Personal Finance

What does your cash flow process look like?

I’m talking about types of accounts, automatic transfers, etc. Feel free to mention specifics, but I’m more interested in higher level information like does your paycheck go to savings or checking, do you use automatic transfers, do you use a traditional bank account or something different, etc....

Best way to buy a house for another person? [USA]

I'm in an extremely fortunate position where my Mom, upon learning about current mortgage rates and why I haven't bought a house yet, wants to essentially be my bank to buy a house. As in, she wants to fund the house, put it in my name, and I pay her a reasonable down payment and pay a "mortgage" to her at 2-3%. So what would be...

Pay off student loan debt or invest?

Is there a general rule of thumb on student loan interest rates and whether or not it’s better to pay off ASAP vs invest in an index fund? Sold a lot of company stock from an ESPP and RSU program that happens to be the value of our household’s student loan debt that is just entering repayment after graduation. Can’t tell...

[US] Dual Income Life Insurance Question

My partner recently started a new job. Prior to her employment I had been paying into my employer personal supplemental insurance as well as spousal insurance. Now that my partner has employer provided and options for employer supplemental life insurance, what should we be looking at doing? Do I stop my spousal life insurance?...

Credit score dropped for seemingly no reason

I moved countries a few years ago and am building up my credit score from scratch. I’m cognizant of good practices to build up my credit score like paying my credit card on time. My credit score dropped 10 points in the last month but I don’t know why. I’ve increased my spending on my card because of Christmas and...

Is the IRS accepting tax returns early?

I had my taxes all sorted(I’m using Tax Slayer) and was just waiting for them to actually submit the return when it’s time. I was figuring it wouldn’t be until around the 29th, but I just got an email tonight that said the irs had accepted my federal return. Are they accepting returns already, or is that email probably a...

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