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Moira_Mayhem ,

I wonder how many examples of corporations making life miserable for normal people need to be made public before enough people realize we are in deep shit to start protesting.

Crony capitalism decays everything it touches for the sole purpose of shunting the lion’s share of our nation’s wealth into the pockets of the already obscenely rich.

Unclassified letter reveals NSA's warrantless purchase of Americans' internet browsing data ( )

My data is already bought and sold by companies. But when government agencies do it, suddenly we only need to stop them. Stop this madness. It shouldn’t matter if it’s corporations or a government, why not stop the sale of people’s data?

Moira_Mayhem ,

Well if a thing is immoral and unethical, then isn’t it reasonable to call for it to be MADE illegal?

Moira_Mayhem ,

TOR was originally a DARPA project and everyone seems to forget this.

I mean, it’s caught a ton of pedos so I can’t really be angry but anyone who thought a DARPA project wasn’t going to be massively salted with 3 letter agency tracking servers are just plain naive.

Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if a ton of those bitcoin doublers weren’t NSA agents making some sidecash.

Moira_Mayhem ,

Just because one thing is bad doesn’t mean other things can’t be.

Tiktok is bad because it weaponizes short attention span laziness and feeds depression.

TOR is bad because there is a good chance the government has stripped away its privacy capabilities.

Frankly in my mind that makes Tiktok a fucktonne worse.

Most of the people ‘harmed’ by TOR exit node scraping are pedos and illegal weapons dealers.

Most of the people harmed by tiktok is literally 2 generations of youth.

Can you not see the difference?

Moira_Mayhem ,

then maybe you should limit your ‘chilling effect’ replies as to not damp down the fervor for change that is starting to develop in response to government overreach.

Arguing that it isn’t unconstitutional isn’t productive if you want to see it changed.

You don’t have to be a Devil’s Advocate for bad government policy.

Moira_Mayhem ,

If people feel that this should be illegal they should write their representatives

Waste of time and paper and you know that. Our representatives that would support us in this, and not just reply with a form letter, already know and push the issues but they are a minority in congress.

If fireworks become illegal on July 5th I can’t be found guilty for shooting them off on July 4th.

I’m more concerned with making sure it doesn’t happen in the future. If that means everyone being shitbags in the past get a free pass, maybe that’s worth it.

The headline implies the NSA broke a law that does not exist,

It sure would be nice if the PATRIOT act hadn’t fucked everyone’s opinion on privacy.

Moira_Mayhem ,

You don’t need to simp for an agency that spies on innocent civilians, you really don’t.

Moira_Mayhem ,

So many fucking government bootlickers in this thread, starting to think you’re all sockpuppets.

Moira_Mayhem ,

I bet you think if you lick that boot good enough they won’t step on your neck with it.

So fucking naive.

Also I already reported your sockpuppets, enjoy the ban.

Moira_Mayhem ,

And I’ve found that facts have been largely irrelevant in nearly every level of social discourse for the last 15 years.

Especially when it comes to government.

I know it’s comforting to believe that isn’t the case, that humanity is at base level rational and reasonable.

Unfortunately this is a lie. The significant majority of humanity only follow rationality as far as it will help them achieve their goals.

I cannot even count any more how often I have been objectively, factually right and was dismissed for not saying it in a way that they would like, which is abandoning factual accuracy to preserve certain comfortable illusions.

So I’ve largely given up on wasting my time and effort to bring objective facts to people on the internet and in my government.

I find that the best way to change things for the better is to get out in the streets and shout a lot.

Moira_Mayhem ,

Your argument about the downsides of tiktok (attention span and laziness) applies to anything

Lol no, Bytedance hired a whole think tank of psychologists to create a second filter standard for non-Chinese users that is differently curated from their Chinese user set. I’m not even wasting the time to detail it more because it has been in the news for years now

Moira_Mayhem ,

Imagine how much better the world would be if every dictator’s personal guard dragged them out into the street and handed them to mob justice…

Boebert is target of rivals at debate for new-to-her district in Colorado, where most Republican candidates debated last night have been arrested ( )

Seeking a better shot at victory, and after the “Beetlejuice” incident, Lauren Boebert is shifting districts for her 2024 run. Her fellow Republicans onstage reminded her of it repeatedly....

Moira_Mayhem ,

They are the party of hypocrisy and bigotry, it’s that simple.

Everything they claim they are, they do the opposite of.

Everything they rail against, they do in private with practiced ease.

The fact that they have the power they do proves that humanity in general is not rational or logical and we really need to stop pretending that everyone is.

State inspectors denied entry to privately-run immigration detention center in Tacoma ( )

Washington state health and workplace inspectors have repeatedly been denied entry to a for-profit federal immigration detention center in Tacoma, where detainees have filed hundreds of complaints over issues like neglected hygiene, poor food and inadequate medical care....

Moira_Mayhem ,

The love of money is the root of many evils.

And capitalism calls it virtue.

Moira_Mayhem ,

And capitalism kills

Florida approved rules that prohibit diversity, equity and inclusion spending and remove sociology from general education at community and state colleges ( )

The established rules follow Gov. Ron DeSantis’s conservative target on education in the state, where he signed a DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) law last year that dismantles such programs in public colleges and universities while making changes to the post-tenure review process for faculty....

Moira_Mayhem ,

My personal take: conservative men are obsessed with a toxic concept of manliness, and hold it as a monolithic and primary value, which is why they like to fall in line under large, angry people.

LGBTQ+ people confuse them, there are women who act more like men, and men who act more like women, challenging their conceptions.

Since, as a whole, conservatives reject introspection the challenge is interpreted as a personal attack.

Yes you read that right, conservatives feel that gay people just existing is a threat to their identity and lash out.

Almost all of it boils down to ‘How DARE you force me to question my worldview!?’

Meet the operatives who profited from January 6: New evidence shows how political professionals made big money organizing the rallies that preceded the riot ( )

About 1,300 Americans have been charged with crimes for actions related to January 6. That includes Trump, whose false allegations of election fraud were the main cause of the attack. But the insurrection was made possible by another group of people—a web of political operatives who personally profited by helping to assemble...

Moira_Mayhem ,

More proof we are in an oligarchy, the patsies get soaked and the organizers sit and sip their champagne as the well-being of the nation collapses.

Guillotines. Many. Now.

Sanders warns Biden: address working-class fears or risk losing to demagogue ( )

"We’ve got to see the White House move more aggressively on healthcare, on housing, on tax reform, on the high cost of prescription drugs,” Sanders said. “If we can get the president to move in that direction, he will win; if not, he’s going to lose.”...

Moira_Mayhem ,

Until we get unlimited corporate money out of politics we will never stop being sacrificed for the wealth of the privileged few.

Moira_Mayhem ,

That said, I feel one party is far more open to restricting unlimited donations, and that’s a start.

Moira_Mayhem ,

One may be rusty shitbox, but the other is radioactive rusty shitbox that is also on fire.

I’ll vote rusty shitbox every time given the option.

Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms to test whether cash payments can protect children from the toxic stress of poverty ( )

Flint moms who enroll will receive up to $7,500 to help boost their infant’s footing in the first year of life — a one-time $1,500 payment in mid-pregnancy, followed by $500 per month for the first year of their child’s life.

Moira_Mayhem ,

Every single large scale test of UBI has resulted in massive positive outcomes for the most needy and secondary and tertiary benefits to the community and local economy in general.

And every singe large scale test of UBI gets buried in the news cycle, propagandized as a threat to communities, and promptly forgotten about as the next shitshow that has become our daily lives erupts.

We are all owned, bought and sold. Cattle to push the engine of commerce so that 10 people can own half the world.

The Texas National Guard has seized control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas, and is denying U.S. Border Patrol agents access to the area ( )

The Biden administration sued Texas last week over recent legislation signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott signing that grants local law enforcement the authority to arrest migrants and allow judges to order deportations. The administration argues that the law goes against constitutional mandates granting the federal government...

Moira_Mayhem ,

Can we please stop pretending republicunt hypocrisy is new or funny?

Moira_Mayhem ,

Ok I have to admit you are right on that fact. Just I wish the articles weren’t written as if this was some recent development in an otherwise moral party with reasonable differences in perspective that was willing to work on common ground.

Because republicunts are not that at all and the framing makes it seem like ‘well they used to be up until this shocking moment’, and we get those moments 2 or 3 times a month these days…

The vast majority of state and local tax systems are regressive, or upside-down, requiring a much greater share of income from low- and middle-income families than from wealthy families, study says ( )

On average, the lowest-income 20 percent of taxpayers face a state and local tax rate nearly 60 percent higher than the top 1 percent of households, according to a study by the Institue on Taxation and Economic Policy....

Moira_Mayhem ,

Wealth inequality is one of the legs of discontent that will tear this nation apart in the next 30 years. We are starting to hit Depression level inflation on food and housing, and it won’t be long before a bunch of angry parents can’t feed their kids.

I have a protest bag already packed and waiting.

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