Hairyblue , avatar

I wish Biden did just the one term. I voted for him but I just think he is too old to make another 5 years. BUT I will certainly vote for him again.

Trump is a criminal and he is too old also, and a liar, and a bigot, and stupid.

BrambleDog ,

Except we know Biden will beat Trump.

We don't know that a Newsom campaign could beat Trump and I think we would be foolish to assume so.

Generally, if the VP doesn't win the nomination, the party doesn't stand a very good chance of winning the election. I think if Biden didn't run and Harris did not get the nomination (I think Newsom would slaughter her), Trump takes 2024 fairly decisively.

I think the democratic party's best path forward is an uncontested Biden/Harris reelection, and then instead of running in 2028, Harris decides to retire.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I agree with this but I just don't think it's realistic that Harris slinks away in 2028. I don't see her as power hungry per se, but I do see her really enjoying being "the first" especially as it pertains to race and gender. She will not accept anything short of the Dem Convention nomination after a second VP term.

neonfire , avatar

Except next time it'll just be someone worse than trump, so we'll have to support Harris as she's the best candidate to defeat whomever. That's how it always is with the dems. "Vote for us now and we'll totally be able to fix things in the future!". Then they never do. I'm not a republican voter, but I'm on the fence about Biden again. I'd rather "throw my vote away" by voting 3rd party than succumb to corpo dems. Hell Biden said he would forgive the loans, but he was the one who helped make it so you can't declare bankruptcy on said loans in the first place. Not to mention the dems not holding their ground in the capitol and allowing more and more bullshit through. Enough is enough.

NataliePortland ,

I would love to see Biden not run but instead prop up someone else younger. I think Gov Newsom or Evers would be great picks.

takeda ,

I actually think he was the best person for the current time. Of course I would love he was younger

Apparently US intelligence picked up in April 2021 that Russia was heading for the attack.

Biden did not waste time, his experience, familiarity with world leaders and negotiating skills helped get the west in order. Putin was convince that he did not have enough time and called a bluff.

Another thing is that Biden relies on experts.

I honestly would be more concerned with inexperienced person like Newsom during this time. He might eventually do fine, but the time to get up to speed might be long.

yunggwailo , avatar

Giving up the incumbent advantage is the dumbest thing you could do.

Syo OP , avatar

So, this pretty much locks up the Dem nomination for Biden. I don't foresee any more real challengers for the dem ticket.

jscummy ,

Were there ever legitimate challengers? Williamson and RFK are both clowns

Syo OP , avatar

Yeah, those two aren't for real... I mean that AOC grabs enough attention from the progressive side that by not committing, there was always a chance a progressive comes along to drag out nomination, or even tilt the scales like Sanders did. By her voicing support now (still in 2023), just kills any real threat from the left. In others words, AOC already endorsed Biden, good luck trying to find a second megaphone big enough to sway the progress votes.

jscummy ,

True. I’m not sure who would’ve stepped up from the progressive wing and been a strong enough contender, but this pretty much eliminates any possibility.

borkcorkedforks ,

I didn't really see them trying to run someone else. I mean they would of Biden decided he was done with all the bullshit but seems like he isn't.

admiralteal ,

Who would it even be? Bernie yet may, and has a lot of influence, but isn't going to stand a chance against a Biden reelection. Buttigieg and Harris are already in the admin. Yang is discredited pretty thoroughly at this point. Warren is at such a high level in the party that she'd be committing long-term career suicide by rebelling like that, and would likely worsen the outcomes for her causes in doing so. AOC is actually too young to run even if she wanted to make that big a stink. Who'd it even be?

I'm not criticizing the lack of competition here. Biden's running, the dems are going to go behind him. They know how terrible the consequences of not showing unity could be. It's going to be Biden, and sane people better hope he wins.

borkcorkedforks ,

I don't know maybe Harris is going for that 2+ term loophole.

If we say for min that Biden wins the national Spanish lottery and decided to retire they'd probably just end up run Harris. I'm pretty sure that's how we ended up with Biden as the nom. There would be an actual primary at that point though so maybe someone else would end up with the nom. Maybe Hillary and Trump can have a rematch.

Athena5898 ,

Im so fucking tired of "the lesser of two evil" national establishment Democrats shit. Its like they have us held hostage. "Vote for us or get trump. We will fight harder to stay in power then for your rights". Everything they do is the bare minimum at best and then the vote blue no matter who/blue magas expect us to lick Biden's boot for doing the barest of minimum and sometimes not even that (looking at you pipelines etc). I'll vote for him cause like i said, held hostage, but wake me up when people are ready to actually fight for something good and have some imagination for the future for once. Also in before "why cant we get voting numbers up without dealing with gerrymandering/many other things keeping people from voting/milk toast choice shock pikachu face, "i guess everyone is stupid and wants Republicans to win" despite facts and studies dumbassery that happens after every election.

TokenBoomer ,

Yeah, full luxury gay communism by 2025?

stanleytweedle ,

Why 2025? You can start your own luxury gay commune today, it’s a free country.

borkcorkedforks ,

Terms vary state by state. Restrictions may apply.

Some states are weird about letting their citizens get abortions or be trans. Some states are very iffy about what you own to defend yourself. Civil forfeiture is a thing that can exist. Weed isn't legal federally. Cops have qualified immunity.

stanleytweedle ,

I didn’t think /s was necessary here, but lesson learned.

style99 , avatar

That would be fabulous, actually. Unfortunately, boomers have already gone full mask-off Nazi and have sabotaged every attempt we make at making this world a place worth living in.

TokenBoomer ,

Most boomers aren’t Nazis, they are just victims of capitalism and a poor education system. You and I can see through the capitalist realism. They can’t, or are reactionary when the dissonance created by a changing world confronts them.

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