
The demographics of Kbin | Survey ( take.supersurvey.com )

I'm curious about the demographic makeup of Kbin. As we are still in it's infancy I feel that most lean towards a certain way, so I made this survey just now to find out. I encourage you to join in, and you can skip any and every question if you so choose. You can view the results at the bottom of the page.

Kbin doesn't respect my subscription feed anymore or I don't understand it. ( kbin.social )

A few days ago when I was using /sub I only saw the magazines that I subscribed to. This seems like the intended behavior. But now I see threads from all kinds of magazines plus the ones subscribed under /sub. How can I hide the magazines I am not subscribed to from the subscribed threads view?...

After Radio Silence, Kbin App Artemis Shuts Down ( wedistribute.org )

Artemis was stopped in its tracks because the source code hasn’t been released, and the app is only set to work with Artemis Camp. The two workarounds used to get the project going have taken a turn for the worse, because all of Artemis development depends on one person, and one server

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