Star Trek

StillPaisleyCat , in I think Voyager is underrated avatar

In my view, having rewatched Voyager again decades after first run, the show not only took successful risks in several episodes like the Demon duology or The Thaw, it has some ‘best ever’ episodes for employing some classic Star Trek tropes.

At the time, I suspect some fans focused on the ‘not new idea’ more than ‘did it better than’ but at this point it’s fairly clear.

For fans who came to Voyager first (including our kids), the original TOS and TNG episodes that Voyager built upon just seem weak by comparison.

More, when SNW does something similar, people are viewing these kind of episodes from the perspective of how well done within a type rather than criticizing them for reworking a trope.

KIM_JONG_JUICEBOX , in I think Voyager is underrated

What are episodes people think are dumb?

I think the last seasons the writers really had some fun and the actors must have loved those.

catshit_dogfart OP ,

Let’s see, I don’t remember episode titles but from memory:

  • The one where Harry Kim is having visions of a planet full of hot desperate women who want him for a mate
  • The one where they’re on a prison colony and Chakotay has to fight The Rock. And this was before Dwayne Johnson’s film career really took off.
  • The one where they go Warp 10 and devolve into lizard creatures. The lizard versions of Tom Paris and Janeway have lizard babies.
  • The one where Janeway falls in love with a holodeck character
  • The one where Kes comes back and she’s evil

It’s a real mixed bag. Sometimes you swing and you miss, and I respect them for even giving these stories a chance. Also I rather like Tuvix.

z500 , avatar

With Threshold I always was mildly impressed with how they made a point that evolution doesn’t necessarily mean that a species will become super advanced somehow. That they evolved “in-place” instead of over generations is still a pretty bonkers misunderstanding of evolution that they always fall for, but I guess watching them turn into lizards over the next several decades probably wouldn’t make the best TV lol

xontinuity ,

I agree. Honestly Threshold was a decent episode up until that ending. But the ending… was just too much.

OpticalData Mod ,

C’mon Fair Haven gave us the line ‘Delete the wife’, it deserves awards for that alone

catshit_dogfart , in I recently finished all of trek

So, I have a story about Star Trek the Animated Series.

My friends and I used to watch it in college, but it was a drinking game. We watched it in Spanish, with no subtitles (and none of us speak Spanish). And there were certain things they said every episode, and everybody drinks when they say it.

“No es logico, capitan”

directive0 , in Who cares, go back to reddit

I dunno why but this post only really makes me want to stay here more?

Lockely , in Who cares, go back to reddit avatar

Oh man I this is such a great post to realize that Lemmy/Kbin allows you to see the exact number of both upvotes and downvotes on a post and not just a fuzzy aggregate score. I missed that.

xyon , in I recently finished all of trek

Well done, that’s quite a commitment. I watched a lot of trek as it aired, but I’ve still not quite seen all of TOS or ENT - and I’ve skipped out on the Kelvin films after 2009.

The most surprising one I think has been Prodigy; I didn’t expect it to be as compelling as it ended up being.

astroturds OP ,

I kept prodigy until last because I was convinced that it would be too childish but it was superb!

I love murf!

FormerGameDev , in Who cares, go back to reddit

cool, have fun

williams_482 , in Who cares, go back to reddit avatar

This is a major milestone guys. Our first troll!

VE3MAL , avatar

The great thing about the fediverse is that you can rage-quit 100 different instances!

astroturds , in Kira's dilemma is exactly what Voyager needed

Voyager is weird, for the first couple of seasons I wasn’t sure if I would like it much but by the end I absolutely loved it.

I thought it got a lot better towards the end of season 3 and carried on being good until the end, mainly because I got invested in seven of nine.

I don’t want to spoil anything but the shit that Janeway does is crazy. She’s mad and I love her.

I even loved the finale that everyone bitches about. It was perfect voyager weirdness.

ValueSubtracted Mod , in Who cares, go back to reddit avatar

ok bye

Corgana , in Meme communities avatar

I believe the plan is to get Risa over here eventually but for now memes can be shared in the “main” community since it’s so small.

WonkoTheSane ,

Risa is already here! I wish I knew how to link other communities 😅

Thorry84 , in Meme communities

Yes please, we need startrekmemes!

ImUsingReddit OP , in Who cares, go back to reddit

my post on reddit was doing so great too…

goat , avatar

Sorry I’m confused. What’s up?

themz , in How about we make a new /risa over here for memes and jamaharon? avatar

Oh, that’s why the first post I ever saw here was about jizz. And now the first comment I’m making here is about jizz.

Yeah, separate meme community is a good idea!

ValueSubtracted Mod , in How about we make a new /risa over here for memes and jamaharon? avatar

Right now, memes are welcome in the main community.

If and when we feel the need to make the split, Risa will rise-a again.

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