
LobsterScuttle , in How to view Intune-managed firewall rules

Thanks for posting that, it was a major frustration of mine.

FYI, I've been having success with Powershell running this: Get-NetFirewallRule -PolicyStore MDM

I'm going to add that registry entry to my notes though because I am constantly checking this, very annoying that it isn't seen in the GUI.

BigDanishGuy , in VMware customers may stay, but Broadcom could face backlash “for years to come”

I may only use VMware workstation pro for desktop virtualization for lab use, and I do realize the ramifications for enterprise operations are exponentially greater. But even I am getting a worse service. I used to be able to google an issue, find a link to the VMware forum and just open that. Now * redirects to and searching for the post there seldom finds it again. Absolutely brilliant timing for google to kill cached pages.

The broadcom takeover has fucked us all.

mojoaar , in VMware customers may stay, but Broadcom could face backlash “for years to come”

European retailer here with >3000 stores in EU.

We recently decided to move away from VMware after the Broadcom "takeover". We have three scenarios to cover; datacenter setup, satellite offices (stand alone hosts) & hosting partners.

For stand alone it was an easy choice; proxmox.
For datacenter; hyper-v.
Hosting providers; VMware (their choice).

At moment we are pushing our hosting providers for exit plans from VMware.

As a company we have taken the decision to not support Broadcom pricing structure if we can avoid it.

BigDanishGuy ,

Large companies telling broadcom to go suck a lemon, is definitely what can make a difference for the rest of us in the future... Definitely maybe, possibly make potential a difference.

Evotech ,

Lmao don't go hyper v. Use Nutanix or something

Saying this as someone who is currently trying to get rid of hyperv internally

mosiacmango , in VMware customers may stay, but Broadcom could face backlash “for years to come”

ROBO licenses are gone. We saw licensing costs for servers at those sites go up 5x.

We have a few years left on our main clusters licensing, but we are already investigating moving off vmware because we expect more of the same.

slazer2au ,

Where are you jumping to? I hear people going Hyper-V and nutanix(?)

JoMomma ,

Local gov, we were directed to go to Hyper-V... We'll see how it goes

IHawkMike ,

Hyper-V is decent. It's VMM that is atrocious. Hopefully you don't have Citrix with MCS catalogs.

Evotech ,

Hyperv has shit automation support and doesn't provide native apis to work with. You need vmm or some third layer to talk to. That's where the shit starts

JasonDJ ,

I'm a net admin so I don't deal much on hypervisors but I'm a bit surprised.

Does it actually have shit automation support, or do you just not like the APIs?

Evotech ,

It does not provide apis like that without third party softeare

JasonDJ ,

You can't control hyperv via powershel, winrm, or wmi?

kelargo ,

Consider Xen?

possiblylinux127 , avatar

I'm a little scared Hyper-V will turn into Azure

slazer2au ,

Bit late, the path is already there with Azure Arc

possiblylinux127 , avatar

The problem is what happens if they pull a VMware. They could just bump up licensing costs so that you end up spending the same as you would to be in the cloud

slazer2au ,

MS is currently going through some legal battles in the EU about unfair pricing so it will be interesting how that turns out.

wizardbeard , in Req.Incoming Email NOT my Focus? Client/Server avatar

Outlook has "rules" you can configure to route incoming mail into different folders and mark as read (if you have access to their web client, configure the rules there so they run even when the desktop client is closed).

I know Google's web interface has similar features. If it's not built into Thunderbird then I'd be shocked if there wasn't an extension for it.

MNByChoice OP , (edited )

Interesting. I have never noticed these. Have any names?

Good idea about the online Outlook. I forgot about that.

possiblylinux127 , in Req.Incoming Email NOT my Focus? Client/Server avatar

I use Thunderbird. However, pretty much all email providers have an option to do this. You can sort by content and sender address.

MNByChoice OP ,

Interesting. I have never noticed these. Have any names? I only have filtering after things are in the "inbox".

possiblylinux127 , avatar

You can just create a folder and send inbound rules

DigitalDruid , in Req.Incoming Email NOT my Focus? Client/Server

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  • MNByChoice OP ,

    I have filtering, but those all happen after the mail is in the Inbox. I get a quarter second of crazy emails and previews and things moving, then they are gone. (Outlook sucks.)

    I don't even want to see that shit.

    MNByChoice , in Anyone switched to Debian?

    I love it. More stable than many things. Preseeds for PXE.

    I don't have to fuss on my fun systems.

    Work systems are different. Works great when it is a nice fit. Use mostly RHEL family there, and dislike the rolling upgrades. (Breaking changes between "minor" version changes. Rarely an issue on Debian.)

    vk6flab , in Dumb Q: How to manage sw licences? avatar

    Q: How do you eat an elephant?

    A: One bite at a time.

    Whilst you are faced with a multitude of issues, don't get lost in the weeds by details when you are trying to untangle the past to move it forward.

    A simple spreadsheet to track hardware, licenses and other details like location, specs and primary contact is a perfectly reasonable starting point.

    I say that because you don't know what you don't know yet. You might for example discover that some shops are doing their own thing, regardless of company policy.

    Creating a ticketing system is useful to track stuff for everyone. I settled on trax with web access to people who need it, but the computer literacy levels might prevent some from using this.

    Burnout is a very distinct possibility in an environment like this, so make sure that you set aside time for you to think. Call it a meeting, call it an on-site visit, whatever you do, take time to think.

    Also, remember to backup your work. It's not unheard of for it to vanish unexpectedly if you are perceived as a threat.

    Source, I've been working in this profession for 40 years.

    lolpostslol ,

    I’m not in tech anymore but must comment that I work at a major company in a dynamic field with young, ultra-qualified, ultra-smart personnel that is not horribly computer-unsavvy but I still think I’m the only one in the whole company who opens IT support tickets via a system instead of caling, even though IT pushes the system and even though you get good support via the system and horrible people by calling

    vk6flab , avatar

    I see this everyday.

    The ticket system is for the IT department, allowing it to track activities, keep abreast of open tickets, build a knowledge base and share information with colleagues.

    Users benefit from this indirectly.

    Of course, some managers use ticket systems to manage performance metrics. That doesn't work, but they'll never learn.

    MrPoopyButthole , in Dumb Q: How to manage sw licences? avatar

    I always wonder how these relics make any money using systems that old. To do business with some of our clients, they audit us for ISO 27001 compliance once per year. Anything out of support would be flagged and we could lose a lot of business.

    kurcatovium OP , avatar

    It's small grocery store chain in the middle of European nowhere, with about hundred of stores run mostly in small villages. Some of those ancient software was made in-house decades ago for internal ordering from wholesaler (also run by the company) to individual shops. Everything in wholesale warehouse runs on the same DOS thing too, with stock inventory, invoice, ordering, ... There's already plan to (finally!!) put it to sleep and replace with something newer and more flexible, but given how low on resources and manpower the company is, it's not going to happen fast.

    BearOfaTime , in Dumb Q: How to manage sw licences?

    If you're buying dozens of Office keys, then a site license for Windows and Office makes a lot more sense.

    And those licenses are managed between you and MS. Then it's a simple count of Office installations and you know how many licenses you should be using. You typically do an annual license "true up" with MS.

    catloaf ,

    Or Office 365. Yeah, I know people hate SaaS, but businesses love it. Licensing is flexible and scales up and down as you need it. And you get major updates as long as you have a license, unlike when you buy 2021 Pro Plus or whatever, where you'll always be on 2021.

    kurcatovium OP , avatar

    We recently had discussion on this too and 365 is also a possibility. Nobody wants to deal with MS and their licensing though :-D

    catloaf ,

    Libreoffice it is!

    kurcatovium OP , avatar

    That's what we're using now and where quite some problems come from. I don't have anything against it, it's awesome suite for personal use, but running it in company we constantly run into problems with compatibility. Every partner we're dealing with is using MS Office and when they're exchanging spreadsheets or documents with us it's often pain in the a*s to make it work. And MS is not helping in this...

    mp3 , (edited ) avatar

    If you clearly define your needs, it won't be hard to figure out which version you'll want. Then you don't really have to manage those office installations as long as you have enough licenses in the pool.

    That's just the tip of the iceberg, you'll likely want to have something to centrally manage these computers, so something like Intune + EntraID to deploy softwares, manage the user account, etc will be an added cost.

    MajorHavoc , in Dumb Q: How to manage sw licences?

    If you can get the organization to switch to Debian, you could do it all with free software and manage the whole thing with Ansible.

    I mention this because if the org is running Windows software that old, then current generation FOSS software is going to be a breathe of fresh air, by comparison.

    It might not work if someone with a C title has a specific magical Windows package they want.

    But even then, I would manage one or two Windows PCs (for a couple of C suite execs) by hand, than a full organization full. And you would save the organization a boatload of money.

    kurcatovium OP , avatar

    There are multitude of OS & software in running. Some people still use DOS, but most of those were already upgraded - to windows XP. These machines are currently being replaced with Win10 ones. But due to some specific old SW there still need to be some DOS machines running, at least for couple upcoming years. Linux is sadly not an option for typical office workers, again due to some software in use. There's at least open source in places where possible with more (Firefox, Thunderbird, tightVNC, ...) or less (LibreOffice) success.

    e0qdk , avatar

    Can you run the DOS software under DOSBox?

    kurcatovium OP , avatar

    I haven't tried, but given how quirky it is (in house development decades ago with patches and hotfixes stuck to it over years) I highly doubt it would work. The main problem is that there's no will to use Linux in office environment...

    We're at least running it on POS machines - about 150 openSUSE installs - where there's nothing fancy needed.

    e0qdk , avatar

    DOSBox runs on both Linux and Windows (and probably Mac too?); I was suggesting it since you might be able to replace the dying DOS computers with a modern system and just launch the legacy system as an application under it. (You might be able to do the same with a VM as well, but DOSBox came to mind first and may be easier to setup and distribute.)

    Just a thought. If it's not useful, feel free to disregard.

    Nougat ,

    Hell, DOS is open source now. Run it in a Hyper-V on Windows 10.

    MajorHavoc ,

    I haven't tried to run DOS on Win10, but I haven't been able to get my old DOS programs to run on anything Windows XP or newer, myself. XP at least had some compatibility options to try. I don't think I've seen those options in Win7 or newer.

    It will vary by program, but I've needed DosBox on Windows, as well as on Linux, for anything DOS based that I have run anytime recently.

    SMillerNL , in Dumb Q: How to manage sw licences?

    Mobile Device Management software to keep track of what’s installed on devices (probably won’t work with DOS)

    I personally use a password manager to keep track of software keys, but realistically you should probably look for a way to get licenses that doesn’t involve typing a key everywhere.

    BearOfaTime ,

    MD is a great idea to promote during this transition.

    I've found you also need a company system that is independent of system management tools - some places use a help desk ticketing system, some use a change management system.

    Some friends in the SMB space use a single system for their company (IT consulting firms) to track their clients, client hardware purchase dates, contracts, warranty, every change they make, Admin accounts, device ID's, their billable time, etc.

    This way all info on a client is maintained in a single place in case (this is the important bit) you get hit by a bus.

    That's a common refrain - "what happens if bob gets hit by a bus?". Can't have any knowledge dependent upon a single person, everything needs to be maintained in a single, accessible form, hosted on company servers and backed up.

    Being a small operation, this could be a hard sell. Maybe an open-source help desk solution that you can host internally would be acceptible. The hardest part with that is defining roles and who has access to what.

    Something you may consider - small orgs have difficulty documenting their systems (basically it's a lack of manpower, you got shit to do, and documentation seems unimportant). Since there's a transition, it would be incredibly useful to introduce requirements gathering and documentation. A typical model defines Business Requirements, which are mapped to System Requirements, which are then mapped to Technical Requirements (e.g. One Business Requirement will often map to several System Requirements, which usually map to multiple Technical Requirements).

    Look into Business Systems Analysis, there's some intro docs out there for how to do this, it's pretty straightforward, and you don't have to do all the detail, just having some documentation is better than none.

    kurcatovium OP , avatar

    Thanks for deep reply. I'll chew through it.

    Documentation is non-existent now and that's what bothers me the most. I, at least, started to put my agenda and acquired how-tos to plain txt files for future, because with so much shit going on I tend to forget stuff. I'd like to extend it and make it system-wide to cover all the IT related stuff in the company with some proper software to do it in (no idea which). But there's virtually no way this lack of documentation will change dramatically anytime soon. There's simply no will from higher ups and even if there was, there would be no manpower to do it :-( We're barely holding things running.

    BearOfaTime , (edited )

    Here's an idea, since you're an MS shop - OneNote.

    My SMB consultant friends use it as a secondary, shared, more comprehensive and free-form way to track system docs, changes, etc.

    It's so easy to use, just using it yourself will sell it to other people in the company, besides giving you a single place to store stuff (that can easily be shared or copied elsewhere when needed).

    When someone asks "where's this" and you can pull it up in seconds in OneNote, they'll be impressed.

    Just don't use the Universal app version of OneNote, or use OneDrive - use the full version included with Office. I'm still using OneNote 2016,though I think there's a 2022 version (I keep all notebooks in the 2016 version just in case)

    Store your OneNote files on a file share (that gets backed up, and that you can control access), so it only syncs locally. You won't get mobile device sync this way, but it never leaves the premises, and it's not sensitive to OneDrive issues (I've seen OneDrive hose a notebook). (You can do mobile device sync if you store notebooks on a SharePoint server).

    I have a personal notebook I work from, plus a work notebook (which is just mine, not shared). I then create other notebooks as needed - I have an IT Reference notebook with saved web pages and docs of how to fix problems. My personal notebook has a section for a current laptop rebuild, with a spreadsheet embedded that I open every day to track changes and problems.

    OneNote auto syncs between all devices using a given notebook. You can copy anything into it, even zip files or executables (don't do this, since OneNote keeps 3 copies of a notebook locally - working version, cache, and backup).

    Last year I started using the PARA model for my notebooks, and it's a huge help with business stuff: one notebook with section groups (Tabs) for Projects, Area of responsibility, Resources, Archive. I've added a fifth section, Reference, to my work notebook.

    I do things like share emails from outlook to OneNote - it puts the email in there with all it's info, then I can add notes as needed for reference. Great for tracking Approvals.

    If you start using OneNote, there are numerous paid and free add-ons for it that really extend its ability to sort, search, layout, edit, etc, such as OneMore and NoteGem. Just the calendar showing notebook changes is worth installing either one, but the section and page sorting is a massive help.

    I have 15 years of nitebooksbat this point - be judicious in setting up and organizing your notebooks. I've found the idea of Archiving to be hugely helpful.

    NightAuthor , in r/sysadmin and the size of this community

    Did you know that: apart is actually the opposite of a part.

    secret300 , in r/sysadmin and the size of this community

    Is the sysadmim reddit still used by people? Get them to switch on over. I don't get why they haven't already. Link this community in the sidebar on Reddit and pin a post saying we moved to Lemmy

    possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

    It does not say that

    secret300 ,

    It doesn't say "As far as growth goes, I think we need to get the word out. A lot of people just do not know that Lemmy is a thing."?

    possiblylinux127 OP , avatar

    I don't get your point

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