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sonori , avatar

The best part is from my understanding their new law allows cops to arrest anyone out walking their dog without ID as a possible ‘illegal’ until their family or the cops can break into their houses, shoot the dog, and then maybe find their birth certificate or passport.

That’s right, the same people who freaked out about private companies checking vaccines cards during a pandemic are now raving about how the courts are blocking them from arresting anyone who leaves their house without government permission. But of course, the leopards will know to only eat the brown peoples faces.

May I present the party of ‘small government’ ladies, gentlemen, and others, the party of small government.

TigrisMorte ,

Don't worry, they'll only use it against brown people so no problem, right? /s

Moira_Mayhem ,

Can we please stop pretending republicunt hypocrisy is new or funny?

sonori , avatar

No. That the Republicans are just populist with no consistent moral or policy positions is too important to just leave unsaid.

Moira_Mayhem ,

Ok I have to admit you are right on that fact. Just I wish the articles weren’t written as if this was some recent development in an otherwise moral party with reasonable differences in perspective that was willing to work on common ground.

Because republicunts are not that at all and the framing makes it seem like ‘well they used to be up until this shocking moment’, and we get those moments 2 or 3 times a month these days…

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