
jerome , in DeSantis says he would eliminate four federal agencies if elected president
@jerome@kbin.social avatar

DeSantis is telling everyone that he's going to destroy the United States, and you're all just sitting there.

solidgrue ,
@solidgrue@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not gonna vote for him. He’s not even a candidate yet. What should I be doing?

BurnTheRight ,

Training and prepping. Historically, there's only been one way to stop fascist conservatism, and it's not something we are allowed to talk openly about until we're doing it.

skogens_ro ,

Did the 6th of January insurrectionists do the right thing, given they believed they were fighting against an authoritarian government? Or should they have accepted the result of the democratic process even though they disagreed with it?

Luke-Byrne297 ,

So when Hitler got voted in, the moral choice was to respect the democratic process and the completely legal murder of 12 million people. Got it

sectorfour ,
@sectorfour@kbin.social avatar

Oh no. Is this the audience here?

EtherealMongrel ,

Sorry if you wanted a fascist safe space, maybe try twitter,

sectorfour ,
@sectorfour@kbin.social avatar


Cinner ,

I love comments like this for the blatant lack of self-awareness that you're doing exactly what everyone else is.

While somehow finding a way to feel like you're better than.

Jaysyn , in Judge blocks a Florida law that would punish venues where kids can see drag shows
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

Federal court is where DeSantis' fascist dreams go to die.

Hondolor ,
@Hondolor@kbin.social avatar

Is it really fascist to want kids to not be exposed to pornographic material :I

EvilColeslaw ,
@EvilColeslaw@kbin.social avatar

This is not actually about pornographic content. Florida already had laws to protect from actually obscene material.

Drag queen story time and drag acts that do not contain nudity are not pornographic.

HotDogFingies ,
@HotDogFingies@kbin.social avatar

Correct. Misleading wording like this is how they manage to trick ignorant people into supporting hateful laws like this one - assuming they're not supporting these laws precisely because they're hateful.

The LGBTQ+ community (including drag queens) absolutely and unequivocally does NOT support pedophilia in any form. This includes exposing children to pornographic material. That's fucking canon and you can quote me on that shit.

Monomate ,

There’s some videos floating around of drag shows with sensual dancing with children present. I’m not saying all Drag presentations are like this, but maybe the law should’ve been more specific to these kinds of situations.

InLikeClint , in Trump Made Disturbing Comments About Having Sex With Ivanka, Ex-Staffer Claims
@InLikeClint@kbin.social avatar

Now he's telling people this. He was too busy kissing his orange ass back then to speak up. Buncha fuckin yes men.

genoxidedev1 ,
@genoxidedev1@kbin.social avatar

For actually real, it's always ^ex- , EVERY. SINGLE. TIME someone speaks up about whatever shit was going on it is ^ex- this ex-staffer can get fucked just as much as agent orange himself

yunggwailo , in Obama calls out obsession with Titanic sub while migrant boat tragedy ignored
@yunggwailo@kbin.social avatar

obama is a redditor

xantoxis , in Obama calls out obsession with Titanic sub while migrant boat tragedy ignored

OK? You can just call attention to the migrant boat tragedy without making everyone feel bad for finding this story weirdly compelling.

Statements like these always somehow act like an entire group of people all took a vote and decided to focus on one thing over another. I don’t have control over what other people think is interesting, so what is he trying to tell me, personally?

DeviloDante ,

I believe the point here is that a lot of media attention was directed to the titanic story with a lot of discussion how to rescue the victims. All while in the last couple of years there have been multiple cases of ships with refugees drowning in the Mediterranean Sea with next to no media coverage.

Millionaires doing wacky shit just seems to be way more interesting then refugees drowning.

JasSmith , in Poll: 61% of voters disapprove of Supreme Court decision overturning Roe

It's wild how many Americans seem to think the Supreme Justices are legislators.

rebul ,

True. Roe should've never happened, it needs to be decided by the states.

DarkGamer ,
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Roe should've never happened, it needs to be decided by the states.

Do you feel the same way about slavery?

Col3814444 , in 'Stand with Trump' becomes rallying cry as Republicans amplify attacks on US justice system

King Donald is above the law

RubberStuntBaby ,

But the 'billionaire' real estate mogul needs you to pay for his defense so he can keep it that way. Remember in 2016 when they said he was going to self-fund his campaign and he was so rich he would be effectively incorruptible because he had no need of anyone else's money?

Roundcat , in Starbucks Is Banning Pride Decorations, Workers Union Alleges
@Roundcat@kbin.social avatar

This thread is the perfect example why this site is toss.

Drusas ,

I'm a few weeks late in replying to your comment, but we didn't have moderation when you posted this. A few of us have just started moderating, literally today, so please give us a bit to catch up.

Please check out the stickied thread about what kind of rules and guidelines you would like to see, if you haven't already. We don't have those guidelines to work with yet, but blatant bigotry, trolling, and spamming are our first targets while we work out the details.

jesse_mccree , in Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes

Lmao we already got Reddit 2.0 here. And theres no way to block subreddits here like with the Apollo app

HeartyBeast ,
@HeartyBeast@kbin.social avatar

And theres no way to block subreddits here like with the Apollo app

Sure there is. You go to the list of Magazines (not subreddits) and click the block symbol next to the ones you never want to see. You can also set your front page to only display subscribed magazines, if that's your thing. No need to spam

jesse_mccree , in Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes

Lmao we already got Reddit 2.0 here. And theres no way to block subreddits here like with the Apollo app

ripcord ,
@ripcord@kbin.social avatar

No, but we can subscribe to whichever ones we want and not look at the other ones.

And I can block you.

DrunKin , in Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes
@DrunKin@kbin.social avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • ReCursing ,
    @ReCursing@kbin.social avatar

    Would you like to provide any evidence or reasoning or, like, any conscious thought at all rather than spewing whatever shit a pig farmer in the Philippines says?


    Didn't think so

    DrunKin ,
    @DrunKin@kbin.social avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • ReCursing ,
    @ReCursing@kbin.social avatar

    So that's a no then. The daily Heil is not a good source for anything, the others are bullshit too (yeah okay there are photos of hunter bidens dick on his lap top. So what?). Plus completely irrelevant to whether trump is a fascist shitstain (and he is both of those)

    Oh, and I am not going to do research to try to find pivtures of people having sex with kids. Why would you even suggest such a thing?

    literally_a_goose , in Starbucks Is Banning Pride Decorations, Workers Union Alleges

    I understand why a domestic beer company would sympathize with the far right-- that's pretty much their customer base. But why are companies like Starbucks and Target doing it? Doesn't seem like a smart financial move.

    10A ,

    If being normal seems far-right to you, then you just might be far-left. The vast majority of normal conservatives, which is everyone from far-right to center-left, do not want sexual immorality constantly shoved down their throats. It's an extremely tiny percentage of the population who think that's a good idea. Like any company, 100% of Starbucks' activity should be to maximize shareholder profit.

    Col3814444 ,

    “Normal” people aren’t bigots who go around saying that companies who dare to acknowledge the basic fact gay or trans people exist in the world, as ‘Sexual immortality getting shoved down our throats’.

    It’s hateful religious crap like you are spreading right now that gets shoved down our throats more than anything else, that’s the real bullshit right there.

    10A ,

    You misunderstand. What I said is not hateful, at all. Of course homosexuals exist, just like thieves, murderers, and practitioners of every other sin exist. Everyone acknowledges that. The issue is whether we repent for our sins and do God's will, or take pride in our sins and reject God. Pride itself is a sin (and some say it's the root of all other sins). That makes pride in sin a compound sin. The so-called "pride decorations" in this article are all about pride in sin (specifically the sexual immorality type). While the far-left activists think that's wonderful, and want to call everyone "hateful" and a "bigot" if we disagree, the truth is I expressed neither hatred nor bigotry. I hope we call all come to Christ, and the first step for many is to eliminate all these repugnant "pride decorations".

    AnakinSandlover ,
    @AnakinSandlover@kbin.social avatar

    Can you relax? Having your beliefs is one thing, but equating gay people to thieves and murderers is another. Most people from the time they are born have had their sexual attractions set in stone. Most men are attracted to women and vice versa. It is literally the same way for gay people.

    10A ,

    Stop sexualizing children! There is no "gay gene". (Follow the science, or don't you like that idea anymore) Sex is strictly reserved for a grown man and woman who are joined in holy matrimony. Children are not sexual, even slightly, until puberty.

    QHC ,
    @QHC@kbin.social avatar

    Nobody mentioned children and sexuality in the same sentence until you did.

    AnakinSandlover ,
    @AnakinSandlover@kbin.social avatar

    Some people start feeling attraction at a very young age. It may not be sexual but the attraction is there. I'm a straight man and I've literally found girls to be beautiful for as long as I can remember.

    QHC ,
    @QHC@kbin.social avatar

    You were being influenced by social norms long before you were old enough to form memories, and likewise not being aware of societal expectations does not mean it is not happening or does not have an effect.

    Drusas ,

    I had my first real crush on a celebrity with sexual feelings associated when I was 8 or 9 years old. I've heard similar stories from others first hand. It's normal.

    Drusas ,

    Ignoring the religious elements, this is factually incorrect. Nobody likes to talk about it, but it's common for pre-pubescent girls to masturbate. George Carlin even had a bit about it!

    Now, that's generally not talked about for good reasons--we don't want to rile up the pedophiles, and we don't want to rile up the people who are so aggressively religious that they can't acknowledge biology. But the fact of the matter is that people don't become sexual the instant they reach their country's age of consent or the instant they get married.

    There's nothing wrong with you disliking those facts, but they are what they are.

    10A ,

    You conflate puberty with the age of consent.

    Drusas ,

    I do not. I didn't mention puberty and neither did you.

    kgtg2 ,

    According to a Gallup poll 71% of Americans support same sex marriage but don't let facts get in the way of your bigotry.

    10A ,

    The majority of that 71% thought "homosexuality is a disgusting sin, but A) it's not the government's job to enforce that, and B) I'm terrified of appearing homophobic in front of this survey-taker, because the tyrannical Left is likely to cancel me, and I can't afford to lose my job."

    But saying "Sure, just let the figs get married so we can finally be done with this discussion forever" is extremely different from saying "I love rejecting God's will! I love pretending I'm not who God made me!" I love pretending God makes mistakes! I love rejecting God's holy word! I love succumbing to Satan's temptation, and engaging in repulsive acts that would make any normal Christian want to vomit! And what's more, I have pride in my evil rejection of God, because I'm basically a minion of Satan and wouldn't have it any other way! So yes, I want 'pride decorations' shoved down my throat everywhere I go, because it reminds me I'm in the presence of pure evil!" Yeah, 71% do not think that way. It's a tiny contingent of perhaps 0.01% who happen to be young, naive, nihilist, depressed, and plagued by demons.

    HaleyHalcyon ,
    @HaleyHalcyon@kbin.social avatar

    How’s anyone gonna cancel you for answering a fucking anonymous poll?

    10A ,

    I dunno, might be impossible. But the fear of getting canceled for being homophobic is very real and widespread.

    HaleyHalcyon ,
    @HaleyHalcyon@kbin.social avatar

    There’s also the fear of being fired or brutalized for being gay, so you win some you lose some.

    jeebus , in [News] Rep. Matt Gaetz files resolution to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House
    @jeebus@kbin.social avatar

    Matt my boy keep doing what you do! More affective than any Democrat currently in office.

    GammaGames ,
    @GammaGames@beehaw.org avatar

    The irony in this comment 😂

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