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Whats your favorite Star Trek season?

Not to be confused with favorite series. I think my favorite season is ENT sesson 4, which is funny because the series overall is def on the weaker end of the spectrum, and i dont think any particular episode of the fourth season is Star Treks very best, its just the season that has more good than bad episodes of any season of...

startrekexplained OP ,

I always have skipped the first two seasons of DS9 on rewatches to the point that i dont even remember most of the episodes in these seasons. I guess Ill have to give them another go

startrekexplained OP ,

Picard season 3 was probably the most dramatic improvement in Trek history

startrekexplained OP ,

Season 2 has a few gems but yes its an overall bland season

startrekexplained OP ,

Im pretty sure it was the basis for the Xindi arc which I really liked

startrekexplained OP ,

Yep, I agree. The first two seasons are truly the worst tv Ive ever seen.

startrekexplained OP ,

Future Tense, Regeneration, Minefield, Cogenitor and The Expanse were all good

startrekexplained ,

I have both books. Very fascinating reads. Unification two parter is one of my favorite Trek two parters btw

startrekexplained ,

I have ParamountPlus but I’ll just watch it on YouTube anyway as an excuse to watch the episode again

startrekexplained ,

Love that they went to some exotic alien structure in space and not just a normal planet

Have watched TOS - Enterprise. Will watching Discovery-SNW increase my enjoyment of Lower Decks?

My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today. I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on? I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss...

startrekexplained ,

Lower Decks mostly references TOS-ENT, so it won’t matter much.

startrekexplained ,

Discovery doesn’t have a single good episode I’ve went back to revisit, while even the “weaker” series like ENT have episodes I revisit.

startrekexplained ,

I guess I should try Foundation finally

Star Trek and The Orville, which is better/worse?

I asked this question sometime ago on The Orville’s subreddit, and surprisingly got mixed responses. I assume most here however, are going to prefer Star Trek, specifically TNG that its aping from. For the record I do prefer TNG as well, but rewatching The Orville, after you get past its kinda sucky first season, I really...

startrekexplained OP ,

No need to be vs I agree, but people pit them against each other anyway so thought I’d ask. I like both to the extent I just include The Orville in my Star Trek lineup

startrekexplained OP ,

Couldn’t have said it better myself. By the third season, I was like “yes this is honorary Star Trek”

startrekexplained OP ,

The Orville does the utopia a bit better. For example no prisons in the future and the post scarcity, socialist no money utopia is ironically taken more seriously in The Orville than in Star Trek where it almost seemed embarrassed by it at times.

startrekexplained OP ,

Lower Decks is a mockery of sci fi and Star Trek though, I don’t pretend LD is otherwise.

startrekexplained OP ,

Yeah the humor in season 1 turned me off and I wasn’t sure if I liked the show at first, it tapers off in season 2 and mostly evaporates in season 3, so those seasons were far better.

startrekexplained OP ,

I debated with myself if I preferred the Star Trek humans vs The Orville humans, and in the end I do prefer the more serious dialogue of Star Trek

startrekexplained OP ,

IMO, it “counts” as Trek, so strong is its respect and homage to the essence of Trek. As Trek Sci-Fi it also did some things well and made its own contributions to the “Trek forum of ideas”. It tackled the “prime directive”, progressive issues around gender, went all the way with robot-organic romance, did a very Trek style take on AI war and I rather liked its take on a hyper technologically advanced species (the one that runs through time faster than our universe).

Very well said. There are elements of the Trek universe that The Orville IMO does better. The Prime Directive is one of them. And the show is much more bold on gender and queer rights issues, which Trek often ignored or at best just said “heres a LGBTQ character!” It almost feels like a distilled version of Star Trek.

Somewhat more uncomfortably, it stood as an affirmation of what those of us who have struggled with Kurtzman era Trek what we were actually looking for and remembering as the Trek we loved, and a reminder that style of TV can still work well.

Yeah I didn’t like Discovery at all and was disappointed in Picard, so The Orville filled that hole. Now that SNW and Lower Decks are out and are much better shows than DSC and PIC IMO, less so but I do still prefer The Orville even to them.

startrekexplained OP ,

Agreed. TNG and DS9 are still the better shows, but I’d rank The Orville even above TOS and VOY and ENT.

startrekexplained OP ,

Good points, but I do think SNW taps a bit into the TNG vibe. It’s a very beautiful episodic show like The Orville is.

startrekexplained OP ,

I admittedly worship TNG, but yes it def. has issues that haven’t aged as well. Like representation issues.

startrekexplained OP ,

Damn, very well said. The rejection of a utopian setting in NuTrek, even in shows like SNW which pays lip service to it, is a major turn off for me because Trek was always good as utopian sci fi. And yeah DS9 challenged it, but it didn’t outright reject it either. The new shows totally dismiss it, whereas here’s The Orville dialing it up to 11.

startrekexplained OP ,

Well it also tested the Federation by putting it on the breaking point with a galactic war. Which I approve of and think was very interesting, but it wasn’t saying things like replicators are made from recycled shit or that poverty still exists on Earth like NuTrek did.

startrekexplained OP ,

I liked that time travel episode and its moral dilemma, even if basically aborting the children seems morally dubious. Why didn’t they offer to just take his family with him into the future? Other than that, I felt it was brilliant. Also I like “preachyness” if what’s being preached is the right message, and they mostly preached the right message IMO in The Orville.

startrekexplained OP ,

Ironically though because of its higher budget, The Orville ran into more alien “strange new worlds” and species than TNG did.

startrekexplained OP ,

I agree with everything you just said

startrekexplained OP ,

The Orville isn’t anything like Galaxy Quest though

startrekexplained OP ,

Well ive never seen either so whats the consensus?

startrekexplained OP ,

The third season is the best one. Feels like a TNG season in a good way

startrekexplained OP ,

For sure it was just to get it greenlit. After the Identity two parter proved it did well with drama, they shifted

startrekexplained OP ,

I think they really found the right balance by the Identity two parter

startrekexplained ,

If you can stand its horrible interface, get Paramount Plus because it has the full series. Or just get them on DVD actually. Sadly no Blu Rays yet of the series

startrekexplained ,

Bourbon and beans, an explosive combination.

startrekexplained ,

Recently rewatched the first 6 Trek films. For as bad as V is, love that line since I also love Bourbon and baked beans ;)

startrekexplained OP ,

Yeah I admit Star Trek 1 is the most “Star Trek” of all the movies, in a good way. So from that angle, it’s the best film.

startrekexplained OP , (edited )

Except, you know, when Picard beams off the exploding vessel and lets the villain die because that’s what Movie Picard does.

They cut the scene of Picard offering to save the villain, because…I guess it’s cooler to just let him die.

Anyway, I don’t think Insurrection is bad because it feels like a TNG episode, I think it’s bad because its shot in a tv movie style with a plot that makes no sense and even kinda craps all over Star Trek’s philosophy. I do appreciate they tried to create a Star Trek style moral dilemma though. Generations feels more like a theatrical version of a TNG two parter and is better for it IMO.

startrekexplained OP ,

Good point. Nick Meyer was really good at making Trek films I guess.

startrekexplained OP ,

Funny you bring up Final Fantasy, because I’m in the process of playing all the classic entries (I have the pixel remasters and 7-9 on the Switch), and I didn’t know 8 was considered that weak. I guess I’ll find out once i get to it.

startrekexplained OP ,

Nemesis I felt could have been a much better film with better writing and direction. There’s certainly good stuff hiding in it, the whole nature vs nurture argument for example.

startrekexplained OP ,

Yeah I agree with everything you said

startrekexplained OP ,

1 actually, about to beat it and move on to 2. So its just beginning

startrekexplained OP ,


startrekexplained OP ,

Whats your fav?

startrekexplained OP ,

Insurrection feels lacking in ambition.

I just realized it was written by Michael Piller, the guy who saved TNG and created DS9. So kinda weird the one Trek movie he wrote was so bland and forgettable. And it was directed by Jonathon Frakes, who is a great director IMO so even more bizarre.

startrekexplained OP ,

I have both the snes classic and pixel remaster version, wondering which one to play

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