Star Trek

Kestrel , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more!

Was pretty skeptical about all this stuff, but it seems like y’all have succeeded in moving a good chunk of people from Reddit to this new place, which hopefully bodes well for the future.

Hopefully y’all will be able to keep moderation functioning well, especially considering that a lot of Folks’ll stay split between here and the Reddit subs. Like the biggest reason (IMO, of course) that r/DaystromInstitute is/was one of the best subs out there was just how effective the moderators are/were.

qat ,

Was pretty skeptical about all this stuff, but it seems like y’all have succeeded in moving a good chunk of people from Reddit to this new place, which hopefully bodes well for the future.

As long as there is enough people here to have a thriving discussion, we can be self-sustaining.

Nmyownworld , in How and Why GATES MCFADDEN Was ‘Fired’ From Her Role in STAR TREK avatar

That was such a bad situation. The whole, “how dare you question me, get out,” loss of Gates McFadden. Dr. Pulaski’s introduction as Bones 2.0 instead of as a distinct, unique character, and her first comments to Data. I think Diana Muldaur is very talented and a Star Trek icon – TOS and TNG. Pulaski is a strong character, but that first impression was hard for me to shake. I was happy when Dr. Crusher returned, but by then I was also also sad to see Dr. Pulaski go. I wish that PIC had made room for a Dr. Pulaski appearance.

cranstonapple ,

I hated her as a kid watching the show. But now I realize that I agree with her teleportation-is-murder-stance. I mean, it’s definitely murder.

CeruleanRuin , avatar

That is a fundamental misunderstanding of how transporters function in the Trek universe. There is no destruction, duplication, and recreation of objects. Matter is simply converted into quantum information and then converted back.

killall-q , in Why the galactic barrier and transporters don’t match real science, and why warp drive might avatar

Because teleportation is murder. Whatever comes out on the other side may look and act like you, but isn't you, because you're now dead for having been disassembled by the teleporter.

zalack , avatar

Teleporters are interesting because when you think about it long enough, you realize the person on departure end died.

You think about it more... and if the person that comes out the arrival end is an exact replica -- down to the atom -- and, further, has internal continuity of experience... You realize that if you accept they died then you kind of also have to accept that the "you" of any given instant is constantly dying and giving way to the "you" of the next instant. That person living that experience at that exact moment will never exist again; they're dead.

So you're kinda back to transporters being business as usual again, but with a fun new existential crisis on the side.

SeeJayEmm , avatar

In practice, I agree with you. The transporter scans, disintegrates, and reconstructs the thing being transported. But when the thing being transported is reconstructed at a subatomic level it is effectively identical.

I can imagine the society we see in startrek having already worked through the moral and philosophical implications. I would have loved to see that addressed in an episode tho.

concrete_baby OP ,

Is one carbon atom the same as another carbon atom, philosophically? Can you keep your identity when all your atoms are replaced by other atoms of the same kind? It’s the ship of Theseus problem

druid , in S1E14 - What is this reverse 🖖 hand signal Riker does? avatar

@QDidNothingWrong I suspect it's just a simple case of the actor getting it wrong and no one on set really noticed at the time. It's definitely not the standard form.

QDidNothingWrong OP ,

Another fascinating point is it’s not tradition to do the Vulcan salute to a non-Vulcan of which none of the characters on screen were so it’s strange he’d use that salute when not referencing anything Vulcan in the scene.

kg333 , in S1E14 - What is this reverse 🖖 hand signal Riker does? avatar

It is a Vulcan salute:

I don’t recall why Riker would have been using one in that context, though, unless TNG was trying to establish the gesture had expanded in use across the Federation.

EDIT: also, this is in S01E15 “11001001”, not E14.

QDidNothingWrong OP ,

The thing is… the Vulcan salute is palm out. He has palm in, thumb in. It caught me off guard which was why I felt the need to come post as I couldn’t find it anywhere online.

Someology , avatar

Nope. His palm is definitely out. He just doesn’t have his thumb extended. Other than the thumb, it’s a completely normal Vulcan salute. Perhaps Frakes had a bit of trouble with it early on and just hadn’t got his thumb out properly yet?

QDidNothingWrong OP ,

No. It is not. I’ve watched the scene a dozen times. His palm is in… facing him, and thumb is in. Even in the screenshot I posted his palm is in.

Xtallll , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more! avatar

Just FYI all the instance, and community logos are rendering as broken images.

Admin OP , avatar

We’re aware thanks, something went wrong in the latest update, it’ll be fixed soon.

Edit: fixed now

ode , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more! avatar

How does a Star Trek virgin go about losing one’s card? There must be a generally agreed order of approach to all the series and films by now. (The breadth and longevity of it has kept me wary.)

StillPaisleyCat , avatar

There actually isn’t a generally agreed order of approach, and many folks tend to assume what worked for them will be what’s best for others.

Most of the shows were designed to stand alone if need be, and can provide an entry point. They’ll fill you in on the essential lore along the way.

At this point, your own tolerances for 60s and 90s styles of television and visual effects might be a deciding point. If you want to jump right in with something new, Strange New Worlds is designed as the new live action entry to the franchise - but others have started recently with the animated comedy Lower Decks or the family show Prodigy.

There was a sidebar “Where do I start?” FAQ on the subreddit that listed options (release date; in-universe chronological; by personal preferences for serialization or not).

@ValueSubtracted could you make that available here please?

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

We are looking into it - we don't have a wiki up and running just yet, but we'll see about getting it up somewhere ASAP.

GetRidOfWires , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle"

I liked it, but it didn’t have enough Pike.

klinkertinlegs ,

Always need more Pike!

StillPaisleyCat , in One of the perks of being on open source software is that we could make our own star trek theme for! avatar

Given that one of the reasons for migrating here was Reddit’s disregard of an disrespect towards persons with disabilities, perhaps it would be important to offer some (more than one) Star Trek custom theme that meets the needs of people with different accessibility issues.

While I know many Berman-era fans love LCARS, and it was innovative for its time, it’s really not at all accessibility informed.

Not to mention, that options for the board should be welcoming of fans of all eras, not just the 90s.

porthos OP , avatar

Let me be clear, I am a dog, I have paws and no thumbs, accessibility is super important to me!

jokes aside

  • click your profile name in the top right corner
  • click settings
  • scroll down to the themes option

You will find that you can change the theme appears to you in. By default lemmy already has a couple loaded. We could easily add a special theme to this website that was fun and star trek themed that was opt-in for users, or at least easily opt-outable by going into the settings and changing the theme.

We have a fantastic freedom here to indulge in a very treky themed while still making sure to value accessibility and flexibility for those that need it. Lemmy gives control to the user over which theme to choose to display in (from the list of installed themes on the server). That is one of the fun, but underappreciated aspects of fediverse software. You get to choose how everything looks!

On the note of making a lemmy theme focused on accessibility, I think the lemmy community would be more than thrilled if people created accessibility focused themes for , other lemmy instances would surely benefit from that work too!

Again, this is just a fun idea that could only add to the community here, there is no danger in making it unaccessible.

FormerGameDev , in So how long until they kick legacy mods from r/startrek and reopen?

Splinter the community, I’m going to stay with the people who went through the mess of setting up a new place that isn’t beholden to Reddit. It may be forever smaller, but of the 600,000 subscribers, how many of them contribute?

ValueSubtracted Mod , avatar

It may be forever smaller

I would honestly consider this a feature, not a bug.

FormerGameDev ,

eh, it is what it is, and i’d say not really either. For now, probably nearly everyone that’s staying here is probably a contributing member, but if we continue building and promoting this community, then it will get to a sizeable number of lurkers. As long as we don’t attract bad actors, or bad actors are dealt with swiftly, it’s all good.

qat ,

yeah we gotta grow this community. And wait for reddit to make the next mistake that will drive people here.

FormerGameDev ,

For sure. If this community stagnates, it will eventually die of attrition.

Continuumguy , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle"

Thoughts and observations written as I watch- I’ll be putting this on both Reddit and Lemmy, since infinity diversity/infinity combinations:

  • Wheeee, NCC-1701 in the Star Trek tag!
  • Previously: Last season happened.
  • Little ships flying!
  • Wonder who the lawyer that Una and Pike have tried to reach is.
  • Oh, hey, the Vulcan musical instrument whose name I can’t remember!
  • “Fascinating.” “Isn’t that usually his line?”
  • The fellowship on archeological medicine? Is that a reference to Dr. Korby?
  • “We must steal the Enterprise.” Buddy, if I had a nickel every time someone had to steal the Enterprise, I’d have several nickels.
  • Lt. Mitchell gunning for series regular next year with how much screen time she’s had early on this episode.
  • Okay, having Carol Kane is already paying dividends.
  • And, yeah, Carol Kane doesn’t need alien makeup to be an alien. She’s already an alien.
  • I’m still not sure if the emphasis one the warp catch phrase is amazing or annoying, but this scene was funny.
  • So clearly La’An’s augmented ancestors were genetically engineered to drink a lot. Which, y’know what? Fair.
  • Ah, the borderlands, where utopian rules go away and everyone becomes a Ferengi.
  • Congratulations to Uhura on graduating from the Academy.
  • Ah, the old “I have technology that I’m totally not making up that will blow you up” bluff!
  • New transporter chief?
  • Okay, so the angry borderlands people are trying to do some sort of false flag thing.
  • Redundant Klingon organs, the old standby.
  • Roided-up doctors can tell you what bones they broke as they break them.
  • These are obviously Discovery sets.
  • This action scene, while well-done, is way too long.
  • A D7!
  • “We’ve gotten out of worse.” “No, not really!”
  • “This I’ve got to see!”
  • I wonder if “Lanthanite” is a synonym for “El-Aurian”
  • Pelia knowing that being on the Enterprise means adventure is further proof that those ships are goddamn weirdness magnets.
  • Gorn. Yes, it stretches canon but fuck it the Gorn are awesome we’ll come up with an explanation later.
  • “For Nichelle”
  • Overall, while not one of the better episodes, it still was a good start to the season. It wrapped up one of the hanging threads of last year (La’An), we continued to see some of Young Spock’s struggles with his emotions before he became the more-Vulcan Spock that Nimoy was in the main TOS series, and we got our first look at Carol Kane as the nutty new engineer. Overall, I’ll call that a win!
kallisti , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle"

So, bit of a mixed bag. I enjoyed Spock smashing bloodwine, and the general idea of the plot, decent Klingons etc. I did not enjoy unexplained spacewar drugs, feels like a very non-Star Trek thing.

That being said, I really wish they would stop harping the “do the thing do the thing” angle every time anyone sits in the Captain’s chair. It’s been in every show now and it’s just such a tired and stale joke that it’s moved over time from being funny, to tiring, to outright annoying.

abba2566 ,

+1 for the complaint on the ‘do the thing’ comment. I feel like it’s because engage/make it so have become somewhat of a meme from Picard in TNG and they’re looking to replicate that.

But the idea every captain has their thing is one seemingly from the new Treks. In the past series, engage is used frequently by Kirk, Janeway and Sisko. (Kirk also frequently uses warp speed Mr sulu, ahead warp factor 1, take her out, first star to the left and straight on till morning etc.) They’ve been really pushing ‘let’s fly’ from Discovery, but it’s a terrible line and trying to force it just makes it cringy. I wish they’d used that time to expand the stealing the Enterprise plot a little more.

Navi ,

The big problem with the joke here is it’s totally the wrong moment. They’ve disobeyed orders and “stolen” the enterprise but haven’t actually gotten away yet… don’t just sit there messing around!

NickofSantaCruz , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle"

The M’Benga-and-Chapel-are-Max-Payne sequence went on far too long: only one group aboard the ship had weapons (and Stormtrooper accuracy) of any kind? I’d have preferred a stealthier sequence: after reprogramming the transponder, they use a series of Jeffries tubes to get to the airlock with the intent of opening it to escape but the ship takes off to ruin that plan.

Other than that, it was a decent episode to get the season going. Spock’s emotional journey will be a focal point of the season, which I’m okay with. SPECTRE The Broken Circle Gang is probably going to show up again and I wonder if we’ll eventually see some TOS villains retconned to be members. Carol Kane will be fun and with what was said of her species, I’m betting on her making at least two ENT references during the season.

Interesting that the false-flag ship is Crossfield-class: the saucer is a clear match but the drive section is completely different. Were the Discovery and Glenn modified from that spec to fit the spore drive research project or was the ship we saw a wartime refit of the class?

arod48 ,

So Die Hard on a spaceship? We did that with Starship Mine already but I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing it again. Is Starfleet’s version of the Hippocratic oath “First, do no harm, unless you have to, in which case go hard.”?

As for the Crossfield-Class, I thought it might either be that the classification of Discovery made them change the format of it for obfuscation purposes. Either that or they built that ship from salvaged parts from the war, and the saucer/transponder was from a Crossfield, and Uhura was simply reading from the transponder code the ship class.

UESPA_Sputnik , avatar

Were the Discovery and Glenn modified from that spec to fit the spore drive

Yes. IIRC that was stated in of the first handful of Discovery episodes. (possibly the one where they encountered the Glenn?)

cyberic , in Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x01 "The Broken Circle" avatar

Is this post tagged NSFW for spoilers?

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , avatar

That was the idea. Is it having a visible effect?

markuss ,

Loved the episod! Ethan Peck owned it and now I can’t wait to see even more of Carol Kane’s character.

I am curious though, are the writers hinting at a future “Jekyll & Hyde” plot line when it comes to M’Benga and that green battle juice that he apparently keeps with himself at all times?

FormerGameDev ,

My thought is that his plotline this season might include some resolution of Klingon War era trauma, of which we’ve been told just a little bit in this episode, and which brings him to carry the super soldier serum on him.

guzzi , in UPDATED 9-3: - Lemmy info, FAQ, Patreon info, future plans, and more! avatar

This is great, I subbed. I am trying to setup a server dedicated to motorcycling (r/motorcycles etc). Really like that we can setup specialty sites. Usenet 2.0

qat ,

there's[email protected] on another instance, which you can interact with even from here!

guzzi , avatar

Late response I am chatting with you via my own instance.

The "Federation of servers" is a great way to handle this. I am surprised how will it works even in it infancy.

Long live the Federation.

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