georgetakei , avatar

Certainly easier to defeat.

antonproitzelhaimer , avatar


Pathetic - this Woman really knows absolutely nothing about .
She should read (if she can read then... )

steinarb , avatar

@georgetakei Hah! Shows you haven't spent much time in the Everglades!

blterrible ,

@georgetakei You'd need really tiny wooden stakes though.

mvilain , avatar

@georgetakei Either way, they'd violate the Law of Conservation of Mass.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei Because the concept of "vampire bats" has never been heard of on Earth, right?

But wolves aren't really vampiric either. It wasn't really about that anyway. It was about them turning into a creature that is known to "live in the night" so to speak. Something that could be somewhat scary to people on principle if nothing else. The idea being the vampire could travel or hunt and they wouldn't even be able to recognize them.

Schepphimself , avatar

@georgetakei Makes sense really. I was still surprised when I first saw the concept in "reality" here:

Britz , avatar

@georgetakei get bit, get malaria… become a severely limited vampire yourself.

greenWhale , avatar

@georgetakei driving a stake through a mosquito heart is much harder, I'd say.

guncelawits , avatar

@georgetakei Vampirism is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that affects humans and other vertebrates. Symptoms usually begin 10 to 15 days after being bitten by an infected Tepes mosquito.

hysteretic , avatar

@georgetakei good luck running a stake through a mosquitos heart.

cstross , avatar


Leeches. Vampires are leeches.

(Haemophagia is a metabolically marginal diet—blood is notably short on nutrients!—so all actually-existing haemophagic species are highly specialized. I once did a BOTE calculation and worked out that a human-size vampire would need to bleed about one victim per hour completely dry to avoid starvation.)

wbpeckham , avatar

@georgetakei Big MAN sized mosquitoes. Y'know, never mind. I don't want to see that.

shawnwildermuth , avatar

@georgetakei Easier? They're responsible for more deaths than any other animal ever.

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