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rbreich , to Random avatar
Npars01 , avatar


That's what another Trump presidency means, letting bullies rule over us all, permanently.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Billionaire Harlan Crow has spent over $13 million on federal politics since the 2010 Citizens United ruling.

That’s on top of the years he spent secretly dolling out free vacations to Clarence Thomas.

Money in politics is the root of our dysfunction.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

By withholding a ruling on Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court's far-right justices are effectively giving Trump the immunity he's seeking, making it all but impossible for him to face trial before the election for his efforts to overturn the election and his role in Jan 6.

Npars01 , avatar
arstechnica , to Random avatar

Lawsuit: Meta engineer told to resign after calling out sexist hiring practices

Meta managers are accused of retaliation and covering up mistreatment of women.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

Senate Republicans blocked legislation establishing a binding code of ethics and stricter recusal requirements for Supreme Court justices.

A day later we learned that Clarence Thomas received even more free vacations from GOP megadonor Harlan Crow.

You can't make this stuff up.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

Trump's not running for office so much as running from the law.

Npars01 , avatar


The billionaires are funding Trump so they can do the same as him.

Evade investigation & prosecution.
Evade taxation.
Keeping the fraudulent schemes going. Keep polluting.
Keep not paying their workers.
Keep the payoffs hidden.
Cheat at elections.
Keep colluding with despots like Putin, Xi, & MBS.
End American democracy.
Use violence & threats like a mafioso.

The donor class funds Trump so they can continue a lifestyle like Trump's.

rbreich , to Random avatar

59 years ago today, Griswold v. Connecticut guaranteed the right to birth control.

Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should "reconsider" that ruling.

And this week, 38 GOP senators voted against the Right to Contraception Act.

Republicans are coming for birth control.

Npars01 , avatar
arstechnica , to Random avatar

EV sales slowdown is mostly a Tesla problem, according to sales data

Almost every other automaker is seeing double-digit EV sales growth.

Npars01 , avatar


Elon Musk accepted funding from a fossil fuel industry desperate to thwart EV's.

What did Musk think would happen, when he got into bed with an industry frying the planet & willing to let a billion die of famine by 2050?

rbreich , to Random avatar

Why are multimillionaires and billionaires like Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Travis Kalanick, Steven Mnuchin, and others are rallying behind Trump?

Yes, the tax cuts. But there's more.

The more Trump tears down democracy, the safer the oligarchy becomes.

Npars01 , avatar


Billionaires want:

  1. To keep the tax evasion
  2. To keep frying the planet
  3. To keep the money laundering
  4. To keep the public corruption
  5. To convert taxpayer funded government into a gift
  6. To impose their religious, economic, & political beliefs on others
  7. To end "government for the people, by the people"
rbreich , to Random avatar

Trump's second-term promises:

-The largest deportation effort in US history

-Send the National Guard into cities

-Appoint a special prosecutor to go after political opponents

-Purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions his views

Fully unhinged.

Npars01 , avatar


Trump's policies are not being developed by himself.

He's functioning as a front for megadonors who want these policy objectives as a condition of their financial support.

In exchange for campaign funding from billionaires, Trump will lump in their "wish list" items into GOP public policy.

Tim Dunn wants the right to impose his religious beliefs on others using the power of the federal government.

Jeff Yass & Barre Seid want to evade taxation, all taxation.


rbreich , to Random avatar

The DOT regulated junk fees. Airlines are suing.

The CFPB capped credit card fees. Banks are suing.

Medicare is negotiating drug prices. Pharma is suing.

The FTC banned noncompetes. Business groups are suing.

Corporate America can't stand government working for the people.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

Trump's Mar-a-Lago trial should've started today, but the judge (whom he appointed) delayed it.

The Jan 6 trial should've been in March, but the Supreme Court's MAGA justices delayed that too.

If Trump was innocent, you'd think he'd want to clear his name before the election.

Npars01 , avatar


Republican megadonors see Trump as their last best hope at a second coup attempt.

Eradicating American democracy means tax cuts for the rich, unfettered public corruption, a frying planet, and a theocratic fascist oligarchy running the federal government, permanently.

Jeff Yass
Ken Griffin
Tim Mellon
Tim Dunn

The RNC incentivizes an anti-democracy movement.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Boeing shareholders approved a $33M pay package for CEO Dave Calhoun, despite overseeing huge losses and safety problems.

It's the biggest package ever given to a Boeing CEO.

Calhoun is resigning by year's end. Guess what he gets then?

A $45 million golden parachute.


Npars01 , avatar


Buying someone's silence as they scapegoat him is common practice.

The folks that turned a blind eye to a catastrophic financial crash, scapegoated a few executives & traders and bought their silence with handsome amounts of "Bye-Bye" money.

It's a practice that should be made illegal because it's a practice that hides fraud & other criminal conduct.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Walmart announced hundreds of layoffs yesterday.

But remember that the company has been hiking prices and raking in big profits.

Its share prices hit a record high in March.

The Walton family's net worth reached $267 billion this year.

Textbook corporate greed.

Npars01 , avatar
arstechnica , to Random avatar

California rebuffs AT&T, says it must keep offering landline phone service

AT&T submitted "flawed and erroneous assertions," California agency judge says.

Npars01 , avatar


AT&T funds the campaigns of the worst MAGA Republicans, including the servile quislings parading their sedition for the press corps at Trump's trial today.

It's a company funding attacks on democracy on multiple fronts, communications being the first target of any fascist movement.

Data breaches being the easiest to implement.

Outages being next easiest

Disenfranchisement schemes

rbreich , to Random avatar

Judge Cannon has postponed Trump's classified documents trial and didn't set a new start date.

The Supreme Court is slow walking Trump's classified documents case, which has delayed his Jan 6 trial.

The federal judiciary is effectively acting like a MAGA campaign arm.

Npars01 , avatar


Judge Cannon has been bought by the same corrupt system of patronage that bought the unqualified, yet loyal, Kavanaugh & Coney Barrett their seats on the Supreme Court.

Dangling the carrot of future gains in front of Cannon must be irresistible to her

Unqualified. Temperamentally unsuited. Biased. Poorly educated. Not very bright. Venal. She's a perfect future GOP nominee

rbreich , to Random avatar

Your regular reminder that if not for the Trump and Bush tax cuts, federal revenues would keep pace with federal spending indefinitely.

Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt.

The so called "party of fiscal responsibility" is full of it.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

Two years ago today, the Dobbs decision was leaked.

No matter how hard he tries, Donald Trump can’t sidestep his role in abortion being banned for millions.

In 2016 he pledged to remake the Supreme Court with nominees who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

He is directly responsible.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

I can't believe I even have to say this, but it is not normal that the Supreme Court is taking its sweet time to decide if the president can incite an insurrection to overturn an election and maintain power. This should have been decided already. The answer is no!

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

I know that it was overshadowed by Trump's lawyers arguing that presidents should be able to murder political opponents, but I don't think I'll ever get over Clarence Thomas hearing a case related to Jan 6 knowing that his wife was an active participant in the attempted coup.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

How we beat back the corporate takeover of America:

  1. Break up corporate monopolies

  2. Continue building union power

  3. End Citizens United and get big money out of politics

Let’s keep working to unrig the system.

Npars01 , avatar


Start with the businesses of Republican megadonors funding Trump.

I think anti-democracy billionaires need consequences

Rebekah Mercer
Chris Buskirk
Peter Thiel
Woody Johnson
Leonard Leo
Barre Seid
Tim Dunn
Bernie Marcus
Larry Ellison
Diane Hendricks
Dick Uihlein
Erik Voorhees
Emil Michael

rbreich , to Random avatar

4 years ago today, Dr. Fauci contradicted Trump's claim that Covid would magically go away before the fall. After that, Fauci was sidelined from public briefings & barred from speaking to press.

During the greatest national crisis of our time, all Trump cared about was his ego

Npars01 , avatar


Republicans let over 1.2 million Americans die of covid for partisan gain.

rbreich , to Random avatar

Your regular reminder that if not for the Trump and Bush tax cuts, federal revenues would keep pace with federal spending indefinitely.

Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt.

The so called "party of fiscal responsibility" is full of it.

Npars01 , avatar


Chinese savers fund Republican administrations.

Trump owed Chinese banks $350 million in loans.

By keeping deficits, Trump has handsomely rewarded those Chinese banks.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Google kills “One” VPN service, says “people simply weren’t using it”

Did anyone want a VPN from the Internet's largest data collector?

Npars01 , avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar

John Gartner is a psychologist who, as founder of Duty To Warn, has raised the alarm about Trump's declining mental fitness. This week, we had the honor of interviewing him for a disturbing conversation about why he’s more worried than ever that the media and the public are missing all the blaring red signs that Trump is slipping rapidly into dementia.

Npars01 , avatar
rbreich , to Random avatar

According to the WaPo: “Donald Trump has privately said he could end Russia’s war in Ukraine by pressuring Ukraine to…cede Crimea and the Donbas border region to Russia.” Did we learn nothing from WWII and the danger of appeasement? Give an inch, he'll take it all.

Npars01 , avatar


Republican megadonors are trading Ukraine for Putin's help in ending American democracy.

All the GOP does is donor maintenance, & their billionaire donors are buying an end to democracy.

The donors to Mike Johnson have Russian interests. American Ethane.
Akexander Voloshin, Oleg Deripaska, Vekselberg, Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, Andrey Kunatbaev.

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