georgetakei , avatar

If no one can see it, is it even a problem?

Chip35 , avatar

@georgetakei Ants can see it.

BluesHarp ,

Moved into a new apartment. Then saw the roaches. Worthless pest contol guy sprayed and then I started treating the place. All entry points got diatomaceous earth. Three kinds of professional strength bait. Still saw a few. Finally pulled out the fridge and oven and found all of the leftover food and pet food under there. Removed that and the problem went away.

Of course, the place should have been clean when I moved in...

Roaches love high protein, high fat pet food. A delicacy.

Toadman628 , avatar

@georgetakei The underworld of the refrigerators. Is it where magnets for pizza delivery go to be forgotten? Old notes to clean under things get trapped? Where single cooked rice pieces roll to dry out?

resuna , avatar

@georgetakei definitely need to clean under the refrigerator on the day the guy from the store is bringing the new one.

chrisfuen , avatar

@georgetakei in agreement w philosopher Charles Berkeley-basically if you don't see it, it doesn't exist!

thejohnr , avatar

If it attracts pests, then yes.

JoeBeam , avatar

If there’s food under it, then there will be something eating the food.
You won’t see what feasting on what’s under your appliances either.

georgetakei OP , avatar

@JoeBeam Frightening...

anthropy , avatar

@georgetakei this is how you become a

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