Little8Lost ,

and likely that is the reason why it did not come to EU on start

falconhoof , avatar

It's exactly the reason the EU shut the door on them.

quixotic120 ,

A Facebook owned app collects as much data as humanly possible? I am shocked at this unforeseen development

Remember this when they try to integrate into the fedeverse. Don’t be one of the people that says “meta will make it popular!” Be one of the people that will recognize that meta will use it as a tool to extract as much information from users as possible, amongst other nefarious things


Yeah I don't want it to be popular, I want it to be good and sustainable. Everything else comes after.

Practice makes permanent. Do it right, then get faster.

pjhenry1216 ,

I mean, Meta can extract from the fediverse already. Having a federated instance doesn't really change that. It doesn't provide them deeper access than before. Theyre either federating due to EU policies on interoperability or trying to position themselves as the best instance in regards to the fediverse. There's a lot of clamour as to how great the fediverse is for users, now they can say "choose us, we're fediverse." Other instances need to show them the benefit of other instances and point out that they can have all the "benefits of Threads" (really just benefits of fediverse) without all the disadvantages.

hbrgnarius ,

Might as well just hire someone to stalk you.

CIWS-30 ,

That's why I deleted my actual Facebook account, it really did give me the impression that the company was Cyberstalking me. They knew stuff I did not tell them or put down anywhere in any of the data forms they gave me to fill out. I didn't upload any pictures, I barely did much of anything, yet somehow they seemed to know everything about me anyway.

I eventually made a new "account" a few years later and left it completely blank and filled out nothing but my name... and yet they still guessed quite a few things correctly, including who I knew in real life. So damn creepy. I only use that new account for log in synchronization for games and apps that don't have any other means of access. I wish I could get rid of it too, but it's a necessary evil for certain edge cases.

0xtero ,

It doesn't matter if you post anything to Facebook, or if you even have Facebook account. Almost every commercial site in the world has a "Share this" button somewhere that is loaded directly from Facebook. IF you have a Facebook cookie, your information across the Internet is collected. IF you block Facebook cookies, but use somewhat static IP, you are still monitored.

Google and every other company that lives by datamining users for advertising purposes tries tier best to do the same. Aggressive adblocking in your browser helps a bit, at least you can tell your browser to not send the request, but it's VERY HARD to stay outside the data collection from these companies and adblockers are a constantly escalating war of attrition.

The End Boss isn't Meta, Google or Twitter.
It is advertising networks and the entire advertising industry.

moxival ,

I cannot comprehend how are people using these apps. Why would you want want to be tracked and targeted by a corporation like Meta is beyond me, what are you gaining in return of your whole data


Depression, lower self esteem, active participation in the destruction of society, and sometimes a path to bigoted hateful extremist terrorism.

Not a bad deal if you have rocks for brains.

currychaos ,

A friend of mine simply tried using Threads just to see how shitty it would be. She thought that it would be as simple as a quick download followed by a swift delete.

Turns out, you can't delete your Threads account without nuking your Instagram account either. She's stuck with the Threads account now.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Genuinely, are you asking why people like social media in general?

For one reason or another, they find the platform to be some combination of useful or entertaining and a good way to connect with people they care about. If you don't otherwise have significant personal issues about advertising, it's not an unreasonable position to think that the pros outweigh the cons, even if you have different priorities.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • L-N-Owhere ,


    Yep. That's why I call Meta/Facebook... MeatHook

    Deathsauce , avatar

    Take me back in time to the 2000s when the most scandalous spyware was a purple gorilla virtual assistant telling awful jokes with a TTS voice.

    livus , avatar

    Off topic, but I keep hearing your comments in Max Headroom's voice. This one was especially suitable for that!

    Deathsauce , avatar

    Read 'TTS' with exaggerated glitching/stuttering for maximum effect.

    Rhoeri , avatar

    And all of it 100% unnecessary. Which is painful to think about the 30M people that signed up without caring about this.

    Rabbithole OP ,

    It isn't unnecessary at all, if you're Meta.

    Which is the fundamental issue with a system like that.

    The priority is in the wrong damn place.

    Crakila , avatar

    It is necessary... for Meta.
    Their business depends on the data that is harvested from it's users.

    The fact that they can't launch in EU because of how much data they are hoovering up, is a tell tale sign as to how the business is operating.

    TheThirdStrike ,

    Seriously... I don't understand how people can look at that list and be like. This seems fine.

    Contortion ,

    Collecting so much info there aren't enough categories to cover it all

    mightysashiman , avatar

    I had not heard of that new shit. Randomnly went to theverge, and and saw they are forcefeeding this new Threads to everyone as the “top articles”. Almost 100K posts already, 35millions accounts activated. People just don’t learn.

    BraveSirZaphod , avatar

    I wouldn't say it's force-feeding for a news site to report on the highly successful launch of a new social network by one of the largest tech companies in the world that's also directly aiming to compete with a platform owned by a very controversial and frankly entertaining megalomaniac.

    If anything, I'd say they're a poor news organization if they didn't cover it.

    godless , avatar

    I've reported it as spyware on google play. Let's see if they ever get around to answering :-P

    Stormy404 , avatar

    ah yes, reporting spyware to the company famous for having spyware on literally everything they make

    godless , avatar

    True, but google might have enough spite to stick it to meta, who knows.

    MortyMcFry , avatar

    How can they have an “Other data” category? I thought Apple was so focused on your privacy but they can’t even list all the data apps are tracking. The android screenshot listed mush more.

    Rabbithole OP ,

    I know that it's just me being cynical, but in my head, there's no way that the "other" category isn't by far the largest one out of them all.

    LollerCorleone , avatar

    What else did you expect from Meta?

    Rabbithole OP ,

    Oh, I expected absolutely nothing else.

    Fillet , avatar


    JustSomeGuy ,

    Pfffft. What's the drama? So you create a new insta account with no info and then pop it to Threads. They get nothing and you still get to see what's what.

    Rekorse ,

    Are you really so thick to think that your workaround solves the problem?

    Chozo ,

    Yeah, that doesn't actually work that way at all.

    Heresy_generator , avatar

    These are app permissions for the Threads app; so the app itself will collected all of the personal information from your phone that it possibly can and send it to Facebook regardless of how you limit the amount of data you choose to share with Instagram. The only way to get around this and still use the app would be to use a clean phone and never use it for anything that may generate or collect personal data.

    Srootus , avatar

    I don’t have an iOS device so I can’t be 100% sure, its all well and good that people are talking about the privacy problems with Threads, but doesn’t Apple’s privacy page say exactly the same things for Instagram? Why is Threads in the limelight for abusing user privacy like its a shock when Meta’s other apps also do exactly the same.

    phazed09 , avatar

    Because hating on Threads is cool right now. The spotlight should be on Meta as a whole.

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