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mosiacmango ,

ROBO licenses are gone. We saw licensing costs for servers at those sites go up 5x.

We have a few years left on our main clusters licensing, but we are already investigating moving off vmware because we expect more of the same.

mosiacmango ,

A 1:1 mix of White vinegar and water is an ancient and cheap cleaner. The smell doesn't linger long at the correct dilution and it kills a whole bunch of things.

mosiacmango ,

Stardates should be a standard calendar at least amongst themselves.

mosiacmango ,

Man, imagine thinking that protesting and civic discourse is something you shouldn't be doing in a institute of higher learning.

Dude thinks college is about getting golden check marks instead of learning how to engage with and improve society.

mosiacmango ,

Lina, the FTC chair, is a stone cold anti monopolist motherfucker. She may be the best appointment the Biden admin has made, and has been non stop kicking corporate ass. The FTC isn't winning them all, but they are actually trying to.

I dont think they will be swayed.

mosiacmango ,

Wasent SPD notable for having the most Jan 6 participants of any precinct in the country?

I think they had like 6 cops either at the rally or breaching the capitol.

I wonder if this is a little “wink wink” to that as a funny little joke.

mosiacmango ,

Initially it was an ambiguous “Fall 2024” which i took to mean shooting to open before Thanksgiving at best.

Aug 30 is a solid improvement, as is maintaining the 8 min train time table even without the barn across the impassable sea.

mosiacmango ,

Your use case sounds like something a nuc or sff from minisforum could handle, but if you want “cheap” and “small enterprise,” both ambiguous terms, the supermicro superservers should fit the bill.

Deck Sealing Advice

My girlfriend’s deck was built out of untreated pine that was never painted or sealed. I dont see anywhere that any wood is rotted or broken yet, but many boards are cupping from the humidity and temperature changes over the last 4 years. If I buy a few gallons of exterior wood sealant and brush on a few layers on top and...

mosiacmango ,

How bad is the “cupping?” Just a bit of give as you walk over it but otherwise level, or literally bowing with no pressure and then really bending if you walk on it?

If it’s the former, I would wait until a few weeks without rain and the seal it, see how it goes. I probally would not remove the board to do both sides as that’s a lot of work for not much gain. Stain is weather proofing, not really structural support. For that you need wood epoxy, which will run a lot more than lumber.

If it’s the latter amount of bowing, probally a full replacement with either deck quailty lumber if she cares, or cheaper, uglier and more weather resistant pressure treated lumber if she doesnt.

You can also try removing a board and flipping it over. It’s likely the other side is not nearly as warped if the bowing isn’t bad. Then flip them all over and seal the “new” top side.

mosiacmango ,

Exaxtly. You can go up to season 3 easily too.

Go watch the “casino in the void” episode of TNG and come back and talk about how much trek sucks now. I personally enjoy the campiness of the episode, but it was played straight, and it was terrible.

21 Bodycam Videos Caught the NYPD Wrongly Arresting Black Kids on Halloween. Why Can’t the Public See the Footage? ( )

ProPublica editor-at-large Eric Umansky started investigating police oversight after an NYPD officer hit a teenager with a car in 2019. In the years since, he’s learned how police departments have undermined the promise of body-worn cameras.

mosiacmango ,

What do you mean? No one is making any guesses.

The author is following up on an instance of police abuse he personally witnessed, was gaslight about, was confirmed to have happened by 21 different pieces of video evidence, and was then swept under the rug by the NYPD.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Its not at all about guesses. The civilain review board watched the footage and confirmed they hit the teenager they were chasing with their cop car, held several unrelated teens at gunpoint, and arrested those unrelated teens unjustifiably. They then recommended the harshest action possible.

The NYPD hand waived it away for 4 of 5 cops, with the 5th only receiving any action because of “swearing.”

How is officially released records about civil rights violations the reporter and his family personally witnessed “a guess?”

We know why the police won’t release the footage. It’s because it proves they act unlawfully. The authors experience, that the article explains in full, explains the “leading question.”

mosiacmango , (edited )

Just to emphasize your point, the guy in this article is the 2nd in command of the seattle police union.

The guy he’s talking to on the phone about how worthless this woman’s life is that a fellow officer just hit and killed? The head of the police union.

Seattle pd has been under a federal consent degree due to racial policing and unwarranted violence for over a decade for context. They also made the news recently for illegally hanging a trump 2020 flag in the same break room where they had trophies from george Floyd protests displayed. Of course no one was reprimanded.

Real good people.

mosiacmango , (edited )

As i understand it, we have 70mph trains now. This guy’s group is proposing we spend a 10s of billions straightening out current sharp curves so we can go up to 110mph rail. Then, we run those trains way more often than we currently do. So it would take 2.5hrs to Portland instead of the 3.5hrs now, but if ran every 2 hours it would be useful and cheaper than spending 100billion on a separated track bullet train that did portland in 1hr.

Personally, based on taking the current sea+pdx amway train and being sidelined for at least 30min total for freight leasing to a 4+ trip, I think we should do both. Start work on the bullet train and correct the current one. Then we can have a good and excellent option that connect the region, and long term, the bullet train can connect to California’s network to form a pacific line.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Gotta love the overall “this is doomed” tone from the conservative Seattle times. Converting buildings is challenging, but this is prime waterfront real estate near the light rail/amtrak. There are likely hundreds of old office buildings that could be converted into thousands of apartments/condos if the will is there, which would help solve real issues in Seattle.

Its a silver bullet if we can get the conversion process streamlined or improved. More housing means more people downtown, which means more business and culture and improved tax revenue for city improvements while retaining all the traffic, climate and employement benefits of work from home. The downtown becomes a place for people, making seattle more walkable and liveable.

Success here is a win in like 9 directions.

mosiacmango ,

My bad. For some reason I thought this was more Sodo, near the stadiums.

mosiacmango , (edited )

A top 10 list that makes you click next to 10 separate pages of ads, with each “recommendation” being itself a referral link, leading off with “just buy some Funko pops lol.”

Save your time.

mosiacmango ,

I sure hope they are bobbing and juking like they did with the misinformation about the strike timing.

It would be great to talk about one plant and unionize another suddenly.

Gold Bar resident says clerk’s shirt is ‘crossing a line’ as some feel unsafe in grocery store ( )

GOLD BAR, Wash. — In Snohomish County, some residents told KIRO 7 they feel unsafe going to their local grocery store. Over the weekend, controversial photos of a cashier at Gold Bar Family Grocer appeared on social media. The photos show a man with a KKK shirt and a loaded holster checking out customers....

mosiacmango ,

You think hes wearing a gun at work in a grocery store checkstand because someone saw a cougar at a far off trailhead? A cougar that ran away as soon as it saw people?

Bullshit. Hes wearing a gun because he has on a KKK shirt in public. Hes using the gun to defend his racism, full stop. Hes saying quite clearly that if you confront him about his racism, he may kill you.

Stop giving racists even a shred of plausible deniability, even when it is as thin as the above.

mosiacmango ,

Again, making excuses for racists. You and I both know why hes carrying at work, because hes a racist fuck advertising his racism, and since he cant defend his racism with words, hes going to do it with a gun.

The stores owners and his coworkers are clearly okay with that, and it sure seems like you are too. “Maybe he is carrying for the wrong reasons?” Maybe? Really, dude?

How about we all say fuck you to racists, and double fuck you to the ones that use guns as a threat of death when expressing their racism?

mosiacmango ,

I’m glad we can agree about the racism man.

I still dont buy the “its rural, so they open carry for wild animal safety” excuse though. I know rural Washington, and most people that open carry are just cowards who soak their brains in fear porn all day, everyday.

They open carry as a replacement for their lack of spine. They dont have the strength of their convictions or any mental fortitude, so they substitute a gun and think it means something besides “I’m scared to death of the world.”

This cowardly racist is just another one of them, open carrying because he doesnt have the stones to stand and deliver his racism without a death stick on his hip.

mosiacmango , (edited )

I gotcha man. My experience with folk that open carry line up more with this guy than otherwise. Concealed is a whole different thing, as it’s not a show of force.

No harm meant up above. These racist fucks in our great state just really grate on my nerves.

mosiacmango ,

Remote is the “hottest” section of job sites, so stupid companies will list every job under “remote” on the off chance that someone looking for remote work will accept non remote work.

The shittier ones will even tell you its remote up until the interviews, when it will suddenly be “hybrid” remote, i.e not remote.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Imagine being upset about a ceremony showing some dignity to 302 people held by clergy, firemen, members of the king county medical office and some members of the public.

302 dead people shown the smallest amount of humanity and grace by a grand sum of 40 members of the city staff and public for 1 day/year, and yall pissy about the $0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001/person it may or may not have cost to hold the ceremony.

Your namesake would have gladly whooped your ass for your shameful statement.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Youre asking how much a ceremony to honor 300 dead costs the good taxpayers of the city because youre an asshole.

The simple answer is it costs nothing, but you know that, you just want to shit on the homeless, because again, you’re an asshole.

Your rude snark about the homeless was absolutely clear, as intended. Playing at “JAQing off” in the comments is fooling literally no one.

mosiacmango ,

Ohh, you’ve moved on from directly hateful snark directed at the homeless to playing at being incredibly stupid instead. I’d say I’m suprised, but I’m really not.

You “bet it was a lot” in terms of the city budget of Seattle, one of the largest metropolises in the United states, and to some degree the world, to bury 302 people in a single grave after the medical examiner did their legally required job? You think the city should have instead just left 302 dead bodies laying around? Y’all really going to play at being this stupid, to argue that Seattle taxpayers would be better off stepping over the dead instead of burying the deceased at a cost that was very clearly absolutely nothing in terms of our yearly budget?

You’re really going to carry on with this incredibly dumb premise that you’re just a big idiot that earnestly thinks a single grave stone and 2hr memorial was a budget busting expensive for our 4 million+ populated metro area?

This is just sad man. Playing at an idiot instead of a hateful piece of shit doesnt save you any amount of face.

Be better.

mosiacmango ,

The pertinent sections:

In many cities, riders have to use a specific transit card for their commute. Working with transit agencies and other partners, Google Wallet makes it easy for riders in some cities to purchase and store your transit pass directly on your phone. We recently started rolling this out for transit riders in Madrid. And starting soon, people in Seattle and the Puget Sound Region will be able to add their ORCA transit cards to Google Wallet.

This is not only a convenient option for people looking to store their everyday essentials on their phone, but also a way to get your new transit card instantly, easily reload the card and set up auto-load.You can also view your real-time transit card balance and transaction history, all from the convenience of your mobile phone. This is helpful for keeping track of your spending and making sure you always have enough fare on your card.

Looks to work with android watches too.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Ohh man, the “demon planet” melting voyager clone episode really set my teeth on edge with this.

Super interesting premise, the metal clones fly out on their own ship, invent/discover new warp tech that is super useful, almost get to earth, but then begin to melt. People die, Tom gets dark and broody in a realistic way, but then as its getting good they all start to die to wrap it up in one episode. So they super warp home to the devil planet, but they realize they arent going to make it, so they fire off a “stable bouy” about who they are/what they learned. By pure, totally realistic happenstance, this buoy both doesn’t survive and the actual voyager is passing nearby at the time, just close enough to see their destroyed remains.

In the insane vastness of space, the chances of these two ships with vastly different propulsion capabilities passing by each other in the very minutes one of them disintegrates is so unlikely as to be nearly impossible, and of course it failed in a way that fully resets any boons actual voyager might have gained from it.

It would have been way more poignant to have the bouy survive, but to have voyager well past it, not able to learn from it because they had gone beyond. To never have them even see or interact with their copies, just to have those copies set out on their same journey but fail, with only a lone bouy to remember them by. A true reminder, a real boon, but one outside of voyagers reach by random chance. Actual life.

But nah, just reset the whole promise of the episode in the last 2 minutes instead.

mosiacmango , (edited )

So blaming rape victims is never a good start, but here we go.

These were very young men in high pressure enviroment. Teenagers, mostly. Maybe 18/19, but not mature adults. They had no support network, as even the coaches turned a blind eye to it as you can see with Jim jordan who they reached out to get help from. This happened basically as the Internet was first starting, in the 80s/90s, so no social media to reach out to.

The “doctor” used sport exams as cover for his sexual assaults. These young men thought it was just them not “being tough” about part of their sport. They didn’t know he did this to a hundred other men.

They probally did know, that even if they did come forward, victim blaming assholes would say it was their fault for not “kicking his ass.” That they would be shamed for being weak about not only being raped, but by not “being manly” about it.

So yeah, like most sexual assualt, the rapist targeted young, vulnerable people unsure of themselves who he knew had no support network. Then, like now, he knew people would blame them as much as possible, and people continue to help rapists by doing so.

mosiacmango ,

Id bet the limited features in this official stellaris mod are held back DLC and concessions to Paramount. Money choices over art.

Mods let people bring art back into buisness. People can make what is actually good without having to worry about making money, or paying someone else money for the privilege of making art.

mosiacmango , (edited )

Komo is owned by sinclair, the right wing mega corp that owns hundreds of local news stations in different markets. The same company of "this is very dangerous to our democracy fame" that forces local anchors to read top down editorial from corporate.

No wonder they are kind to cops. Im surprised the article didn’t have a thin blue line background.

mosiacmango ,

Guinan gained a threatening arc, if anything. The ultra calm, compassionate counselor that scared gods like Q, and could swing a mean rifle when she needed to.

mosiacmango ,

Your coworker is why “code red” was invented.

mosiacmango ,

All his episodes felt like the showrunners were pulling a “Sandler” and just hooking up their out of work friend that used to have a hell of a lounge act.

He is a good actor and singer, but using him so much was just freaking weird. 100% filler in my opinion, even though they did some charector development in his episodes.

mosiacmango ,

So wouldn’t that make the blended neeliz/tuvok the first federation bartender in Star trek?

mosiacmango ,

I think Lt. Barcley and his “300 Trois” program may disagree with you.

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