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  • stanleytweedle ,

    The ‘War on Woke’ makes the ‘War on Drugs’ sound marginally less insane. That’s kind of an accomplishment.

    stanleytweedle ,

    The RFK Jr. hype is baffling. I know there’s some clickbait value to headlines about a Kennedy saying shit you’d expect to hear from Alex Jones, but that’s already lost its novelty. Feels like this media attention is being driven and it sure as hell isn’t by grassroots support for this lunatic.

    AshDene , to Politics avatar

    I'm neither an expert nor an american, but the idea that RFK Jr running as a third party candidate will hurt the democrats seems strange to me.

    His policies, which can be summed up as "deny reality", align very closely with the modern republican party, not the democrats. It's hard to imagine that he would pull more votes away from Biden than Trump. Are there some people who would vote based on name recognition? Maybe... but surely it can't be that many? Meanwhile "Trump but not a rapist" must appeal to a number of the evangelical republicans...

    stanleytweedle ,

    I think the idea that it will hurt Democrats is coming desperate Republicans that haven’t caught up with the fact that the Trump Era expanded the base of people that will vote straight D as hard as the ‘conservative base’ votes straight R.

    In effect they’re thinking I’m still the person I was in my 20’s- someone who would ‘vote their conscience’ with a third party out of disgust for both parties. Not that I’d have ever voted for RFK Jr’s crazy ass, but third party in general seemed like an option. But Trump helped disabuse many of that notion and made the ‘lesser of two evils’ substantial enough a difference to get through to all but the most hopelessly naive and idealistic.

    stanleytweedle ,

    His base’s ‘passion’ a greater threat to their own cardiovascular system than the justice system.

    stanleytweedle ,

    It was useful as a wedge issue when denying legal abortions was just an abstract idea. Now even ‘pro-life’ people have to see the consequences and start actually thinking about what they’ve been shrieking about mindlessly for decades. Some of them will start finding nuance in the issue, but they’ll never just think- ‘maybe we should have fucked off and not denied abortion in the first place.’

    stanleytweedle ,

    I heard about these on NPR and apparently an ‘Active Club’ got into a scrape with Proud Boys and I thought- someone needs to do a West Side Story adaptation with a Proud Boy and Active Club boy. Has to be a musical in Kid Rock white-boy rap-rock style. Super homoerotic dance-fight choreography… I’ve definitely gone too far with this already…

    stanleytweedle ,

    Unfortunately this just means they can’t explicitly force them on paper. They’ll still find ways to punish anyone that doesn’t at least go along.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Seems pretty pointless no matter what your opinion on immigration is.

    stanleytweedle ,

    How would that even work? Can you ‘clear’ someone of having ever been on trial even though they weren’t convicted?

    Pretty obviously just a way to ‘kiss the ring’ but it doesn’t even make sense.

    stanleytweedle ,

    The media coverage is why she does it, and it always works, so she’ll keep doing it.

    stanleytweedle ,

    I went to an evangelical grade-school that pushed the narrative that slavery, while evil, was somehow necessary to introduce black people to Christianity. I thought that was the craziest take I’d ever see on slavery. Evidently I was wrong.

    stanleytweedle ,

    As much as I worry about deep fakes and AI content distorting society, this one is kind of fun.

    Senators introduce bipartisan ban on stock ownership for executive and legislative branch office holders and their families | CNN Politics ( )

    New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley are introducing bipartisan legislation that would prevent members of the executive and legislative branches — as well as their spouses and children — from trading individual company stocks.

    stanleytweedle ,

    People elected to federal government are already entitled to salaries they can comfortably live on. And they should really be living on that exclusively while serving.

    It’s amazing to me how passionately people I’ve known personally will defend politicians ‘right’ to effectively profit from their service far beyond their salaries. Arguments like “If we don’t let them earn more money talented people won’t enter politics” and “It’s not fair to punish them for being successful”. It’s just insane to me.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Headline should have been “Matt Gaetz Offers Bill To Defund Law Enforcement”.

    Would You Try New Pastimes If Star Trek Level Medical Care Was Available?

    Star Trek’s level of medical care is far more advanced than today’s. As Beckett says in LD, “Doc will wave a light over it.” Yet, in Star Trek people aren’t shown doing hobbies and pastimes that are much different from what’s done now. Still, I wonder about differences in a society where people know they won’t be...

    stanleytweedle ,

    For me the medical care wouldn’t change much because you can still die a lot of ways and getting hurt probably still hurts a lot.

    The big difference for me would be transporters. I hate traveling because for me the destination is the destination and the journey is just an annoyance. There are a thousand places I’d visit if getting there wasn’t such a pain in the ass.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Sounds like my own private vat-of-acid episode.

    Plus I’m thinking you’d need an unlicensed transporter to do that and disable whatever locks are designed to prevent people from doing exactly that. But then I’d forget to do some maintenance on a Heisenberg compensator and end up inside out in the mirror universe or something.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Imagine Trump as a wartime president. “What if we glued decoy heads on all our soldiers so the enemy won’t know which one to aim at!”

    stanleytweedle ,

    Weird how right-wing radio isn’t freaking out about how Trump ‘hates America’ when he makes comments like this.

    stanleytweedle ,

    And under representation in the most populous states.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Not really unprecedented though, it’s basically what he ran on the first time.

    stanleytweedle ,

    I was a little sad when I heard the second season of Severance would be delayed due to the strike, but I’m 100% onboard with the WGA so I’ve got no problem waiting until they get a fair deal.

    Real world experience doing a P2V migration of a Linux server into Proxmox?

    I have seen the documentation saying to build an empty VM with slightly more space for each volume than was on the physical server, then use clonezilla to create an image of the server, then import it. That seems ok, but I’m hoping someone out there has more real-world experience in doing this and can share if they did it...

    stanleytweedle ,

    I’ve been running PVE for about 4 years but never had a reason to try P2V migration at home or work. Kind of curious what about the host makes it worth the effort vs just rebuilding the services. I’ve become a big fan of LXC. The turnkey distros cover most use cases for home and a lot for professional needs too, at least small scale in-house stuff.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Gal Luft, who is a citizen of both the United States and Israel, is accused of paying a former adviser to Donald Trump on behalf of principals in China in 2016 without registering as a foreign agent.

    I guess he didn’t learn to whistle until after the Trump administration.

    stanleytweedle ,

    This isn’t exactly a ‘science debate’ but I’ve met several people that still think the ‘Great Wall is the only man made object visible from orbit.’ I read somewhere that may come from a dream some Chinese king had like 1000 years ago.

    Almost crazier than flat-Earth in terms of being easily disprovable just by thinking about it for 20 seconds, but people have stated that to me as a fact and were kind of incensed when I explain it’s obvious nonsense.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Why 2025? You can start your own luxury gay commune today, it’s a free country.

    stanleytweedle ,

    I didn’t think /s was necessary here, but lesson learned.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Did you verify any of this kook’s rant yourself or do you just believe whatever you see on youtube?

    stanleytweedle ,

    I’m vision impaired so search results are difficult for me to comb through quickly. If you’re not just a lying liar I would appreciate it if you provided what you found that you think verified this kook’s rant.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Thanks for confirming what we both already knew.

    stanleytweedle ,

    What is your ‘easy definition’ of the difference between a man and a woman?

    stanleytweedle ,

    What search terms would you suggest to verify your claims about this kook and his ‘receipts’?

    stanleytweedle ,

    Wouldn’t it be fun to shut everyone up with proof? If you could just drop a links that proved your nonsense about this kooks ‘receipts’ everyone would be so impressed and enlightened. But- if you could you would.

    stanleytweedle ,

    How would that help establish the veracity of his ‘receipts’? You’ve taken all this on faith without ever actually seeing the ‘receipts’ yourself?

    stanleytweedle ,

    But you haven’t seen the ‘receipts’ yourself. Gotcha.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Men and women are segregated for specific reasons regarding bathrooms and locker rooms.

    What specific reasons?

    ciferecaNinjo , to Home Improvement

    It would be nice to have curtains that absorb street noise.

    Some custom curtain tailors offer a fabric that claims to be soundproof. It’s a little pricey. Not absurdly pricey, but it’s also a bit hard to be confident that such thin fabrics can absorb much sound (they claim 20%).

    I would prefer to try hacks. I’ve heard that thick furniture moving pads absorb sound well. I’ve also heard that fiberous fabrics can be effective. For the moment, I probably want to pass on edgy ideas like egg cartons. Maybe later on those. What fabrics are decent for reducing sound? Specifically, I’m wondering about carpets or painter’s drop cloths. Not the simple white canvas drop cloths, but the thicker drop cloths may out of recycled fabrics.

    stanleytweedle ,

    I spent many years trying to sound insulate band and recording rooms on the cheap. I’m not an engineer but from my experience you need mass to stop street noise, which has a lot of low frequency power. No amount of foam or fluffy fabric will make a noticeable difference. Save your money on the ‘soundproof’ fabrics, they’re no better than furniture pads, which can help a little but just aren’t dense enough to stop much bass. Best I’ve found for windows is particle board with chunks of tire rubber nailed on. But you probably don’t want to board up your windows so that’s probably not a good solution for you

    I always wanted to find a heavy sheet of rubber to see if that worked but never found anything affordable I could repurpose. Also wonder if heavy muslin dipped in some kind of rubber material might do anything, but never tried that either. Maybe something like those flaps they use in commercial coolers, those are pretty dense, but a sheet. Sorry no specific recommendations for your case but keep a look out for any dense material you could fashion into a curtain or window cover.

    But also just check around your windows if it they need any sealing. A tiny opening can transmit a lot more sound than you think.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Wish they’d stop reporting every idiotic thing that comes out of his mouth. Everyone that is capable of knowing Trump is an idiot knows it damn good and well and everyone else is hopeless. It’s just rage bait at this point.

    The only relevant news about Trump is his court cases.

    The left must embrace law and order | Slavoj Zizek ( )

    In a world of role-reversal, it would perhaps make the most sense to embrace the 21st century where the leftwing no longer seems to be the rude, vulgar, authentic force and instead insist that law and order is threatened by right wing terrorism as it bit by bit seeks to cast us into chaos on every front....

    stanleytweedle ,

    The whole point of revolution is to establish a new order with different laws.

    The notion that any ‘side’ doesn’t respect laws and order itself is nonsense. Unfortunately the term ‘law and order’ has been trademarked by certain groups to mean submission to certain brand of authority, but we don’t need to respect that trademark- ‘law and order’ aren’t inherently negative concepts, they’re kind of crucial to a functional society.

    stanleytweedle ,

    Who hears a name like ‘Moms for Liberty’ and actually thinks ‘definitely sounds like some mothers that care about liberty’.

    stanleytweedle ,

    ‘Enlightenment centerism’ is so tiresome

    There’s no argument against bodily autonomy. Everything else is either blind sentiment or disingenuous bullshit.

    stanleytweedle ,

    So you don’t believe in a right to self-defense?

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