georgetakei , avatar
jamie , avatar


Silly putty

DonQuixokie , avatar

@georgetakei If you are cash poor but optimistic, it's cool. Always accept anything handmade.

wolfette , avatar

@georgetakei when I got married we got several cruet sets, sheets that didn't fit our bed and were the wrong colour, two toasters and two sets of crockery, neither of which we wanted

jiggly , avatar

@georgetakei if they want $50, give them $50. Maybe they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford a honeymoon. Why should the gift giver care what the money is spent on?

dperkins , avatar

@georgetakei If the quality of the wedding is at all based on the types of gifts you receive, please don't invite any guests.

huntingdon , avatar


Asking wedding guests for cash in lieu of another wedding gift is only as tacky as the manner and language used to make the ask.

munkisquisher ,

@georgetakei not at all. However it's also nice to put museum tickets, a dinner or a day trip on your registry. That way you can tag in the person who gifted it to you and say thanks from your honeymoon

justin , avatar

@georgetakei it’s not tacky at all. Just don’t be mad when I buy a gift I ‘think’ you will like, and get it terribly wrong. 😜

travel4birds , avatar

@georgetakei it is not tacky, it’s ludricrous. So you don’t have a registry (which is bad enough but got normalized in the 80’s), you still will get gifts from people who want to wish you well or want to send you a family momento to commemerate the occaision. Asking for money to offset the cost of the wedding or honeymoon is just another step down the slippery slope. Why not just sell tickets?

Vonskinnback , avatar
paulc , avatar

@georgetakei when we got married umpteen years ago we had a standard registry. Nice China and wineglasses that we’ve used 3 times in over 30 years
We got some cash. A generous check from a family friend enabled us to not cut our honeymoon short. It was unexpected but appreciated. And many presents we returned.

I look around my house and see a number of thoughtful wedding gifts. I have no idea who gave most of them.

eleeper , avatar

@georgetakei "Divorce for Dummies" book

zenwheel , avatar

@georgetakei we were told it was selfish to ask people to not give gifts but instead to make donations to a set of charities we picked

LaNaehForaday , avatar

@georgetakei And just mentioning here that the "sister" in this story is a fuqing asshole.

A gift is giving someone something they would want to give themselves. Thats the entire parameter.

People seem to be hell bent on judging now. It's all about you and how you feel about something and how you feel that all the other yous in the world should think exactly like you.

That_Damn_Frank , avatar


Money spent on a honeymoon is a ridiculously foolish thing.

Pull it back to a low cost standard place... and put a down payment on a home.

( Sometimes I think that the people who run 'The Hallmark Channel' should be beaten with bats. )

LaNaehForaday , avatar


My ex husband's Uncle Charles sent a card and a fake check for a million dollars.

Thats it.
No Ha ha. No nothing but his signature and a fake check.

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