georgetakei , avatar
rsavir , avatar

@georgetakei Always good to collect data, right?

ksimes , avatar

@georgetakei The way that headline reads, it looks like Bryce may 'turn gay' if he sends his son to public school. Not a big loss to the world.

nutriamix , avatar

Obviously, this guy was homeschooled by right-wing idiot parents who believe that going to public school makes them become gay or lesbian.

Of course, if that were true, then the majority of the population would be gay or lesbian, and yeah… that's not happening.

redcedar , avatar

@georgetakei in the online global village there are idiots. He is also a flat earther. Flat earth, the gateway drug of conspiracy "theories".

aho , avatar

@georgetakei sadly he will deprave the son from a proper education and bond real relation with others and choose whom ever he wants to love just for he has lost his last brain cell.

JebKFan , avatar

@georgetakei I'm sure it's all the liberal teachers who turn even wild animals gay, of course. Warning: high probability of sarcasm.

SteveJB ,

@georgetakei 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

spidermedic , avatar

@georgetakei The dude has taken a lot of blows to the head. He's unlikely to knows how ANYTHING works. 😂

coolluck , avatar

Homophobic much...?

shoren18 , avatar

@georgetakei As a homeschooled bisexual with a crazy conservative bigoted father I can confirm this isn't how it works.

ScottGrimmett ,

@georgetakei Alexander the Great was home-schooled, and he turned out totally, ummm

dshan , avatar

@georgetakei Don't let your kids grow up to be UFC fighters, it rots their brains.

ScottHodes , avatar

@georgetakei this guy has obviously taken too many hits to the head.

Gdkramer , avatar

@georgetakei I am pretty sure he has taken too many blows to his head to be able to make that decision. I hope his wife isn’t as fucked up as he is.

karlcx , avatar

@georgetakei will people ever not see children as customisable possessions?

davidhmccoy , avatar


Great. Let him keep his son out of circulation.

howtophil , avatar

@georgetakei If he refuses to vaccinate that kid, there's a good chance the little tot won't survive long enough to discover if he's gay/straight/bi/asexual/etc

Children of antivaxers are deserving of our pity

soulexpress , avatar

@georgetakei If your parents named you "Bryce," you can pretty much expect to spend your life in leather bars.

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