
xc2215x , in Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”

So messed up.

mister_monster , in Fraud justice: Decision based on a fake case showcases the Supreme Court's illegitimacy

You people live in an alternate fucking reality.

Skyler ,
@Skyler@kbin.social avatar

From the article:

Melissa Gira Grant of the New Republic contacted Stewart, using the email and phone number included in the lawsuit. He denies having sent that request, pointing out that he is already married, to a woman.

Person whose name and phone number appears in lawsuit is contacted, denies making a request, is married to woman.

Yeah, super crazy fucking reality here.

whofearsthenight ,

On kbin, if you hover over the user name, you can easily block them forever. Super cool! 👍

Skyler , (edited )
@Skyler@kbin.social avatar

As an American, I look around today and realize that a polite insistence on "don’t feed the trolls" is in large part how we got where we’re at today.

That could very well be rewritten as "don’t challenge the ideas espoused by trolls."

So I think I'm going to continue to correct blatant misinformation, and if you don't like that, you can feel free to hover over my name and block me forever. AWESOME! 👍

AmidFuror ,

What do you mean, "You people?"

Brkdncr ,

Can you expand on that?

Bunnysdebugbuddy ,

Care to elaborate more on that?

I mean this case according to some who have a law background have called into question the standing on which this case was even brought forward. The initial request of the so called web developer does not even seem to exist as stated. It was an intial inquiry by a straight individual who did not even request a web page designed for a homosexual wedding. Nor has the individual who may or may not have made the offending request been a party to the case other than in name. The so called web developer also seems to have a questionable existence as they seem so deeply intermeshed with a religious conservative activist group that they seem part of the same entity. And could at a slightly closer look seen to be just a front entity for such activist group to trigger such a lawsuit.

The court should have passed on this case and it should have gone back down to a lower court and standing should have been better established. This case was just put together to create this type of ruling in a favorable court. Not a pursuit of justice or a clarifying of rights.
I am not a lawyer, and I know next to nothing about the law but this case stinks to high heaven.

skellener , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court
@skellener@kbin.social avatar

Conservative Supreme Court Justice doesn’t understand the 1st Amendment

Frog-Brawler , in Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”
@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

Anyone surprised, at all?!?

Hyperreality , in Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”

Free speech ladies and gentlemen.

The pastor gets to voice his opinion.

Anyone who disagrees with his viewpoint, should think twice about voicing their opinion, or they'll kill ya.

paulbain , in Trump Threatens to Appoint ‘Maybe Even Nine’ Supreme Court Justices if Elected

Uhm, liberals, if you a left-wing-extremist echo chamber, then why not just go back to Reddit?? If I have to read this sort of crap every danged day, then I shall simply go back to either ZeroHedge.com or www.Patriots.win.

Col3814444 , in The court dealt a resounding setback to President Biden.

If only they could reverse the PPP loan forgiveness, threaten that and these corrupt shitbirds would back down in seconds.

rafoix , in The Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-loan forgiveness plan, blocking debt relief for millions of borrowers

We must uncancel PPP loans. Make those leeches pay us back.

Anna , in The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner
@Anna@kbin.social avatar

Right blames something on Soros: lol one man doesn’t have that much power

But this dude is totally pulling all the strings of the government, the king of dark money, got it

ProdSlash ,
@ProdSlash@kbin.social avatar

Remember bribing Supreme Court Justices is exactly like literacy programs and organizing to expand voting rights.

chaogomu ,

The left doesn't say that one man doesn't have the power to pull strings, the left says that there's no evidence of Soros doing it.

A subtle distinction, but an important one.

Leonard Leo literally hand-picked every judge that Donald Trump appointed, all 234 of them, including 3 supreme court justices.

Leo then paid for nonsense cases to be filed in jurisdictions with friendly (read his own hand-picked) judges. These cases were all based on lies. Because it never mattered if there was any truth to them. They then get kicked up the chain to Leo's hand-picked supreme court, where the justices rule how Leo wanted from the beginning. Well, 3 hand-picked, and 1 bribed, all that's needed from there is to get Alito to fall in line, and that man has Fox News brain so bad that it's scary.

And that's how one man can shape the law in any way he wants, even if congress and the presidency are controlled by Democrats

bedrooms ,

You don't have to say it's subtle. It's far from that to people who can read.

sensibilidades ,

That's a nice straw man you made there. Unless, of course, you're specifically aware of anyone in this thread making that argument.

Widget ,

The classic "why don't people agree with me when I try to blame Jews for global conspiracies?"

3425asdfqwer4 , in The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner

Arm yourselves and organize. Politicians aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

Hellsadvocate ,
@Hellsadvocate@kbin.social avatar

Can anyone explain to me how guns will help if the national guard is at your door? Or the military? Do people really think that they could go to war against the United States because the US government becomes overrun by fascists?

At worst you'll be labeled a terrorist and immediately murdered. Even if you ignore the military, brandishing a gun Infront of a cop is a death sentence (if you aren't white).

Machinist3359 ,

The black panthers are really the best example of the (few) benefits and many costs of armed community defense. It's much worse now, too.

Iohannes99 , in Biden proposes new measures for student loan relief after Supreme Court defeat

Don’t see how this does not get “major questioned” out of existence too.

virr ,

Doesn’t matter the administration has to try. If they don’t then the support from those who think loan forgiveness is correct well weaken. Democrats can’t risk losing any support. Plus it potentially can help to show how bad the court’s legal reasoning has become. Highlighting that further won’t solve the problem today, but helps set the stage to solve it tomorrow.

AllArk , in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court


Elena Kagan and Stepben Breyer - jews - make up 0.2% of the US but have 22% of the Supreme Court. A 10000% over representation.

Jackson chick - affirmative action gone wild, crazy sjw appointed by the retard in chief who cries Racism every second word. And gets butthurt when the real G who overcame adversity tells her to stop BSing

If libs got more butthurt they’d be bleeding from both their pussy AND their butthole lmao

Yewb ,

Quit falling for identity politics its us versus the ultra rich

DeepFriedDresden ,

First of all, Jews make up 2.4% of the US. Second, Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected. They are not meant to be representative of population demographics. That's the entire reason they aren't elected.

Maybe you should retake your high school civics and US Govt classes, it's pretty clear your susceptibility to Russian troll farms has eroded what little understanding of the way the government is meant to work and replaced it with an irrational fear of anything that doesn't walk, talk and look like you.

darkmatterstyx ,

Don’t feed the troll. Report and move on 😉

SirEDCaLot , in Biden condemns ruling against race-conscious admissions: ‘This is not a normal court’ – live

I think this was probably the correct ruling.

If you are considering race as part of a college admissions, then you are NECESSARILY racist. You’re not picking the best applicants, you’re picking the best applications of a race mix you want.

Now, I’ll be the first to say that certain minorities are under-represented in colleges. But that’s not necessarily the fault of the admissions process. If the admissions process truly is race-blind, as it should be, then we should be asking why fewer people of whatever race are showing up as competitive candidates. And that brings us to the REAL problems- that a lot of minority applicants come from poor neighborhoods with bad primary education, crap high schools full of gangs and drugs, and few resources like books and computers and other opportunities to excel. And THAT is the problem we should be fixing.

Remillard OP ,
@Remillard@kbin.social avatar

I think that's basically the argument that just puts blinders on and assumes everything is perfect and why pretend otherwise. A comment I've read that I think has some merit is that they didn't put an end to legacy admissions, bias for donors, employee families, and other special recommendations. These are all systems that favor class and are predominantly white. So why did the justices pretend that admissions are all based around merit and achievement when they are not?

If more were being done about the systemic causes, then I think there would be less frustration with this decision. Since we clearly have quite a long way to go on the systemic issues, this ruling is pretty naive in my view.

TinyPizza , in US supreme court rules against affirmative action in Harvard and UNC cases
@TinyPizza@kbin.social avatar

Clarence Thomas is one of the more startling examples of the "fuck you, I got mine" generation. How do you go from being in the black panthers to this?

Edit: Grammar

nobodylikesyou ,

I love this, as soon as the black guy makes an opinion that differs from what you liberals agree he's suddenly not a good black dude, what a bunch of hypocrites

Entropywins ,
@Entropywins@kbin.social avatar

What the fuck... dudes a bad human ... plain and simple... has nothing to do with being black

nobodylikesyou ,

Oh so he's a bad human because he decided that race shouldn't be taken in account for college admissions? how racist of you

Entropywins ,
@Entropywins@kbin.social avatar

If you intentionally choose to completely misinterpret and misrepresent things then fuck off buddy, on the other hand if you truly can't see then I feel sorry for you friend...

Xeelee , in Trump wants to keep 'communists' and ‘Marxists’ out of the US. Here’s what the law says
@Xeelee@kbin.social avatar

And by "Communists and Marxists" he means anyone who isn't a goose-stepping, Hitler-loving, card-carrying fascist.

RubberStuntBaby ,

It does seem rather telling that neither Trump nor the current laws have any objection to letting in fascists.

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