georgetakei , avatar

John Gartner is a psychologist who, as founder of Duty To Warn, has raised the alarm about Trump's declining mental fitness. This week, we had the honor of interviewing him for a disturbing conversation about why he’s more worried than ever that the media and the public are missing all the blaring red signs that Trump is slipping rapidly into dementia.

irlusa_gera , avatar

@georgetakei media knows it.

Toonwatcher , avatar

@georgetakei "Slipping into?" He's been completely demented for a while now!

Professor_Stevens , avatar


As much as I despise Donald Trump (read that "to the maximum possible level"), it is unethical for a doctor to make a diagnosis of a person not his patient.

TheNovemberMan , avatar

@georgetakei 👍👍

xs4me2 , avatar


Let’s hope it progresses quickly…

In any case, he is an megalomaniac narcissistic psychopath…

InfoMgmtExec ,
calicoday , avatar

@georgetakei Fascinating, thanks. Two small typos, I think: 1) it should be "wide-based gait" (not "gate") and 2) the quote from Harry Segal, Ph.D. is not set as a quote like the others signers of the petition.

thepoliticalcat , avatar

@georgetakei I think he's a co-founder. The other co-founder is a Dr. Bandy Lee, I believe? A forensic psychiatrist?

littletree ,

@georgetakei what a great election, two 80+, nearly dement, one yells and spits acid any time he speaks, the other falls and forget what he is saying, ...

bbbhltz , avatar

@georgetakei I don't ever listen to Trump speeches. Not my thing, I don't live in North America, etc.

This interview is fascinating, though, because even though I live in France I have crossed paths with people here who adhere to the "cult" aspect of Trump and like to giggle and mock Biden.

spidermedic , avatar

@georgetakei the media isn’t “missing” the red flags, they are willfully ignoring them.

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@georgetakei I want to call this a deference to institution. BigMedia operates in that environment in privilege

starraven , avatar

Time some people started filming his speeches and posting them, unedited, online.

Wanderingmoon , avatar

@georgetakei So we have a former president who has mental issues and a current president who has mental issues and a preference for children. I am not seeing much difference. 🤔 🤔 🤔

Colbycolby ,

@georgetakei they’ve been saying this is “imminent” for at least six years

simonvarwell , avatar

@georgetakei fascinaging, if unsurprising, and it is terrifying.

steverocky , avatar


Trump is definitely showing signs of dementia - and has been for the past couple of years, but it has recently got much worse. I doubt he will last 4 years!

mastodonmigration , avatar


We are all frogs in the pot. Trump's incoherence has been progressively worsening for so long that we've become inured to his senseless blather. He's stark raving mad and no one listens to it anymore, so it just doesn't register.

Luna , avatar

@georgetakei I thought he was mentally unfit in 2016 and he has gotten worse since then.

lilacperegrine , avatar

Is it rapid enough to take effect before November?

Jon1984 ,

@georgetakei this should be the Breaking News on NBC, @NBC Totally disgusted with the direction of the network. They are losing their audience, forgetting who is actually watching it.

enoch_exe_inc , avatar

@georgetakei As long as America is regressing, it should definitely bring back insane asylums to dump the feeble-minded into.

Npars01 , avatar
dorart33 , avatar
dtj , avatar

@georgetakei “Slipping rapidly…”!?!? He’s way past that point, for quite a while.

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