georgetakei , avatar

Members of the GOP are no strangers to delusion and lies. The latest example (and definitely not the last) is South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who recently gained attention for shooting her puppy and writing about it. According to Noem, though, this is business as usual for farmers. However, real farmers say otherwise.

Monna ,
taatm , avatar

People are always projecting their actions as normal for the group without checking with the group.

cqd_sos , avatar

"No strangers to" when delusion and lies is their natural habitat is probably a bit of an euphemism.

Seilenos , avatar

@georgetakei I grew up on a farm, and still live a rural life. I was raised with guns, dogs, and farm animals. You don't get to hide behind farm culture to mask the fact that you're a sociopath with anger management issues who is incompetent with animals.

bhaugland , avatar

@georgetakei I worked on numerous farms during my summers as a youth. All of the farmers I worked for had a high regard for life. One of my relatives who owned a dairy farm, told me that every animal on that farm helped feed his family so they deserved a great deal of respect and dignity.

nerb , avatar


My parents owned 48 acres down in the Redlands above Homestead. We grew okra. I learned to hate okra, spent many a day weeding rows and working with the folks who came up from Florida City to pick.

We had a German Sheperd named Debon. Unfortunately Debon went into a neighbor's fields and killed a calf as the mother was delivering it. Since it was a first time we covered the loss..

Unfortunately Debon got loose a few weeks later and went into the neighbors fields again and killed one calf and injured another to the point it had to be put down.

This time the neighbor got the sheriff involved and we had a choice. Find somewhere where Debon could live or put him down.

So Debon got to be a city dog living in a small fenced backyard up in Sarasota where my Aunt and Uncle lived.

He was one of many animals we acquired when people dumped them out in the sticks. We kept many cats around but only one dog at a time. Others went to the pound.


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