georgetakei , avatar
Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei Let me guess, the only "British" people there were the white ones, regardless of what nation's passport they actually held?

robriley , avatar

@georgetakei Like the guy who said they're all claiming state benefits and taking our jobs 🤣

tony , avatar

Luckily they have no chance of getting seats.. they're a loud but small mob. They only get any traction because Farage gets more airtime than he deserves.

Lassielmr , avatar

@georgetakei that’s nothing one of their candidates said we should have embraced Hitler and made a pact with him ……and the party’s spokesperson defended him. This is Nigel Farage’s mob

JeffGrigg , avatar


"You can tell." ?!?!?

No you can't.

I grew up in hispanic neighborhoods in the Los Angeles area. With close relations to the families nearby.

No. You cannot tell.

Please try to stop being so ignorant and stupid. Or maybe at least shut up.

Skawt , avatar

@georgetakei Pretty sure this guy lost all of his marbles when he got that neonazi haircut and his chin removed.

freequaybuoy , avatar

@georgetakei No you know why happened 🙄

argv_minus_one , avatar


Imagine thinking destitute, desperate foreigners are looking to take your job for pennies on the dollar, yet simultaneously rich enough to arrive on a plane.

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