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CADmonkey ,

Yeah, I’d be a-okay with an fm radio and roll down windows in a compact hatchback, thanks. You people with your fancy cars. It’s all going to be trash with the flick of a firmware update.

Nobody makes fun of my wife’s little econobox anymore. 1.2 liter engine, 5 speed, and a radio.

CADmonkey ,

Have you tried to buy a Maverick?

CADmonkey ,

I have this weird little vehicle from the 1980’s. I can best describe it as a Japanese Jeep. It wasn’t ever a “big” vehicle, but seeing it next to a modern truck is jarring.

The best part is, I know from direct repeated personal experience that the 60 horsepower 4wd can go more places than a typical 4wd truck.

EDIT: Also, the truck in this picture is a 2004-2008, a 2023 is even bigger…

CADmonkey ,

Speaking as someone who has suffered an original air cooled Beetle, they’re cool but I wouldn’t try to daily it. The lack of power steering would be far, far down your list of issues you will run into.

But for paralell parking a beetle specifically it can be a challenge, because reverse doesn’t work like you expect. You have to push the gear lever down, like straight down toward the ground, and hold it, to put it in reverse. So you have to steer with one hand and hold the shifter with the other.

CADmonkey ,

Oh, perfect for that.

CADmonkey ,

And yet not one manager’s car is on fire in the parking lot.

Why do many microwave ovens hum in an interval of a minor 7th?

Something that I’ve noticed across most of the microwave ovens that I’ve used is that when they hum while cooking food, I can pick out 2 distinct tones. One of them is pretty clearly 60 120 hz, the 2nd harmonic of the AC power frequency. The other is consistently a minor 7th above that (which would be somewhere around...

CADmonkey ,

There are two things making noise in the microwave when it’s running. There’s the transformer that’s making the high voltage for the magnetron, which is you 120 Hz noise you’re hearing.

The other noisy thing in the box is the fan. The fan is most likely a three blade metal fan running on a little shaded pole induction motor. That motor is very simple, just one moving part, and two poles. Two poles at 60 Hz gives us 3,600 RPM, which the motor can’t quite reach because as the RPM gets closer to that magic number of 3,600 rpm, the motor draws lesa current and makes less power. This difference between the speed the motor is trying to run (“syncronous speed”) and the actual speed is called the “slip” and is probably around 3%-5%. This gives us a fan speed between 3400 and 3500 rpm.

I don’t know if that is giving you the second noise you’re hearing, or if it’s mixing with the transformer noise to make it. But now you’ve caused a situation where I’m going to be caught holding a guitar tuner to my microwave.

CADmonkey ,

I don’t know much about music or why some sounds are more pleasant than others… but I do know about electric motors.

CADmonkey ,

It can be used until the first molotov hits it, at least.

CADmonkey ,

It’s 35,000 more than last year. Along with the actors strike, and right after the UAW strikes. Lets leave the defeatism on reddit.

CADmonkey ,

Don’t know why you’re downvoted, there’s no excuse to use leaded fuel in anything.

CADmonkey ,

All the effective strikes are illegal.

CADmonkey ,

If I had to guess, I’d say the actual answer isn’t jail but “start shooting” while also pumping propoganda about those lazy union guys who just don’t want to work.

CADmonkey ,

Not just the optics, but the very real danger to the police themselves. This is the US. People get shot for arguing. When you know that sometime this month the police will show up at your door, you might take precautions.

CADmonkey ,

Sooner or later, someone in the military would have to decixe between following an order, and not shooting a friend/relative. And as you say… revolution.

CADmonkey , (edited )

This one is particularly upsetting to me.

Edit: Actually a bit surprised texas hasn’t tried to impliment their own “Non-Woke” outlet design yet. It would undoubtedly be something that uses more material and costs more, but is considerably less safe both to the user of the outlet and the structure the outlet is in.

CADmonkey ,

The general consensus seems to be “No, go ahead and get Herman Cained, MAGAt”

CADmonkey ,

My wife works with the elderly, and has since 2014. I distinctly remember her words when she saw trump speaking on TV:

“That man has dementia.”

I believe her because she would know.

CADmonkey ,

And yet nothing is being set on fire.

CADmonkey ,

Next time you see one of the fancy lifted “brodozer” trucks, pay attention to the tires. Often times they’re in bad shape, nearly worn out.

That’s because they bought this thing for $700 per month and never took into account that the fancy tires are $300+ each.

CADmonkey ,

About $46k per year in my state. Also, apparently I’m above average.

CADmonkey ,

I’m in the US. I use my credit card for utility bills, groceries, gas, and whatever else I’m buying during the month. Anything like a mortgage or car payment I pay from my bank account. Every month I pay off the card so I don’t get interest charges.

CADmonkey ,

It was literally the leat painful doctor visit I’ve had. Laid flat on my back for a day, and then I was running around like normal two days later. Before I got the surgery done people were telling me how horrible I’d be feeling and I’d never enjoy sex again, and I wonder where so many people got such bad info.

CADmonkey ,

What’s the shelf life on this stuff? Maybe I’ll stockpile some for whoever needs it.

It's Almost Impossible To Find A Decent Used Car Under $20,000 ( )

Vehicles under $15k are 1.6% of the market, and their share of the market has dropped over 90% since 2019. The old advice that you can get a beater and drive it in to the ground for $5k hasn't been true for years but it still seems pervasive in personal finance spaces.

CADmonkey ,

Those PF posts drove me nuts too. And if you pointed out that you got a new car for a little more than a used one, someone would immediately post up how they found a shitty used Civic 3,500 miles away from where I live for slightly cheaper, therefore I was a dumbass for buying a new car.

CADmonkey ,

So long as they cut his internet access and phone line I don’t care where he is.

CADmonkey ,

He had sex? OH noes! How could this happen?

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