georgetakei , avatar

As the conflict in Gaza persists, it's become a defining issue for many on the left, particularly in their stance toward Joe Biden's reelection bid. For some, Biden's support for Israel amid the conflict is a dealbreaker, sparking intense debate within the Democratic Party. How can we navigate these divisions? Join the conversation at The Big Picture as @jaykuo delves into the complexities of the Gaza conflict and its implications for the upcoming election.

pookabazooka , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo This only underscores the fact that our system no longer provides us with viable options for leadership as "the lesser of 2 evils" only becomes more evil. A good life is no longer realistic in our current system. Deeper change is needed - MUCH deeper.

RVLara23 , avatar

@georgetakei I get why people feel the way they do, certainly. And it's their right to act as they see fit, accordingly. But there will be consequences.

I can see the outcome a million miles away. Trump will win. Rs will probably control all 3 branches. And things will get a whole lot worse right here in America. Probably in many ways people can't even envision, currently.

I don't see how that's helping anything.

Lastresponder , avatar

@georgetakei "Don’t dismiss their anger and pain. For people who consider themselves progressive, the war in Gaza with its high civilian casualties can create a strong sense of turmoil, disillusionment, frustration, and even stronger emotions like fury and disgust.

How to know if you're progressive?
Does genocide high civilian casualties disgust or frustrate you?
If yes, I have some bad news.

This has to be satire.

zaku , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo no matter where Biden stands, he is still a much much much better candidate than Trump. It should be a non-issue.

JonBanquer , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo

It's very clear that the Obama/Biden policy of appeasing Iran, who along with Qatar finances Hamas, is failed foreign policy.

We have the ability to remove Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities. Please see my avatar.

fringd , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo instead of figuring out how to talk to people who are upset by biden's support of genocide, we need to talk about how to join with them and pressure biden to end this genocide. Please join us, George!

beladona , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo

Years ago, I made the mistake of judging LBJ solely on 'Nam, ignoring all of his contributions to civil rights.

I will not make that same mistake again

Blanco , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo The left, is the left. They are never happy.

ThomasCameron512 , avatar

@georgetakei @jaykuo Biden is not the president of Israel. He has repeatedly called for ceasefires and humanitarian aid. He is prohibited legally from not honoring our treaties with Israel. It's not like he's rubbing his hands with an evil laugh, hoping Israel will do bad things to Gaza. He has been chiding netanyahu ever since the conflict started. People who are blaming Biden are falling for propaganda from our enemies.

jonathangulbrandsen , avatar
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