of nations in order to bring mutual benefit and stability. It is not anything like an individual’s debt to an institution. The rate of inflation balances against the debt in a way that makes it irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Talking about debt like it is a bad thing in the world of today is a major form of populist manipulation for conservatives. The whole point and purpose of the GOP is to prevent reasonable legislation from having the opportunity to pass. This is what the billionaires are funding. It isn’t about liberalism or responsibility or any bullshit like that. The only purpose is to continue keeping all of the legal loopholes open for exploitation. The USA has a tenth of the laws and protections of any other western nation. This is why there are 750 billionaires and a major homeless problem with most Americans unable to own a home or even most of their property any more due to DRM/neo-digital-feudalism. The GOP is a circus show leading the nation around to one side show after another simply to prevent anyone else from taking the stage. They have no morals, there are no limits. When the focus shifts away from them, they instigate another ever more outrageous event where the outcome is already secured well in advance. This is all about distraction, from the budget, to stealing fundamental human rights from half the population, to massive open corruption by the supreme court, to rocket Karen fighting for Putin, to DeSatan or the orange usurper, to book burning, and defunding education, it is all just a distraction so that no reasonable legislation has the time or opportunity to pass. This is how 750 people robbed the country blind.

If it were possible for some event to destroy the fabric of spacetime at the speed of light, could we still observe and be safe bc expansion?

Just a thought, if an event happened well beyond the observable universe that caused entire galaxies to be destroyed radiating from a point source event, what would it look like from our perspective and how close could it get on our observable horizon while still being unable to reach us due to expansion of the universe?...

j4k3 OP , avatar

Thanks, I was having trouble intuitively on that tipping point of expansion moving objects faster than the speed of light and how that is observed without more than lunch napkin level thought. Makes sense. We would never know about or see “the bubble” if it stopped short due to expansion.

j4k3 OP , avatar

An explosion wouldn’t change the gravity situation though. Gravitational waves are not relevant here. The danger of an explosion would be the physical matter stripping the atmosphere, and radiation. I think it would take quite a bit longer before Earths gravity is affected significantly based on the drag from traveling through the debris. A gravity well is about the total mass in the center. So wouldn’t a significant amount of material need to make it past the orbit of earth before the orbit is directly altered? The expansion would impact the rotation of matter from the stellar body, but that is not coupled to an orbiting body in a vacuum.

j4k3 , avatar

All talk, no teeth, and no action against these criminals

j4k3 , avatar

Jarvis from Ironman - offline AI with a private reference database running with text to speech and speech to text.

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  • j4k3 , (edited ) avatar

    So when it comes to true vacuum Quantum Field Theory proves that things are not as simple as they appear on our human macro level. Basically, there is no such thing as true vacuum in an absolute sense.


    As far as things moving towards a vacuum, it is just stuff taking the path of least resistance at a simple level. Think of air and gases just like a slightly different liquid compared to water. Air and water flow in a very similar way. If you displace water by making a boat, the displaced water is always looking to get back into the displaced space. A vacuum is a similar displacement void that is fighting against everything else that wants to occupy that space.

    Honestly, I’ve come across many things where I asked questions like this. I could be wrong, but it is likely that you are thinking of vacuum as some kind of state or force. It is not. Vacuum is the lack of baryonic matter. Maybe you have encountered this one before: “cold does not exist.” Cold is always a relevant thing and really it is a human invention to relate ideas. Nothing can be at true absolute zero in the universe as the motion of atoms is tied to time and entropy. So cold is always just the absence of heat or really, the absence of energy. Much the same, a vacuum is the absence of matter. The main thing that might move matter into a region of vacuum is gravity, or to a much lesser extent possibly magnetism depending on the properties of a gas.

    As far as black holes, no vacuum can exist in a black hole. Once matter gets past the event horizon humans do not know any testable physics. Technically, as it is currently explained there is a singularity somewhere inside the event horizon. This singularity is the merging of both space and time. The merging is because you are being pulled at light speed the moment you pass the event horizon. You’re moving at the speed of time which makes physics break. Moving at the speed of time, means you are already merged with the singularity the moment you pass the event horizon, however the event horizon is larger than the singularity itself. The singularity, as we understand it, is time as much as it is space, literally “spacetime.” If it could be seen, theoretically, we could also see all of time on its surface…if it could be called a “surface.” A black hole is not really an object as much as it is a state.

    This ref covers a lot of what I just said except for the very last point:

    j4k3 , avatar

    You nailed the 3rds rule on so many levels here. Nice shot

    j4k3 , avatar

    CfA Colloquium is a Harvard/Smithsonian collaboration on astronomy that is fun to watch but is grad+ level presentations.

    j4k3 , avatar

    As someone that has messed with Stable Diffusion for generating images, this is a non issue. AI images are challenging to prompt well and generate results. Good results are the result of clever prompts and what really amounts to a new form of artistry. The hype over AI is mostly due to mainstream garbage hype media and people that can not distinguish between technology and magic. If anyone opens Stable Diffusion and tries to just write a prompt, the output is usually garbage. If they are super lucky, the first result may work, but it will go downhill from there. Good prompts take practice, research, and lots of extra software tools. It is a skill all its own. If you are going to restrict AI for anything, it should be limiting it to a tag in the title, must include the entire prompt and seed, and the positive prompt must match the image reasonably well. This would limit post submissions to real artistry and it would enable anyone that is interested in this technology to reproduce the results and explore them more.

    j4k3 , avatar

    I understand and struggle with the idea of possible dishonesty. TBH I only saw this post in my local feed and commented about why it doesn’t make sense to ban this. The negative culture against this new tech is more dangerous than even the tech itself. This is why I posted and have kept watching this thread. The images generated are based on real images. It is challenging for a beginner to learn how to prompt for both the composition and photorealism. Composition is mostly done with positive prompting; saying what you want to see with the right collection of words and phrases. Photorealism requires both positive prompts about lighting, focus, and image characteristics, but also a negative prompt that removes large portions of the dataset, like CGI, cartoons, anime, etc.

    I don’t know of a single reason I would ever waste time on SD trying to generate images to post here. The reason I am trying to say it matters is because everyone needs to be aware of what is and is not possible in this space and stay up to date on it. The tech is moving extremely fast. The there are a lot of very subtle issues that creep into Stable Diffusion outputs. The more detailed and specific the prompt gets, the harder it is to prevent these small errors. After I played with the technology for a few days, I quickly learned to spot many of the errors. Learning this skill right now, to be able to spot the subtle AI errors in images may be really important in the near future. After learning this, I can spot a lot more images that are text2img generated and I would not have known otherwise.

    This technology is not a fad. It is not going away. It is a very powerful tool. Calling it “AI” is rather dumb. It is not AGI (general) in any remote sense. This is probably the most disruptive tech since the internet of the mid 90’s or capacitive touch tech enabling effective smart phone interfaces, or crypto currency making billionaires.

    It doesn’t matter where you get familiar with text2img nuances, you need to see the almost good, good, virtually indistinguishable, and truly indistinguishable potential to know what is really possible here. You really need to see the level of complexity that is currently possible in a prompt. There is a limit here. If you know these types if limits, you will have a much better sense of truth in this space. Everything visual should be met with skepticism now. Relegation of this tech to the engineers gives them extreme power over you now and even more in the near future. Please take the time to learn about this and be familiar with it.

    j4k3 , avatar

    To really blow your mind, the Moon is slowly moving away, but will never escape. Eventually both the Earth and the Moon will become tidally locked to each other at which point the Moon will no longer move further away. This assumes no outside influences and enough time.

    Please don't zero out your account from *over there* if you've contributed answers or resources.

    I’m fearful of people going redditZero and deleting their years-old accounts, as reddit has become a vast trove of information for a vast number of systems. If I go dark and delete, it won’t be everything. Memes and regular conversations may go, but I’ll be sure to leave every technical response I’ve ever given (or even...

    j4k3 , avatar

    The data should be scraped and on I copied my posts and references, to share here.

    Reddit will get my CCPA delete notice. Reddit is a failed experiment just like GeoCities, Yahoo, MySpace, Windows, Facebook, and Google. I don’t want or need them. The data I shared on these platforms is irrelevant because I am here. Ask away. I am the value, not them.

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