
Limitless_screaming , in [Question] Why does everyone seem to dislike containerized packages? avatar

Why should the GUI application be a system package? Why shouldn't we have the good permission system that Android has? Why is the distro packaging every piece of software out there a good thing? Why is a couple of packages using more space a big deal to you?

I never can understand those people who are just against the idea of flatpaks. On the other hand, I can see why you'd be against it for the state in which it is right now.

PabloDiscobar , avatar

Let's all use snaps then!

"No, I didn't mean Snaps, I meant Flatpak"

Annnnd we are back at square one. flatpak is just another distro, with the limitations of a distro. You are basically asking for a unique distro to rule them all.

Limitless_screaming , avatar

That's not what I am asking about; fragmentation is another separate problem. What I am asking is why would you be against the idea of flatpak, if you use snaps, then you're with the idea of flatpak (to some extent).

PabloDiscobar , avatar
macallik , in First days with daily driving Linux

I'm in the same boot. Wrapping up my first week of dual booting (for me it's KDE via Debian 12).

With Firefox, I encountered the same issue. After adjusting the resolution scaling, it is back to normal/expected, so give that a shot if your distro allows it.

Balssh OP ,

What scaling do you use? I tried 1.20 but it gives me a bit of a weird feeling.

macallik ,

No idea how it translates. My desktop is running KDE w/ fractional scaling so my screen is like 116.5% or something funky like that

KalChoedan , in AlmaLinux gives up being 1:1 RHEL compatible

Just waiting for Rocky to make a similar announcement.

baronvonj , avatar

They’re staying the course. tl;dr

One option is through the usage of UBI container images which are based on RHEL and available from multiple online sources (including Docker Hub). Using the UBI image, it is easily possible to obtain Red Hat sources reliably and unencumbered. We have validated this through OCI (Open Container Initiative) containers and it works exactly as expected.

Another method that we will leverage is pay-per-use public cloud instances. With this, anyone can spin up RHEL images in the cloud and thus obtain the source code for all packages and errata. This is the easiest for us to scale as we can do all of this through CI pipelines, spinning up cloud images to obtain the sources via DNF, and post to our Git repositories automatically.

MontyVirus , in First days with daily driving Linux

Curious - how did you get League to work? It’s been years since I’ve attempted to play it on Linux, and it’s always been janky at best, or not work at all.

Balssh OP ,

Just followed the tutorial from leagueoflinux + killed the client process after the initial download, restarted and worked like a charm. It’s a bit laggy in champ select but in game it works well.

MontyVirus ,

I’ll have to try that out after work today, if I can get league to work flawlessly on Linux I’ll scarcely have a reason to sideboot Windows anymore

Balssh OP ,

You can reply here to me if something doesn’t work and maybe I can help.

MontyVirus ,

Thanks :) will do

failor ,

League definitely works, I am playing it on my main PC (running Arch) and on my Steam Deck.

There have been quite a few upgrades to the Wine version and the script, you should now be able to get it running just fine using the standard Lutris script with maybe some additional steps from /r/leagueoflinux wiki (can’t remember exactly anymore, been a while since I installed it)

Of course, still expect standard League client bugs, but other than that it works perfectly!

Melatonin , in First days with daily driving Linux

Not knowing how to properly set the theme is a fuck-up? Was it explained and you just ignored it, or was it not explained?

Balssh OP ,

Not really a fuck up but couldn’t come up with a better category. I mostly searched everything by myself.

technologicalcaveman , in Stupid Beginner Question: What Linux Desktop Environment works well or has an output mode for NTSC/PAL resolution?

Xfce is probably the simplest option. It can do most anything without much effort. I'd suspect with a little effort you could do it.

pgm_01 , in A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.)

I am currently running KDE Neon 5.27 which is Ubuntu based, on an Inspiron 3551 with an Intel N3540 @ 2.16GHz which is a 4 core Atom,
and 4 GiB of RAM. With this 1 tab of Firefox open, the system is using 2GB of the RAM. I have had no issues running Neon on such a slow system with little RAM, but I don't usually have many tabs or programs running at the same time. Pretty much all the desktop interfaces for Linux run with far less resources and bloat than Windows, I would start by finding which desktop environment you prefer. I have been a fan of KDE for many years now, but try different bootable distros to get a feel for which interface you would like.

TCB13 , in After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share avatar

openKylin (China’s 1st Independent Open-Source Linux OS) will speed things up a lot.

Peruvian_Skies , (edited ) in A distro and desktop environment recommendation for an old laptop (Read all of it, please.) avatar

For a desktop environment, I suggest xfce or lxde. They're very lightweight. As for the distro, all the ones you mentioned are Ubuntu-based. Even though there are some lightweight Ubuntu-based distros, like Zorin and Bodhi, you can do better. I'd suggest going for something lighter, such as the Arch-based EndeavourOS (xcfe is the default DE so it's very well-supported).

Now, if you want something even more lightweight that's still Debian-based like Ubuntu, Mint et al., take a look at BunsenLabs Linux. It's blazing fast, extremely light and very user-friendly. It doesn't use a traditional desktop environment. Instead, it uses the Openbox window manager, which requires much less resources - especially RAM, which seems like it'll be the bottleneck on your laptop.

Name-Not-Applicable , in Check Out These Linux-Related Magazines on Kbin avatar
a-man-from-earth , avatar

Since it's hosted on, I'd say the first one probably is.

Starfish , in Recommended distros for privacy?

Any distro is good for privacy. Try out OpenSuse Leap or MX Linux with KDE to get a windows-like experience

animist , in Recommended distros for privacy? avatar

Beginner-friendly would be Fedora or Ubuntu.

Then check out Surveillance Self-Defense at EFF ( to learn more about privacy

moonsnotreal , in Recommended distros for privacy? avatar

Pretty much all of them, as they’re almost all open source and use similar components (drivers, kernel, userspace). I’d recommend Fedora or Debian just because they are relatively easy to set up, but check out other options on

stevecrox , in This again: What distro are you using for gaming? avatar

Debian Bookworm

I run AMD kit (not the latest) and install the KDE desktop, Steam and Crossover.

I choose Debian because its packaged extremely well and I want an OS/Applications to be things that just work.

The only bugs I suffer are Proton issues playing Windows games and the recent steam ui update doesn't seem to work with steam link from a wayland desktop (has to be x11).

PabloDiscobar OP , in SUSE Preserves Choice in Enterprise Linux by Forking RHEL with a $10+ Million Investment avatar


Any statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects for the company, including statements containing the words “aims,” “targets,” “will,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “expects,” and similar expressions, may constitute forward-looking statements and should be read with caution. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including competitive landscape, development of customer deals, reliance upon customer relationships, management of growth and acquisitions, the possibility of undetected software issues, the risks of impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and economic downturns, pricing pressures and the viability of the Internet. In addition, any forward-looking statements included herein represent views as of the date of this press release and these views could change. The Company does not have any obligation to update its forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to change and should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s views as of any date other than the date of this press release.

BaltasarOnRails ,

Is this the first time you're reading something like this?

PabloDiscobar OP , avatar

So clearly on the same page? Yes.

deong ,

This is just standard boilerplate language, and whether a particular product or company includes it or not is entirely a function of that company's legal department and has no bearing at all on the future behavior of the company.

That is to say, everything in here is true of everything, whether they tell you that or not, and literally zero information is gained from seeing it explicitly stated. If they'd completely left it out, it would still be true.

PabloDiscobar OP , avatar

Is it supposed to reassure me or somethin'?

andyburke , avatar

It has to do with companies that are publicly traded, at least in the US. You need to be careful about statements about the future that could impact the stock price.

The idea is that you must tell people that you can't guarantee the results.

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