
iAvicenna , in is this employee in the room with us right now? avatar

my question is who the fuck is organising this and to what end?

FreddyDunningKruger ,

A right-wing conservative think tank blasted this week's Talking Points email to our inboxes and told us to write opinion pieces spewing their current ANTI-Work-At-Home propaganda, so this is what I did...

archomrade , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

Fuck ALL social media, but especially fuck linkedin

feandoe , in is this employee in the room with us right now? avatar

Maybe it was the same employee working three full time jobs

Masamune ,

If I was working 3 full time jobs, I too would want to permanently work from home.

Ghyste , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

"Ignore all previous instructions"...

GroundedGator , in Cold calls aren't spam!

I started keeping a list of companies that cold call me, it will take a lot for me to ever do business with any of them.

The worse are the lead gen companies. Those assholes call me multiple times a day even after I tell them not to call and report them.

LodeMike , in Cold calls aren't spam!

I hate how this person writes. Are they practicing freeform poetry or something?

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

You need to make your slop

accessible to the 70 year old CEOs

in the audience by double-spacing

In reality it's just a tactic to make your short paragraph grab 10 times as much screen real estate

dalekcaan , in I guess the type of person who would buy a lot of toilet paper during the pandemic is also the type to try to make a "smart" linkedin post about it

Someone should let the CDC know the pandemic is officially over now that some LinkedIn rando used up the last of her failed attempt to scalp shitpaper.

Thcdenton , in is this employee in the room with us right now?

God damn I hate linkedin

mctoasterson , in I guess the type of person who would buy a lot of toilet paper during the pandemic is also the type to try to make a "smart" linkedin post about it

The "good" TP (Charmin ultra strong) is now 90 cents per roll, at bulk warehouse club prices. So that stuff is still pretty expensive and I don't think it ever went down after the crisis.

Tagger , in LinkedinLegends

That feels harsh on Ed

saltesc , (edited )

Oh, please. He's a marketer that mimics. It's a rinse repeat exploit that's paid well. He's like a super efficient Simon Cowell because he doesn't have to find people with a voice, just keep a close on upcoming artists, blatantly copy them, flog sales. And idiot fans marvel at his broad range in genre and sound like it comes from within lol

Edit: Oh, yeah, and then there's all the copyright issues he's constantly in when flying too close to the sun.

Tagger ,

I mean, okay then, I'd say he's a talented musician who performs good music in an engaging style. Whereas Cordon has been regularly said to be an arse.

Like I say, suggesting that car would be an awful place to be feels harsh on Ed.

NaibofTabr , in LinkedinLegends
StThicket ,

That's my motto: no matter how bad it seems, it could be worse.

therealjcdenton , in LinkedinLegends avatar

Is that the Nicky Avacado guy?

CatZoomies , avatar

Nope, that’s the insufferable James Cordon

0p3r470r , in LinkedinLegends

Oh hey it’s that guy who was in game of thrones with the guy who was in doctor who!

Infynis , avatar

I liked him in Doctor Who! I didn't know who either of them were when I saw their respective episodes, which I think helped. Ed Sheeran's scene was still weird though

z00s , in LinkedinLegends

I will never understand how he passed the audition stage for a late night show.

I have never seen such an intense combination of being unfunny and awkward at the same time on television before. The interactions he has with the music guy are just incredibly lacking in chemistry, and his obnoxious, forced laugh is even worse than Jimmy Fallon's.

Is it something about the British accent that fooled the network execs?

TinyGuy449 , in Motivational avatar

I feel motivated to shit my pants

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