rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

A recent report found that Americans have become less likely to go out for a workday lunch, and more likely to eat a brought-from-home lunch at their desks.

Do you go out for a lunch break? And if not, why not?

HikerGeek ,
@HikerGeek@mas.to avatar


Besides the healthier food and cost saving aspect it makes the day seem much longer when I would take a real break. Like its two days of work in a way.

My last job I got into trouble when HR found out I wasn't taking a real lunch break. I was salaried and I was supposed to work 8 hrs with 1 hr lunch = 9 hr day. I prefer a quick lunch at my desk.

chrisaraymond ,
@chrisaraymond@me.dm avatar

@rbreich When I was working, mostly at lower paying jobs, I brought my own lunch all but one or maybe 2 days a month. Better for my wallet AND my waistline.

TimHare ,
@TimHare@hachyderm.io avatar

@rbreich When I was first working and wages were low I took a sack lunch. When wages got better I might buy lunch. But I always took lunch away from the desk, and preferably away from the building, because I was one of those whose teammates always came to them for thorny problems. If was in the building, my lunch would be terminated about ⅓ of the time to go solve something

coyoty ,
@coyoty@mstdn.social avatar

@rbreich There are very few places to go out to in my area. If I don't want fast food, it's too expensive, and takes time to go to a table restaurant. Fast food quality keeps declining.

karatekid ,
@karatekid@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich I simply can't afford to eat out that much.

stacybrooky ,

@rbreich I bring lunch it is cheaper

MikeMeraz ,
@MikeMeraz@writing.exchange avatar

@rbreich Nope. The pandemic completely changed my habits and lifestyle. We began seeing just how much money we were wasting on unnecessary things. Going out is now reserved for special occasions. Meals at home are healthier and we love movie nights at home with friends. I’ve been to a movie theater only 3 times in the last 4 years. I used to go several times a month. And I’ll be honest, with the rise of MAGA, I just don’t enjoy public venues anymore. And that includes social media.

JosephSmith3130 ,

@rbreich you can see from the replies why so many restaurants are closing. Restaurants are becoming a vacation/travel thing it seems.

darkdjinn53 ,
@darkdjinn53@mas.to avatar

@rbreich well I work nights and my lunch is at 1:30 - 2 am so, no LOL

mkey ,

@rbreich Save the expense by eating my own, home made healthy food at work.

schwuld00d ,
@schwuld00d@woof.group avatar

@rbreich 95% work at home, I either cook or heat up leftovers. People who are not filthy rich have to do what we can to keep going.

mazigazi ,
@mazigazi@dobbs.town avatar

@rbreich go out with fellow staff once every week or two. Otherwise bring my own lunch because it’s healthier and cheaper

hetoug ,

@rbreich my employer serves lunch for us all. Costs a small amount, approx 40% of the cost - due to tax laws. Pretty normal here. Also free coffee and soda.

Number1SummerJam ,
@Number1SummerJam@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich I usually buy lunch. There’s a chipotle right by my work, and a chicken bowl with all the free toppings costs less than $9. I can save some time during the day and get a chance to stretch my legs and get some sun. It’s usually the only big meal I eat on work days.

bzdev ,
@bzdev@fosstodon.org avatar

@rbreich One reason people may be less likely to go out for lunch is the more and more pervasive bait-and-switch fees. Example: once when running a bit late, I got a $12 pre-packaged sandwich from the opera's concession. They charge me $15. I said the listed price was $12 and they said tax. Sales tax in SF is under 9%, I estimated an upper bound by taking 10% of 12, and subtracting 10% of that, which meant that tax was less than $1.08. Never bought anything from them again.

rbjolly ,
@rbjolly@vivaldi.net avatar

@rbreich Everything costs more so bringing a lunchbox makes sense.

Toadman628 ,
@Toadman628@mstdn.party avatar

@rbreich Those days are gone. Just like TEAM-BUILDING exercises. The other days, they sent us to HR given class on opportunities in the firm and how to apply. Just like to know if they are writing on a wall? Oh, HELL! The firm took our white magic boards away during the pandemic.

JoelBarr ,
@JoelBarr@mastodon.online avatar

@rbreich like most of you, I bring a lunch to save money and time and for healthier options. It cuts down on plastic, since I use the same pyrex, thermos, bag, and silverware. I mean, who wants to eat off plastic?

Since I teach high school, I feel like I'm setting a good example. Have you seen teenagers eat? Beyond the cafeteria staples of pizza and fried food, it's a steady diet of monosodium glutamate and high fructose corn syrup. The best part is the conversations about food and life.

Clarity ,
@Clarity@c.im avatar

@rbreich I only eat 2xs a day

Vagrarian ,
@Vagrarian@vivaldi.net avatar

@rbreich I very rarely eat workday lunch out, largely for economy reasons. I usually pack and when I do go out I might get a cheap slice of pizza or a sandwich.

Occasionally there's work lunches on the company dime that I enjoy, but that's only occasionally.

Bikeyface ,
@Bikeyface@better.boston avatar

@rbreich Pre-pandemic I could get lunch for $10 but now it’s $15-20 everywhere. I still take a walk for lunch… after I eat a sandwich from home at my office desk.

Trsdppy ,
@Trsdppy@mstdn.games avatar

@rbreich it's too expensive now

BobMazatlan ,
@BobMazatlan@convo.casa avatar

@rbreich When I was still working, I would usually go out for lunch once a week, and bring my own lunch 4 days a week.

VirginiaLady16 ,

@rbreich Going “out” for lunch has always been aspirational. Bosses get to do it but wage slaves, not so much, except for an occasional holiday or retirement party. Even in the federal government, the lunch “break” is theoretically only 30 minutes. Theoretically (again) all employees get two fifteen minute “smoke/bathroom” breaks which could be added to the 30 to bring you to an hour, but IF you don’t work in one of those big government buildings w/a cafeteria, you are SOL.

legume ,
@legume@lentil.social avatar

I eat a homemade lunch for several reasons:

  1. I don't get paid for my lunch break. if I buy lunch then I'll need to make up that time by working longer. Instead, I multitask while eating my homemade meal.

  2. I save money and eat healthier by bringing my own lunch. The cost of living crisis and corporate greed isn't being addressed, so I'm forced to be frugal.

  3. If I purchase takeout then it usually involves single-use plastic. Dining in mitigates this but refer to 1.

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