athos77 ,

From a different article, with more details:

Sent harassing and threatening messages to a DC Police detective assigned to the FBI task force that worked on Gossjankowski's case, including antisemitic, homophobic and racist epithets and suggested the officer should be violently sexually assaulted

Instagram posts referring to FBI agents and law enforcement in antisemitic and homophobic terms and called them "animalistic subhumans." The posts also contained the names, email addresses and phone numbers of prosecutors, law enforcement and even court staff involved in the case. At least one post urged Gossjankowski's followers to "inundate" Valentini's inbox with messages.

jordanlund , avatar

Surprised this hasn’t happened more often.

Sludgehammer , avatar

Okay… maybe gonna display out of touch geezer-ness here, but when did Orc become a trendy insult?

remotelove ,

It has been used frequently by Ukrainians describing Russians in recent times. I have to admit, the description is fitting for an invader from the perspective of a Ukrainian.

orc - a member of an imaginary race of humanlike creatures, characterized as ugly, warlike, and malevolent.

ArugulaZ , avatar

Joke's on them! Russians may be ugly, warlike, and malevolent, but they're sure not imaginary!

echodot ,

Only their air force is imaginary

Jessvj93 ,

The old USSR coming back is imaginary.

Maestro , avatar

I think it's a really bad term. Orcs are born evil. They can't really help themselves. Russians are humans. They choose to be evil. That's worse IMHO

P1r4nha ,

Agreed, any kind of dehumanization like this is not okay, but I get why you would call an invader that.

Corkyskog ,

Are orcs actually evil? I thought they were only evil when they congregated into a horde. Alone they kind of just hunt and do basic survival things. Maybe I am misremembering.

Maestro , avatar

Probably depends on the setting. LotR, Warhammer, D&D, etc.

Omega_Haxors ,

Originally it was but when someone pointed out how racist it was, they realized it was fucked up and went back on it.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Orcs are generally depicted as being overwhelming in number, but individually kind of worthless. Wave after wave is sent into the meat grinder until the meat grinder breaks.

Kinda perfect for Russia’s approach to invading Ukraine.

Send more meat grinder parts.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I think it’s also worth noting that Tolkien’s orcs were individually cowardly and undisciplined, who could only be motivated into a horde by being more afraid of the consequences of refusal.

CADmonkey ,

How very USSR of them.

Floon ,

I think you’re thinking of zergs. Orcs are just ugly, evil brutes. Zergs are endless and individually worthless.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

The only zerg I’m familiar with are StarCraft’s. Zerglings match what you’re describing, but the zerg as a whole vary a ton.

And zerglings are pretty much the orcs of the StarCraft universe, so kinda interchangeable if we’re comparing to large groups irl idiots like the J6 crowd, or invaders like Putin’s cannon fodder

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