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alyaza OP Mod , avatar
FfaerieOxide , avatar

You can't theologically base views you goddamned wankers.

snooggums , avatar

Somehow this logic won’t be applied to executions, because these people are hypocrites even with their sky God mumbo jumbo.

TehPers ,

So what they’re saying is the law only applies to Christians? Satanists are plenty happy with abortions and contraceptives, surely they’d get a pass if their religious texts encourage it.

Xtallll , avatar

Infinity punishment for finite transgressions is kinda the whole point of modern Christianity.

yetAnotherUser ,

Humans have an infinite value yet Alabama has the death sentence.

LoamImprovement ,

Unborn humans. Once they’re out of the womb they can go fuck themselves.

millie ,

Meanwhile doing everything in their power to increase poverty and suffering.

RamblingPanda ,

Then let the wrath of a holy God judge me and fuck off until that happens.

spider , (edited )

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