georgetakei , avatar

"Americans love a strong leader. Donald Trump scores high with many voters precisely because he acts like a despotic strongman, seemingly unrestrained by rules, laws, international agreements, or even social conventions. By contrast, Joe Biden is a competent and cool executive, leading an administration that adheres to established norms, operates by consultation, and follows the data-driven advice of experts." But what does it mean that Biden is now showing a tougher side? Jay Kuo digs into this question in last week's piece from The Big Picture.

darwinwoodka , avatar


Well no, the Americans that support Trump love a racist bigoted sexist who lets them be racist bigoted sexists and still feel good about themselves.

rzeta0 , avatar


Genocide is not "established norms".

US forces allegedly operating in Gaza.

Toadman628 , avatar

@georgetakei Trump's attitude is enough to assist any description of racism and fascism alone.

huntingdon , avatar


Those who want a fantasy "strong man" - exactly what Trump is, a fantasy tough guy - define it as bullying, NOT following the rules, and getting what you want at any price. They've been worn down by a system that doesn't promote their interests and regard the rules as rigged. His followers just assume their tough guy won't make them pay the price.

LOL. Economically, Trump's followers will be the first people he throws under the bus. But his real enemy is the rule of law.

antonproitzelhaimer , avatar


never was, never is and never will be a .
He only plays, what he thinks, is a strong Leader. It is always important to listen to 's about what the "" really is: An , driven by and , who is only revolving around . Such never can be .

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