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jay2 ,

The conservatives need the babies alive so they can be sent overseas to be killed. It’s the new american way.

Disgusting pigs. All of em.

MisterD ,

Nah, they want to reduce the number of poor and non-white people because they hate them. They have no need to send them overseas to be killed on profitable wars. They have drones for that now.

knokelmaat ,

I feel that reducing access to abortion actually creates more poor people no? As in, not being able to financially support a child is a common reason for not wanting to complete a pregnancy.

Drusas ,

They need wage slaves even more so.

RadioRat , avatar

This really is the trajectory for most unwanted children.

No heritable resources, a fuck ton of trauma, and unaffordable healthcare leads to lifelong difficulties finding and retaining work with no hope of mental health care to fix the central issue.

e_t_ Admin ,

What good is being a neo-feudal lord without peasants to lord over?

douglasg14b , avatar

No, an uneducated populace that can be manipulated into holding views that assist them in staying in power is far more valuable.

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