arstechnica , (edited ) avatar

Measles erupts in Florida school where 11% of kids are unvaccinated

Over 100 children at the school are susceptible to virus.

AriadneBlasterbolt ,

@arstechnica Whoah there’s a lot of vitriol in these replies. A few notes: vaccine skepticism was pioneered in the USA by liberal cranks, not conservative ones. While there have always been a small number of religious objectors, the energy came from yummy mummies and daddies who bought into the bogus vaccines cause autism theory. QAnon united lefty and maga conspiracy-minded people into one intense blob of antivax nuttiness. /1

konfun , avatar

@arstechnica hahaha, perfect!

WillA763 , avatar

@arstechnica This is just sad. Those poor kids.

RVLara23 , avatar

@arstechnica we are the dumbest society ever imagined.

7islucky ,

@arstechnica I cannot comprehend the stupidity

mickymorse ,

@arstechnica The gop, Desantis and their idiotic no-vax bullshit. The children suffer for political insanity.

tleekeene , avatar

@arstechnica I hope their parents DIEand they get good health care with loving relatives.

Martianman , avatar

@arstechnica Florida--state of "Freedom".

Atticus1956 , avatar


Death-Santis strikes again.

MartyLemert , avatar


The parents deserve every bit of condemnation but my heart breaks for these kids.

nazokiyoubinbou , (edited ) avatar

@arstechnica I'm still convinced anti-vaxxers are going to bring back horrible things people thought were nearly eradicated like polio. I wouldn't be at all shocked if it's Florida that becomes ground zero.

I've heard some anti-vaxxers even WANT their kids to get measles. Some of them do "parties" where they have the kids mingle to spread disease on purpose.

Who ever thought the human version of cordyceps wouldn't be a fungus but would just be plain stupidity and ignorance?

SaskiadeRegt , avatar

@arstechnica Darwinism at its best.

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