U.S. News

Gumby , in Mississippi Says Poor Defendants Must Always Have a Lawyer. Few Courts Are Ready to Deliver.

I thought this was a federal law for years. Have poor people been trying to defend themselves all these years?

wheeville ,

Or pressured into taking plea deals without advice of counsel for the sake of closing cases.

greenskye , in Gen Z and Millennials Are Losing Friends Over Spending Habits

Can’t say I’ve experienced this myself (millennial). Maybe I’m the bad influence in my friend group? I’ve definitely turned down going to things because I couldn’t afford it. That said, when gaming at least, I tend to just buy the game for my friends as I want to play with them and don’t want them to have to worry about that cost. Games are, relatively speaking, pretty cheap so I view it comparable to paying for a night out, which is often about the same cost.

while1malloc0 ,

The more likely explanation for your not having experienced it yourself is that the numbers cited are bordering on silly. Millennials and Gen Z make up roughly 20% each of the population of the US [1], so something like 6 million each. The “study” polled roughly 1000 people. Drawing any conclusions at that sample size is pretty spurious, and even then, the percentages that agreed with the headline are in the 20 and 30% range.


Dominic ,

The size of the sample compared to the size of the population doesn’t really matter. What matters is how representative the sample is.

If they got a truly random sample (they didn’t), then 1000 is plenty.

Realistically, it’s probably 1000 Millennial and Gen Z Credit Karma users (already a niche group) who bothered to open an email and take a survey, which is not a realistic representation.

AdamantiteAdventurer , in Gen Z and Millennials Are Losing Friends Over Spending Habits
@AdamantiteAdventurer@beehaw.org avatar

Or in a less twisted headline “Gen Z and Millennials are better at recognizing when a “friend” is actually a bad influence and appropriately cuts ties with them.” Why is every news outlet trying to pit every other generation against the two younger working generations. Like, sorry we can’t afford to have nice food this week or enjoy some entertainment, we’re too busy paying our bills and keeping this roof over our head to be “fun” right now. It’s so depressing; plus the whole Student Loan Debt issue, right when an olive branch gets extended, someone else comes along and yanks it back then spits in your face.

sanols OP ,

I thought the same thing, media outlets love adding fuel to a generational fight that doesn’t accurately portray the situation. I don’t know anyone that chooses their friends based off of income.

StringTheory ,

It’s the ol’ “Divide and Conquer.” Make the peons squabble amongst themselves so they are too distracted to band together against the 1%.

Gumby , in A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They're not happy about it

Now California needs to make a law that any books that have a sexual content rating cannot be sold to public schools. Vendors can then choose between which state they want to sell.

Rentlar ,

This book is known in the state of California to be potentially cancerous.

PostmodernPythia ,

Better to provide context than promote censorship.

Pepper , in A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They're not happy about it

Vendors will up the cost to cover additional labour, the books won’t be in the school budget anymore and conservatives’ll have got what they wanted

StringTheory , in Another bus carrying dozens of migrants from Texas arrives at Union Station in downtown L.A.

So Texans are paying state taxes that are used to ship immigrants a couple thousand miles, and paying federal taxes which are already being used to ship immigrants to welcome centers (more efficiently) all across the country every day.

I would think they’d want their Texas state tax money to go toward solving some of Texas’ problems, like their abysmal maternal death rate or their ludicrously fragile electrical grid.

prole ,
@prole@beehaw.org avatar

I would think they’d want their Texas state tax money to go toward solving some of Texas’ problems, like their abysmal maternal death rate or their ludicrously fragile electrical grid.

The GOP has gone completely mask-off, and no longer even bothers pretending to care about enacting policy to help constituents anymore. They don’t have to. They know their base will vote for the ‘R’ no matter what.

As long as you do some token “owning the libs” (even if it also hurts them, which it almost always does), these politicians will continue to be re-elected. Republicans are completely lost in the sauce, and have made hurting others that they don’t like or understand their top priority. Their only priority actually. And this gets them elected again and again.

I don’t know how you’d even begin to fix this. We’re broken beyond repair.

Gumby , in DeSantis signs bill eliminating permanent alimony

Each state does it differently, but in California alimony is generally 50% of the months of the marriage until 20 years and then it becomes permanent. The concept is that the spouses pooled their resources to generate the best outcome for the family and therefor the family should benefit from that outcome.

If one partner raised the children and took care of the home while the other partner acquired an education and developed a career, both partners benefit from successful children and a home so both partners should benefit from the income that was generated.

If government is going to change the rules, then they need to consider changing all of the related rules. When dividing assets, the courts will now need to consider the future value of an education, employment history, and business contacts. I could see a divorce where 80% of the current financial assets go to one spouse to offset these other assets. What is the present value of future income that is derived from the benefit of not having to stay home and take care of children?

AttackBunny , in New poll shows record number of 40 year olds that have never married

Probably directly proportional to religion falling out of favor.

worfamerryman ,

I don’t think trusts the case. It works explain why black people or people with less education have higher lower rates of being married.

AttackBunny ,

Not sure what you’re trying to say. Sorry.

Snapz , in Supreme Court protects web designer who won’t do gay wedding websites
@Snapz@beehaw.org avatar

The problem is actually that it has been thought through, extensively. The cruelty is the point. Also, nobody ever asked this “web designer” to design a website for a LGBTQIA+ wedding. This is a created farce, about a “what if”. This person creates templates, and doesn’t want LGBTQIA+ to be able to buy them as anyone else could. Conservative donors cherry picked this to ride it up the line to get their time in front of the corrupt, broken SCOTUS.

This allows a person to say that, if they FEEL that whatever their work is is a demonstration of art or self expression, they can limit who receives it… A.K.A. “I put love into the food I make at this diner I own, and my religion is for white, Christians only. We don’t serve food to none of the other non-whites. You need to leave!”

gabuwu OP ,
@gabuwu@beehaw.org avatar

Like I said, it will backfire. When people get refused service for MAGA hats or because of being Christian they will throw a fit but they dug the hole for themselves here.

It’s awful and I agree though. It’s disgusting and the cruelty is the point. But the way this is going to be use against them is going to make things so messy and petty.

Fauxreigner ,

When people get refused service for MAGA hats or because of being Christian they will throw a fit but they dug the hole for themselves here.

You’re presuming that the laws will be applied equitably, which is unlikely to be the case.

Spitfire , in South Park's creators have eliminated tipping at Denver's famed Casa Bonita. Servers now make $30 an hour — and some are mad.
@Spitfire@pawb.social avatar


Tipping has gotten way out of hand and I’d be glad to see it go.

A lot of places ask for a large % tip now, and often it’s expected that you do so.

BeesToTheFace , in South Park's creators have eliminated tipping at Denver's famed Casa Bonita. Servers now make $30 an hour — and some are mad.

Why eliminate tipping? Just pay everyone $30 and put up cards telling the customers tipping is completely optional.

Seathru ,

It’s probably wishful thinking, but I could see this possibly curbing some of the entitlement people can get when using a tip-based service. And that makes for a better work environment.

HairHeel ,
@HairHeel@programming.dev avatar

Tipping is ingrained in our culture so much that people will still feel obligated to. The best way to stop it is to take the tip line off the receipt entirely.

Powderhorn Mod , in DOT Researchers Suggested a Way to Make Big Trucks Safer. After Meeting With Lobbyists, Agency Officials Rejected the Idea.
@Powderhorn@beehaw.org avatar

I love the smell of regulatory capture in the morning.

goryramsy , in First-of-its-kind reparations panel issues report in California

Ironic coming from aljazeera. Wonder what the Qatari government thinks of reparations, they did use slavery to build the FIFA World Cup stadium.

Also, is CA ok? Did they ever even have slavery there?

soiling OP ,
@soiling@beehaw.org avatar

There can be a discussion about Aljazeera as an organization, but that has nothing to do with the content of this article.

And reparations is not only about slavery. This panel wrote 1,075 pages on the subject and it doesn’t sound like you even read one article about it before trying to dispute the validity of a reparations program. Again, there can be discussion about how reparations should be handled, but it should start by acknowledging that colossal amount of work that has already gone into the conversation.

dan , in South Park's creators have eliminated tipping at Denver's famed Casa Bonita. Servers now make $30 an hour — and some are mad.

The system doesn’t make much sense if some servers are better than others, but make the same.

ghostalmedia ,
@ghostalmedia@beehaw.org avatar

That’s what promotions are for.

Pseu ,

Then it becomes a competition not in who can provide the best service to customers, but in who is able to look the best to the boss. If that means being fast and efficient, and not minding if you step on customers’ toes, then the customer experience will falter. If that means talking about other employees’ mistakes behind their back, then the workplace culture can become acidic.

interolivary ,
@interolivary@beehaw.org avatar

Somehow restaurants in countries that don’t have a tipping culture have managed to survive just fine without descending into total chaos

a1tb1t ,
@a1tb1t@lemmy.one avatar

Most jobs work that way. A job has a set pay, and you can get fired or promoted. Tipping is unusual: A janitor doesnt get paid a different amount each paycheck because of how clean others feel it is this week. Cashiers who help you find things in the store don’t make more that day.

Rekorse ,

Base pay has to be the same. You get merit based raised after that. How will they know who’s better and who’s worse at first? They won’t that’s why base pay is equal for everyone.

Some employees have so much experience or other skills that they can immediately ask for a higher base pay but it’s not the average experience.

SenorBolsa , in DOT Researchers Suggested a Way to Make Big Trucks Safer. After Meeting With Lobbyists, Agency Officials Rejected the Idea.
@SenorBolsa@beehaw.org avatar

That’s shit. The ATA is garbage and only fights for the megacarriers.

As a former truck driver who has had the misfortune to be involved in TWO underride collisions I would happily spend the $3000 or so out of my own pocket just to never see what I saw again. (I won’t go into details as I do not want to relive those memories)

Obviously there’s limits on what’s practical to do, but seeing as this all worked out fine in Europe I’d call it a no brainer.

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