me , avatar

I'm trying to convince the last friends I have left on Facebook, X, Threads, or BlueSky to join the Fediverse. Some have tried but felt a sense of loneliness. Nowadays, many people are so used to doing what algorithms suggest that they can no longer make independent choices.
My timeline here, on the other hand, is beautiful.
I see what I want, I follow people who post what I like, and no one tells me what I should do. Freedom may come with a "cost," but whatever it is, it's worth the effort. Always.

PaganLord116 ,

@me Pretty much had the same problem, some people I've told about it have tried it and given up saying there's too much crap to figure out, what's an instance, how do I pick one, how do I find people to follow etc. I started the process of learning Mastodon in case any of my students wanted to try it, ended up liking it pretty well myself though agree I do miss following writers and companies and so on who aren't on here.

Tipa , avatar

@me I have gotten a LOT of pushback from friends on BlueSky about using Mastodon. They call it an unfriendly, judgey place with a lot of unwritten rules that crossing any makes you a pariah.

me OP , avatar

@Tipa The only unwritten rule is: do no harm to others. Then, of course, there are extremists here too, as in all contexts. People who are not used to using alt-text should be guided, not attacked, and unfortunately, this sometimes happens in the Fediverse. In polarizing social platforms, there is a tendency towards aggressiveness and partisanship. Here, I see that many people seek positivity and constructiveness, acceptance, and participation.

Tipa , avatar

@me I tried a few Mastodon hosts before I got to my current one. My first one had every bad thing people say about Mastodon -- I was informed of the rules I was breaking frequently. So I left, eventually ended up here. Lots of people have a bad experience and just leave forever.

shalien , avatar

@Tipa @me One of the reason I choose to self host. Nobody to prevent me from breaking the rules :D

me OP , avatar

@shalien @Tipa I don't want to break any rules, but I want to own my data.

shalien , avatar

@me @Tipa Accoding to some people it's a deal breaker ;D

But honest goal. Personally I wish when my time would come that my data disappear as I do.

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