georgetakei , avatar


dboutelier , avatar


Or people getting simple espressos. It's supposed to be quick and simple

greenback , avatar

@georgetakei Single Espresso. Thanks.

TimHare , avatar

@georgetakei If you just want coffee, go to an old-school diner, a Waffle House if you are fortunate enough to have one nearby, or maybe a Dunkin Donuts (well they used to have only coffee but since I've worked on my weight I haven't been in one in a while so that may have changed)

ricosuave ,

@georgetakei Agreed. And perhaps a line for those who just want ... coffee. As opposed to "a chai latte with organic oat milk heated to 99.2 degrees, and with four drops of lavender extract that was locally-sourced within 2 miles of this establishment, and ..." If you know what you want, but it takes 15 minutes to describe it?

TimWardCam , avatar

@georgetakei As in:

Me: "Black coffee please."

Server to person making the coffee: "Americano."

Couple of minutes later, once the coffee has been made.

A different server: "Do you want milk in your Americano?"

That could have been a few seconds quicker.

staidwinnow , avatar

@georgetakei The other line will be shorter.

leebennett , avatar

@georgetakei They already have that. It’s called mobile app ordering.

SkipHuffman , avatar

@georgetakei also whose drink can be specified with one noun and no more than two adjectives (including size).

Toadman628 , avatar

@georgetakei Que-exacting change, too? Or, card only?

johnrohde ,

@georgetakei I'm the ultra indecisive type when I order my craft beer. But I let others take my place in the queue while I get small tastes etc. while figuring out my order.
Karma is a thing in a smallish. town.

ddutton , avatar

@georgetakei I just avoid coffee shops altogether. They are rip off anyway

reay , avatar

@georgetakei I’ve long wanted the same thing for movie theatre concession stands.

I’m a pretty peaceful guy, but so help me I’ve wanted to choke people out when they’re ahead of me in the snack line and wait to get up to the cashier to discuss what they want to order.

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei Ok but they get served by the leas experienced employees. 👿

RedStateExile , avatar

How I wish Eden_Eats would come to Mastodon

wolf , avatar

@georgetakei And a third line for those who just want a cup of coffee, not an Entish tale of ingredients and amounts told by those who know exactly what they want.

MorganV ,


But that'd take people being able to read the signage, and people like that also tend to be the people who take 20+ items into the 10 items or less aisle, or will step over a "caution do not enter" emergency tape.

Now, if the barista was allowed to have a squirt bottle of water with which to chastise people who violated it, that I could get behind.

18+ PetterOfCats , avatar

@georgetakei I personally feel they should pass out a shot of espresso to those queueing to get them awake enough to order in a timely manner.

noksucow ,

@georgetakei need this for drive thrus too

TheMNWolf , avatar

@georgetakei the express-o lane

TheNovemberMan ,

@georgetakei I endorse this fine idea! 😁

Brilliant Guiness GIF

artemesia , avatar


...and pay in cash

dstndstn , avatar

@georgetakei And an order that is less than 10 words including "please" and "thanks"

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