georgetakei , avatar
Soulshine , avatar

@georgetakei Thomas? They mangled Thomas? At THOMAS Jefferson? Oh dear.

BobC7000 , avatar


Too many gummies?

benjamincox , avatar

@georgetakei Pinot Noir should be a class A drug. 😁

lety , avatar

@georgetakei Omfg, the video 1000% sounds like they wrote IPA phonetics (like Wikipedia uses!) on the speaker notes

məˈɛv ɪˈlɪzəbəθ Brotoski
ˈsɛrə vərˈʤɪnjə ˈbrɛnən
məˈrɪsə lɪn Brabazon-kɑr
vɪkˈtɔriə ɪˈlɪzəbəθ brus

Which is fine and super helpful for properly pronouncing names if, y'know.... you can read IPA lmao

VE2UWY , avatar


"AI" trash.

NickFerg , avatar

@georgetakei A-a Ron? Jay quellin? This sounds like someone trying to one up a Key and Peele sketch.

formlessone ,

@georgetakei Been there. I provided weeks of writing & tech assistance on a book once, as a favor to work colleagues, only to have my name misspelled in the acknowledgements by folks with whom I'd worked for years (and an editor who worked with me as well.) It happens, and you just have to laugh.

pdkoenig , avatar

@georgetakei My last name was mangled by the announcer at my small high school graduation. The highlight, however, was hearing a very bored sounding chorus of classmates saying “it’s Kay-nig.”

kevinrns , avatar


It was not the announcer who caused this, more correctly the woman is a victim, it was the setup by the administration who produced cards with unprofessional versions of "phonetic spelling" of the names, unseen by anyone before. SAH-man-THA ritch-hard-sun, is not reading, is not a name.

AT BEST they knew their would be a problem in what they were arranging ir they wouldnt have made the bizarre cards for her to read.

No commentor has told this story well, no comedian, no news.

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