Star Trek

Have watched TOS - Enterprise. Will watching Discovery-SNW increase my enjoyment of Lower Decks?

My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today. I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on? I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss...

The horrible morals of a show supposed to teach them

I’ve been watching the various Star Trek shows for a while now, and while not finished I saw most of them, I believe. And I cannot shake off the feeling that the messages given by these shows, especially (and almost exclusively) recent ones are pushing horrible morals that most people seem to not care about....

Did anyone else dislike TOS in their youth but came around to it when they got older?

I was born in 1989, so I grew up with the TNG era and ENT, and I always dismissed TOS as a kid as the cheesy 60s original version that TNG remade and left in the dust. It wasn’t until high school that I actually sat down and watched TOS and fell in love with it. I even now wonder if Kirk is better than Picard, it’s a debate...

Canon Connections: Strange New Worlds 2x04 - Among the Lotus Eaters

• The title refers to the Homer’s “Odyssey” when Odysseus’ voyage reached the land of the Lotus-eaters. These people’s primary food source was the fruit and flowers of the lotus, which was powerfully narcotic, and caused those of Homer’s crew who ate it to forget their desire to return home....

Whats your favorite Star Trek season?

Not to be confused with favorite series. I think my favorite season is ENT sesson 4, which is funny because the series overall is def on the weaker end of the spectrum, and i dont think any particular episode of the fourth season is Star Treks very best, its just the season that has more good than bad episodes of any season of...

Enterprise era new trek show?

I’m not sure if this is the right community or not, but I’m curious what y’all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of...

Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW?

Hi all! Long time Star Trek fan here with my first post. I'm gonna start out by saying that I promise I'm not a hater of Discovery at all. It just has done nothing for me and from what I read, has not made any changes that would have solved my personal issues with it. I'm fine with others liking it and honestly wish that I did...

In a way, Tasha Yar's fate actually worked out really well for the series

I don’t know whether this is an unpopular opinion or not but I actually think that the way Tasha Yar died gave the show much higher stakes throughout it’s entire run. Here is the chief security officer, main bridge crew, tragic back story, potential love interest for the robot character just slapped down by the monster of...

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