rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

The Supreme Court just overturned a federal ban on bump stocks, the device that let the Las Vegas shooter injure more than 500 people and kill 60 within minutes.

80% of Americans supported the ban — even Trump!

SCOTUS has once again defied the will of the people.

kristen_d ,
@kristen_d@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich You seem surprised that a wholly-owned-by-Nazi-cunts would side with the bribers who are also Nazis. WAKE UP

rheckart ,
@rheckart@our.devchatter.com avatar

@rbreich The Founding Fathers loved them bump stocks on their Revolutionary Rifles though, so there's that..

integerpoet ,
@integerpoet@sfba.social avatar

@rbreich Each SCOTUS gun ruling merely rearranges deck chairs on the Titanic. The Second Amendment must go.

ralph ,
@ralph@social.tchncs.de avatar

@rbreich But the Supreme Court member do not live in Las Vegas and have for sure enough security to be safe from someone copying the shooting from Las Vegas in Washington. So: They can decide in a ideological strict way without being confused by human right like the one to live.

Loucovey ,
@Loucovey@newsie.social avatar

@rbreich SCOTUS is only supposed to uphold the Constitution. not the will of the people. But once again, SCOTUS has defied the letter and spirit of the law. There. I fixed it.

ErisCaffee ,
@ErisCaffee@masto.ai avatar


My own personal opinion is that the problem lies in the legal definition of the term "machine gun" which is currently tied to the functioning of the trigger: does it fire more than one bullet with a single pull of the trigger. Attaching a bump stock to a rifle does not make it do this.

What we need instead is a definition of a machine gun based on the rate of fire acheivable by an average person. Over X shots per second and it is a machine gun.

MisterMoo ,
@MisterMoo@mastodon.online avatar

@rbreich What do you expect when four of its members were appointed by presidents who reached the presidency without winning the popular vote?

bigheadtales ,
@bigheadtales@mstdn.party avatar

Those sweet vacations, private jet flights, sweet real estate deals, motorhomes, private retreats at Nazi camps, and other assorted monetary "gifts" all come with strings attached.

The Republican puppets controlling have completely corrupted the court.

SkipHuffman ,
@SkipHuffman@astrodon.social avatar

@rbreich Time to repeal the second amendment. We haven't had a slave uprising in a very long time.

ginaintheburg ,
@ginaintheburg@mastodon.world avatar


You know what, tho? Instead of moaning abt it's decisions, what's needed is laws reflecting & protecting the will of the people that can't knock down.

Which requires a trifecta in November - House, Senate & WH all in the hands of Dem majorities.

The wisdom of relying on elections to solve the SCOTUS prob & other generated disasters is becoming ever more clear.

We need better &/or new laws.

And we need to include that fact in all discussions abt SCOTUS & .

621002 ,

Harm never need be wished on anyone; however, it is truly ironic how truly well-intended people, committed to making the lives of human beings more enjoyable and healthy, somehow and for some unknown reason are put down. Just think Gandhi, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King. Shakespeare says the evil men do lives after them; one could add that good men undeservedly often pay the price of death while evil men are spared to continue to promote misery.

Iamgroot11 ,
@Iamgroot11@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich what is going on in your country?

RiaResists ,
@RiaResists@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich they hate us. Just like their God teaches.

lyricismist ,
@lyricismist@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich But owning a vagina and an associated uterus is a crime.

Janef ,
@Janef@newsie.social avatar

@rbreich The right truly does hate the peo le. It’s a sick bunch who vote for their own monsters.

KathyLK ,
@KathyLK@universeodon.com avatar


Here's the text of the 2nd Amendment:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

There is NOTHING in that amendment that says what KINDS of "Arms" people can "keep and bear." Congress and SCOTUS could regulate the KINDS of "arms" IF both weren't in the pockets of the gun manufacturers.

Not to mention the fact that the "WELL REGULATED" part of this unholy amendment is always ignored.

I'm not a lawyer, but if I was, I'd be challenging this ruling and every other ruling that gives testosterone-laden jerks the ability to purchase armories which they use to take away my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Finally, how does SCOTUS justify having an armed, potentially violent public when the Preamble says the government was formed to "insure domestic tranquility?"

Jon_Kramer ,
@Jon_Kramer@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Bump stocks make weapons less deadly. This is a good thing, if you can use math.

RobynofSpring ,
@RobynofSpring@sfba.social avatar

@rbreich Here’s video of Las Vegas shootings https://youtu.be/hAULgl6Kja0?si=oeWj68-inuBzgvQG

Does it sound like a machine gun? Kill like a machine gun?

What a bunch of morons on the Supreme Court. The bump stock “literally” transforms a semi-automatic rifle into a killing machine. How can they parse the words to say it isn’t equivalent?

This is their latest modus operandi… like the Colorado case where their judgment was that the literal words in the constitution regarding being disqualified after participating in an insurrection required further clarifying language that Congress would have to pass.

Funny how now that Congress has been hamstrung to where they can pass nothing that the SCOTUS takes no responsibility in interpreting the laws, but, punts to Congress to pass a law that will never happen in this do nothing Congress.

I’m afraid this is by design and not a feature. Expect to see more of this bullshit coming out of this court. Partisan hacks is all they are.

duanallen ,

@rbreich and I am sick of this SCOTUS. Fools pretending they are otherwise.

mpjgregoire ,
@mpjgregoire@cosocial.ca avatar

@rbreich You Americans should amend your constitution to limit or eliminate the right to bear arms.

Nazani ,
@Nazani@universeodon.com avatar

@rbreich Their long game is to go after the regulatory power of every agency. FDA, Energy, Commerce, definitely a bullseye on the EPA.

KanaMauna ,
@KanaMauna@sauropods.win avatar

The ancient Spartans use to abuse and hunt their Helot slave populations to keep them terrorized and intimidated. To the justices, we are just Helots.

palin ,
@palin@mastodon.social avatar

Could very well be that they are hoping for another insurrection..
And I am in high hopes that this time we are fully prepared to take care of anyone that tries.

chilly ,

@rbreich to be fair, SCOTUS isn’t supposed to bend to the will of the People. It’s simply supposed to apply the law, according to proper precedent and the Constitution. But hey… they’ve clearly failed there, too!

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