georgetakei , avatar

Which are you?

Cedara , avatar

@georgetakei There is NO ketchup in this household.

But we have unsalted tomato concentrate and fresh tomatoes.

isisevrinen , avatar

@georgetakei I prefer to have none at all. Unfortunately, my children like the full ones and get cranky when it's almost empty.

onelson , avatar

@georgetakei I'm a 3rd category, it's not quite full but mostly full... and also it's 2 years expired.

drazraeltod , avatar

@georgetakei @kurth …none

But I've got the ingredients if I'd need Ketchup?

Toadman628 , avatar

@georgetakei Use sriracha, and you'll ask , "...catch up what?".

jann , avatar

@georgetakei I have a 1/2 empty one in the fridge (blame my husband) and a full one in the "backup cabinet" - cos I am anally-retentive! 😂

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei How about NO ketchup bottle? I hate ketchup!

georgetakei OP , avatar

@mrbruno Fair enough!

TimMaddog , avatar

Oh, yeah? NO ketchup bottle in my house. 🤣

ChrisHolladay , avatar

At Mar A Lago ,it's on the walls...does that count?

klinkner_anna , avatar

a near-empty one and a spare one😁

georgetakei OP , avatar

@klinkner_anna Classic.

helma , avatar

@georgetakei Do these people not stack? Of course one has to have both, there is no other way. 🤨

Thomuh , avatar

Full ketchup, but the mayo 😳

mwyman , avatar

@georgetakei I have both. Gotta keep a new one on hand; the kids running out mid-meal and not having a backup is not a pretty sight.

robin , avatar

@georgetakei I keep one of each to create infinite free power.

Puck , avatar

I so rarely use it that I just keep the little fast food packets in the fridge for just in case.

Nearsys , avatar


I have none

GrokTime , avatar

@georgetakei Neither! I always have an extra in the pantry!

decius , avatar

@georgetakei Both, because we have a reserve bottle. Can’t risk running out!

pait , avatar

@georgetakei There’s been a half full bottle of ketchup in my fridge for months.

jab01701mid , avatar

@georgetakei Covering all bases, I maintain both an almost-empty and almost-full one at all times.

sophiasilina1 , avatar
Opus24 , avatar

@georgetakei BBQ sauce yes, ketchup NEVER

CrypticMirror , avatar

@georgetakei note to self, buy ketchup. And mayo. And yellow mustard.

JayElbey , avatar

I'm an optimist. 🙂

WellsiteGeo , avatar

@georgetakei ... [trying to remember when I last brought ketchup.]
[Relaxed the test to include picking up a sachet from the cutlery counter.]

Nope, still can't remember. There must have been a time I tried it, but it's over 50 years ago.

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