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uralsolo ,

I feel the same way. I think it’s just because the TNG films wanted to turn Picard into Kirk and frankly Patrick Stewart can’t carry an action scene (neither can any of the rest of the TNG crew tbh). The TNG cast would have been perfect to do a plot about space whales or a dangerous anomaly flying towards Earth, but they kept trying to do The Wrath of Khan instead.

Also a pox on everyone who says that Motion Picture or The Search for Spock are bad.

startrekexplained OP ,

Yeah, I agree, the films trying to copy the Wrath of Khan to this day is a bad thing. And I don’t even think Wrath of Khan is that great to be honest. Star Trek I and IV have IMO the best Star Trek style plots in fact, which is why I appreciate and like them a lot more now, whereas as a kid I hated them both.

Search for Spock is okay as a movie, but it’s more of a fantasy magic movie than sci fi and I don’t like the plot so its kinda weak to me.

karmiclychee ,

Sorry, I’m still watching the opening sequence of motion picture, I’ll let you know what I think when it’s done.


But for real, I feel like the last season of Picard was finally a chance to see the TNG TV characters in action in a TNG movie.

theinspectorst , avatar

TMP and TSFS certainly aren't bad, they're just not at the extremely high standard of TWOK, TVH and TUC.

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