georgetakei , avatar

Joe Biden is getting tougher. Whether it's on the border, Russia, Israel or with the press, the President is taking a more aggressive stance. The question remains: will it help move the needle ahead of November's election? Writer Jay Kuo digs into this crucial question in a brand new piece from The Big Picture.

rzeta0 , avatar


Whilst I agree with you on many many things, I have to disagree on Israel.

Biden continues to:

  1. Attack the ICC and ICJ.

  2. Send weapons, intelligence to Israel.

  3. Send money to Israel.

  4. Shields Israel from UN resolutions.

  5. Slander peace activists and those against genocide as violent or antisemitic.

  6. Gaslight us on the scale of intentional devastation and human harm.

What many feel he has done is act as minimally as possible to try to get back some lost votes.

HolgerFiallo , avatar

Tougher on Israel? Getting tire of the extremists left demanding that Israel make peace with hamas. Why do not ask lion to make peace with a pig. The lion will eat it after the paper were sign. Left use Palestine cause to hide their hate against the Jewish people so they can protest again the poor people. Same people who elected Hamas knowing they wanted Israel people exterminated. Why all of you ask Israel to make peace with Nazis and let them hold hand singing a nice song. @georgetakei

wsrphoto , avatar

@georgetakei Tougher with Russia? How? Words don't fight wars. Biden waited for months for funding supplies to Ukraine, but he circumvented Congress (without informing them) sending supplies to Israel over 100 times, even diverting ammunition for Ukraine to Israel. He restricted use of US weapons until recently. He tried to protect Russia's energy refineries from attacks. All while he doesn't say anything about Russia destroying Ukraine electrical plants and grid. Tough? More like cowardice.

Nienkez , avatar

@georgetakei Never give in to fascists. It just validates their point and gives then more votes.

e_t_wright , avatar

@georgetakei Quite a nephew you got there, Mr. Sulu. I'm very impressed with him. The Federation will have a good cadet!

irrelevant ,

@georgetakei the only thing you got even remotely correct is the border issue. And not by much.

kevinrns , avatar


Buden has had 40 MONTHS of adding new jobs EVERY SINGLE MONTH, May Biden added 275,000 new jobs, and the economy keeps roaring. Building windfarms, taxing wealthy corporations, and when we give him both houses, a 25% tax on Billionaires.

Want to repair wealth inequality, protect women, voting and have hundreds of thousands of new jobs every month?

Best President since FDR. Best.

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