
SFaulken , in The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns avatar
ADHDefy , in The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns avatar

How does Nouveau currently compare to official drivers? I'm sure it's not in much of a state for proper comparison yet, but I was unaware of this project and I'm just curious how far they have come.

shadowbert , avatar

I haven't had good experiences with it, but nor have I tried it for quite a while having switched to AMD.
My gut feeling is that it's going to be even tougher than it already was, assuming nvidia's continued lack of cooperation. With DLSS and other proprietary technologies becoming increasingly mandatory for nvidia card users, keeping up is going to one hell of a ride.

smoof OP , in Is there an app like tinyCam PRO for Linux?

Seems like most of these options involve running a web server. I rather just stick with the Android app that I can run on my phone and Chromecast.

e0qdk , in X-post from reddit, Sharing media headaches: Samba won't show "new?" media, and can't figure out multiple user auth in NFS. SFTP on Windows? Help... avatar

files that I added shortly after setting up Samba and getting it running are simply not showing in client systems.

Hmm... Some initial questions to help with debugging:

  • Have you checked the logs (both samba logs and system logs) to see if there are any messages that might be relevant to what's going on?
  • Are the new files showing up correctly on the system hosting the shares (when you access directly on that system)?
  • If you stop samba (instead of restarting it), do the shares actually become inaccessible -- as expected?
  • What happens if you modify/rename a (preferably unimportant!) file that does show up currently? Can clients see the change?
  • What distro are you running on the system hosting the shares?
thanevim OP ,

Thanks for responding!

So I don't know what file access logs I should look at. All the samba logs have essentially had nothing at all in them except for variations on [2023/09/28 23:50:31, 0] ../../source3/rpc_server/rpc_worker.c:1125(rpc_worker_main) rpcd_winreg version 4.18.6 started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2023

so it doesn't seem like they're going to be of any help here...

The new files do show and launch on the server itself just fine.

Stopping samba does produce the expected timeout errors on clients

Renamed file does show as renamed. Bonus, a new file I created on the server from context menu "New text file" entry does also show on clients

Server is running on Fedora Linux 38

e0qdk , avatar

Renamed file does show as renamed. Bonus, a new file I created on the server from context menu "New text file" entry does also show on clients

Hmm... so what's different about the files that don't show up? If we can figure that out, that may point to the solution... Were they created in a notably different way (e.g. uploaded from a client)? Are they symlinked into the directory? Are they named in a notably different way? Very different in size? You've said you've already checked file permissions, but what about the actual owner/group -- are they the same as the files that do show up?

Is SELinux (or some other security software) running and doing something weird maybe? For Fedora, I think there would be a log entry at /var/log/audit/audit.log if something is getting blocked due to a security policy, but I don't run Fedora personally.

thanevim OP ,

Turns out, yes it was. For Samba shares, SELinux requires every file to have the sudo semanage fcontext --add --type "samba_share_t" command run on it. And of course, the new files wouldn't have had this like the ones that were present when I was setting up Samba...

I expanded my search to making a post on the Fedora forums, where an @/glb pointed out that fact, and thankfully was able to also state that adding it to fstab for the drive will automate that process at boot. So the issue is now solved, thanks to glb over here:

spencer , in zfs permissions and non root users

You can create sudoers rules that allow users to run specific commands with root privileges.

Create a file in /etc/sudoers.d with the contents:

zabbix ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/zfs status

This will grant the zabbix user the ability to run /sbin/zfs status as root without a password. However, they will need to run the command with sudo. If you want to allow that user to run additional commands, just add them to the end of that line like this:

zabbix ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWORD: /sbin/zfs status, /sbin/zpool status

leaskovski OP , avatar

Thats a better way! I didn't realise the sudoers could be restricted to commands! Thanks

macallik OP , in What are your thoughts on potential AI-integration into future Linux distros?

Personally, my (uneducated) opinion is that we already have plug-and-play functionality on a program level ie I can add an OpenAI api key to various programs and make them 'smarter'. Since the Linux experience is often pretty piecemeal as is, this would be a solid enough approach for most.

In terms of AI being ingrained within a Desktop Environment, that seems harder for me to imagine... Like how the Office Suite has AI functionality, would the KDE suite of apps allow for cross-program functionality? Would this require a substantial change in system requirements for local processing? Would there be an open-source LLM hosted in the cloud for chat purposes that also mirrors the privacy expectations of the average Linux user?

I understand people's apprehension towards Linux distros seemingly chasing the latest fad, but I think it's also worth hypothesizing the alternative if AI and LLMs are here to stay/differentiate.

nottheengineer ,

LLMs are big, so you either need a powerful PC to run them or use cloud services. Linux users tend to not be fans of either, so it’ll probably take a while before anything big happens.

Besides, for the things where an LLM actually makes sense (like a copilot-style code generator), there are already implementations.

waspentalive , avatar

I am a Debian user, and I can't really say I am not a fan of "Big". I have a laptop as my production machine but I also have as big a file server as I can afford. I would not want an AI that is part of my OS unless it is local. I do use ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, but only for non-critical functions.

thingsiplay , in What are your thoughts on potential AI-integration into future Linux distros? avatar

If that is something people want, then there will be distributions integrating AI tools as default configuration. But probably mostly open source solutions only. And most people maybe don't want AI applications, so there will always be AI free distros available. As long as it is not proprietary and controlled by one company only, I don't see any problem with integrating AI.

genesis , in What are your thoughts on potential AI-integration into future Linux distros? avatar

I'll accept it if it's FOSS

lascapi , in What are your thoughts on potential AI-integration into future Linux distros? avatar

AI based tools can be usefull.

If some of them are fully FOSS and light enough to be used locally I think that it’s going to arrive.

But in the same time I think it’s more an application level question :

  • like LibreOffice with some LLM tools.
  • or Gimp with some StableDiffusion capability.
  • … you get the point :)
lurch , in Linux & Maildir: What's a simple way to move messages from the Cron Daemon out of the inbox for safe keeping? They're causing clutter.

Maybe it would be better to have people pipe their mails into a rotated log dir, so you only get critical errors.

FarraigePlaisteach OP ,

I don’t have root though

genesis , in Red Hat's Relationship With Fedora avatar

I rather avoid anything related to Red Hat. On the other hand, Debian 12 looks epic.

oshu , in Linux & Maildir: What's a simple way to move messages from the Cron Daemon out of the inbox for safe keeping? They're causing clutter.

Why not reconfigure cron not to send the unwanted messages?

FarraigePlaisteach OP ,

I don’t have root. Otherwise that would be ideal.

regulatorg , in Red Hat's Relationship With Fedora

I like Fedora really hoping it doesn't go down the drain

ShaunaTheDead , in Is there a "check disk" utility for Linux? avatar

fsck is probably what you're looking for.

e_t_ Admin ,

It may be important for OP's dual-boot setup to note that Windows should be used to check an NTFS filesystem.

ogwillikers , in Is there a "check disk" utility for Linux?

It’s recommended to let Windows check NTFS drives, but there’s ntfsfix for those that live dangerously.

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